Trainer (BP)  (Region Ostschweiz):
3 Provider

Ein Ausbilder unterrichtet Erwachsene
Erklärvideo: Fachausweis Ausbilder/in
Ihre Fachkompetenz mit dem eidgenössisch anerkannten Abschluss
Preview of the video «Erklärvideo: Fachausweis Ausbilder/in»
Preview of the video «Erklärvideo: Fachausweis Ausbilder/in»
Preview of the video «Ausbilder / Ausbilderin mit eidg. Fachausweis»
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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

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Riggenbachstrasse 8
4600 Olten
Preview of the video «Erklärvideo: Fachausweis Ausbilder/in»
Preview of the video «Erklärvideo: Fachausweis Ausbilder/in»
Learning workshop: Instructor with federal certificate
(5,6) Excellent 188 188 Ratings (100% )
Expand your skills: With the recognized qualification as an instructor with a federal certificate, you will appear on the education market as a qualified specialist and demonstrate your social, professional and methodological skills. You will gain self-confidence and lay the foundations for new career opportunities.

Your plus with the Lernwerkstatt:
- Guarantee of attendance
- Missed course dates can be made up to a limited extent on a parallel course
- Reimbursement of 50% of the course costs in the form of a federal subsidy if you attend all modules and complete the "Trainer with federal certificate" course.
- On your doorstep: 11 locations and 3 time models
- Free career and marketing program
- 350 courses already successfully completed.
- We can also conduct the course at your location. Ask for a quote.
Strengths: Guaranteed implementation / 11 locations / 3 time models / Missed course dates can be made up to a limited extent on a parallel course
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Biel, Brugg, Buchs/SG, Burgdorf, Bülach, Chur, Luzern, Nottwil, Olten, Pfäffikon/SZ, Sargans, Schaffhausen, Solothurn, Spiez, St. Gallen, Sursee, Thun, Uster, Weinfelden, Winterthur, Zug, Zürich Flughafen, Zürich HB, Zürich Oerlikon, Zürich West
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Institut für berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung IBAW
Plan your next career move

Would you like to take off professionally? Support your employees with customized further training? The IBAW offers high-quality, practical training courses for private individuals and companies/institutions at various locations in Switzerland.

The offer includes the following areas:

- Finance and accounting
- Management and business administration
- Human Resources
- Commercial offers
- Office & ECDL
- Marketing & Sales
- Project and service management
- Business informatics
- System and network technology
- Digital Collaboration and Transformation
- Graphic Design
- Coding and data science
- Web design and development
- Microsoft certifications
Strengths: The Institute for Vocational Education and Training IBAW offers high-quality, practical training courses for private individuals and companies/institutions throughout Switzerland.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Horgen, Luzern, Olten, Rapperswil, Sursee, Thun, Zug, Zürich
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Hermes 5
ISO 21001 SQS
Schweizer Berghilfe
Bahnhofplatz 2
9000 St. Gallen
Vocational training and further education Klubschule Pro.
"Education for all" - this has been our guiding principle for over 75 years. As a leading educational institution, we offer low-threshold access to vocational education and training. We impress our customers with a broad and inspiring range of application-oriented courses and training programs.
Region: Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Chur, Frauenfeld, Schaffhausen, St. Gallen, Wetzikon, Winterthur

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Questions and answers

Mit einer Ausbildung "Ausbilder / Ausbilderin (BP)" können Sie gemäss Absolventen und Absolventinnen folgendes erreichen:

  • Einstieg in qualifizierte Bildungsarbeit mit Erwachsenen
  • über notwendigen sozialen, fachlichen und methodischen Kompetenz verfügen
  • Erwachsene beim Lernen unterstützen und auf unterschiedliche Lerntypen einzugehen können
  • kompetente Lern-Begleitung von Einzelnen oder Gruppen
  • Kurse/Seminare konzipieren und organisieren sowie Verantwortung für Durchführung und Auswertung tragen
  • Bildungsbedarf für bestimmte Zielgruppe evaluieren und darauf zugeschnittene Bildungskonzepte erstellen
  • Zwischenabschluss mit SVEB-Zertifikat Kursleiter/in
  • sich optimal auf die eidg. Prüfung zum Ausbilder-Fachausweis vorbereiten
  • Abschluss Ausbilderin resp. Ausbilder mit eidg. Fachausweis erwerben
  • neue berufliche Chancen nutzen
  • verkürzte Einstieg in Weiterbildung zum Betrieblichen Mentor
  • Weiterentwicklung in die Ausbildungsleitung mit eidg. Diplom oder Nachdiplomlehrgänge

In an instructor job, the following activities are required after the professional examination:

  • Leading courses, seminars and conferences
    • Organizing and following up on events
    • Train and develop employees
    • Leading courses for educational and leisure centers, clubs, associations and trade unions
  • before the courses, seminars or conferences
    • Planning educational offers and developing new offers
    • Evaluate the training needs of companies, institutions or specific target groups
    • take into account subject-specific, methodological-didactic as well as educational policy, organizational and financial framework conditions
    • Define learning content and learning objectives with the client
  • during courses, seminars and conferences
    • Competent support for individuals and groups
    • Accompany and support learners in the learning process
    • Motivating learners and checking learning progress

Required module qualifications for the federal certificate for trainers:

  • Old system since 2015:
    • Module 1 - Conducting learning events with adults
    • Module 2 - Supporting group processes in learning events
    • Module 3 - Informing and supporting learners
    • Module 4 - Planning learning events for adults
    • Module 5 - Didactically designing learning events for adults
  • New instructor system according to the new Ada modular system from 2023:
    • Group module
    • Accompanying module
    • Didactics module
    • Transversal module
    • Networking module
    • Specialization module

The results of a survey conducted by the education platform answer this question about training for trainers as follows:

  • 77% of respondents would still like to see whether this course meets their needs.
  • However, 12% of survey participants show their interest on the basis of a recommendation.
  • 11% show interest due to being mentioned in job advertisements.

We find out about other motives by means of a free text response option:

  • "I want to be able to teach cosmetics"
  • "New perspectives"
  • "Filling gaps"
  • "I would like to pass on my knowledge to learners and improve my CV as a result"
  • "Because it interests me and suits me"
  • "As we have juniors, I would like to give them the opportunity to start an apprenticeship with us"
  • "Opens up new job prospects"
  • "I have already completed this in Germany"

Further training courses after graduating as an instructor with a federal certificate:

  • Higher professional examination for qualified training manager
  • Higher professional examination for qualified Head of Human Resources
  • CAS - MAS in Education Management / in E-Learning / in Knowledge Management

Bei einigen SVEB-Anbietern ist es möglich, das SVEB-Zertifikat in Kombination mit dem anerkannten EUROLTA-Zertifikat für Sprachkursleitende zu absolvieren. Um sicherzugehen, sollten Sie sich direkt bei den Schulen erkundigen, ob diese Möglichkeit besteht. Für Personen, die Sprachen unterrichten möchten, ist dies sicher eine optimale Ergänzung.

A survey of those interested in education revealed the following findings:

  • 65% of respondents have sent school inquiries to schools for instructor training after reading an online assessment.
  • 22% made school inquiries following a recommendation.
  • 13% knew the school(s) they contacted for detailed information on further training.

Other reasons were given in free text responses: "because of the location", "I live nearby", "I wanted to get broad information", "Google suggestion", "good reputation" and "out of interest".

Die Berufsprüfung Ausbilder / Ausbilderin mit eidgenössischem Fachausweis eignet sich für alle Personen die in der Erwachsenenbildung tätig sind, sich als Fachkraft auf dem Bildungsmarkt qualifizieren und ihre methodischen, didaktischen Fähigkeiten mit einem vom SBFI (Staatsekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation) anerkannten Abschluss belegen wollen.

Instructor certificate - the following is required at the latest when applying for the certificate, i.e. when registering for the professional examination:

  • At least three years of vocational training (EFZ) or a technical, vocational or high school diploma or
    Equivalent qualification at upper secondary level
  • At least four years or 300 hours of professional experience in the field of training
  • Acquisition of all required module qualifications
  • Proof of at least 16 hours of group supervision in relation to the training practice

Bei dern Wördern Ausbilder oder Ausbildner respektive Ausbilderin oder Ausbildnerin handelt es sich um Synonyme ohne Bedeutungsunterschied. Insgesamt wird in der Schweiz mehrheitlich die Variante Ausbildner / Ausbildnerin verwendet. Jedoch heisst der offizielle Titel nach der Berufsprüfung Ausbilderin / Ausbilder mit eid. Fachausweis.

Der Lehrgang zum eidgenössische Fachausweis Ausbilder / Ausbilderin vermittelt die notwendigen methodisch, didaktischen Fähigkeiten, um als qualifizierte Fachkraft in der Erwachsenenbildung tätig zu sein. Sie sind in der Lage Lernveranstaltungen durchzuführen, Gruppenprozesse zu begleiten, Lernende zu informieren und zu unterstützen und Lernveranstaltungen zu planen und didaktisch zu gestalten. Dabei erfahren Sie, welche Rolle Sie in einer Gruppe einnehmen und Selbstreflexion. Diverse Praxisübungen im geschützten Rahmen sowie das Feedback von aussen führt bei vielen zu mehr Selbstvertrauen. Das ermutigt dann auch Neues auszuprobieren. Teilnehmende lernen Präsenz beim Unterrichten, gutes Storytelling und wie ein Spannungsbogen im Ausbildungkonzept integriert werden kann.

The requirements for instructor jobs are:

  • Good general knowledge and a high level of expertise in their own specialist area
  • Enjoy working with adults
  • Interest in educational issues
  • pedagogical talent
  • Communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Performance competence
  • Organizational talent
  • Time flexibility due to irregular assignments

Tips, tests & information on "Trainers with a federal certificate"

Is adult education really my vocation?
» Appointment test for adult education
How well known is the "Trainer" course and what is its image among employers?
» Awareness and image
What wage increase can I expect after completing the course?
» Wage information, wage calculator
What can graduates do after completing the course?
» Skills and competencies
What personal experiences have previous participants had with the course?
» Evaluation of training / experience
Do I belong to the target group? Do I meet the requirements? Can I complete the course?
» Instructor self-test
What are the advantages of the course?
» Advantages
Overview of the professional field of adult education
» Adult education guide
Interview with course leaders and lecturers
» Experiences of course leader and lecturer Canan Schärrer
How can I finance my continuing education? How can I benefit from federal subject funding?
» SERI Federal contributions for continuing education for professional examinations and higher professional examinations
What is required in the trainer job? How are the activities divided up?
» Information from job advertisements

Infographic "Trainer training and further education"

Find the right educational level and qualification immediately with!

Do you know your options for training or further training as an instructor in the field of adult education? We will show you where you stand in the Swiss education system and what higher levels and qualifications are available.

Download infographic immediately free of charge

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Educational counseling online

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Erfahrungsbericht Andrea Heitmann»
Preview of the video «Erklärvideo: Fachausweis Ausbilder/in»
Preview of the video «Ausbilder / Ausbilderin mit eidg. Fachausweis: Kompetent unterrichten»
Preview of the video «SVEB Kursleiter oder Ausbilder/in mit eidg. Fachausweis? Gewappnet für professionelles Unterrichten»
Preview of the video «Ausbilder / Ausbilderin mit eidg. Fachausweis»
Preview of the video «Ausbilder Weiterbildung als Vorbereitung auf die Berufsprüfung»
Preview of the video «Ausbilder / Ausbilderin: 6 Vorteile, 4 Nachteile»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.