Study abroad in French: offers, information, experience reports, FAQ

Ein Mann in einem Französisch Sprachaufenthalt steht vor dem Eiffelturm und lächelt in die Kamera.
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Are you looking for a French language study trip? Here you will find suitable schools as well as further information, tips and resources for further education.

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French language study trip - Combine traveling and learning

As a world language, French is understood and spoken in many countries. If you want to learn this wonderful language for school, work or leisure, or if you want to expand your existing knowledge, a French language study trip is the perfect choice. Because only through daily contact with the language, through continuous listening and speaking, can you really learn a foreign language perfectly and make significant linguistic progress within a very short time.

Would you like to improve your French? Nowhere else can you learn a foreign language better and more efficiently than in the country in which it is used. For this reason, we recommend that you consider a French language study trip and enquire about suitable offers. A language study trip is not only attractive because of the efficient learning. A language study trip also gives you the opportunity to get to know another country, its people and culture and to broaden your horizons. Travel to France or another French-speaking country and learn the melodious and popular French language. During your free time, you can go on short trips or excursions and explore the country's nature, landscapes or cities. You will always have the opportunity to practise and consolidate the French you have learned.

Qualify for exciting and varied jobs thanks to the language skills you acquire during your stay in French. What's more, you'll have no trouble communicating in French during your future stays and vacations in French-speaking countries. You can find offers for French language courses on the Swiss education portal.

There are usually many different course models that you can choose from at a language school. It therefore always makes sense to first decide on a course that interests you and then choose the schools that offer these courses. After all, you want to learn a language during your stay and not just go on vacation. Please always keep this in mind, because only in this way will you be satisfied with the school, the facilities and the course.

Possible courses could be

  • Standard course
  • Intensive course
  • Super intensive course
  • Preparation course
  • Individual lessons
  • Combination courses
  • Special courses

All language schools offer standard and intensive courses. These comprise around 20 or 25 weekly lessons, although this number depends on the individual language school and can therefore vary. Super-intensive courses often extend to 30 lessons per week. With combination courses, you usually take part in the normal standard course and then have a few more lessons a week of individual tuition, which you can of course also book exclusively. The DELF preparation course is suitable for all those who would like to be officially tested in French during their language stay in order to obtain a language diploma.

Questions and answers

Ein Sprachaufenthalt für Französisch kann bereits ab einer Woche Länge gebucht werden. Doch sollten Sie bedenken, dass ein solch kurzer Aufenthalt Ihnen keine allzu grossen Sprachkenntnisse vermitteln kann. Selbst bei einem Intensivkurs, der etwa 30 Lektionen umfasst, bedeutet dies, dass Sie gerade einmal genau diese 30 Stunden absolvieren, bevor Sie wieder nach Hause fahren. Einen Sprachkurs können Sie immer im Wochentakt buchen, meist mit Sonntag als Anreisetag und Samstag als Abreisetag. Das heisst jedoch auch, dass es bei Buchung einer Woche eigentlich nur fünf volle Tage sind, welche Sie in der Französischschule verbringen und Ihnen somit wenig Zeit für Exkursionen und Freizeitaktivitäten bleiben.

According to our inquiries, the target group is interested in a French language course for adults for the following reasons:

  • 34% want to find out which French study trip suits their learning goals exactly
  • 33 % are interested on the basis of a recommendation
  • 33% are interested because such a course is required in a job description.

It depends entirely on the individual language school which costs are included in the price quoted. As a rule, the price includes the cost of the French course, the course materials and the accommodation you have chosen, possibly with half board if booked. In addition to these costs for your French language study trip, you will usually have to add the leisure program, registration fees or agency fees, as well as travel costs and possibly airport transfers. There may also be a surcharge during the high season at some schools, especially for residences, as well as during the Christmas and New Year period with host families. If you have chosen a diploma course, you should note that the costs for the DELF or DALF exams are usually not included in the price, which usually amount to a further 150 francs. If you have opted for accommodation in a hall of residence, you should bear in mind that this usually does not include meals, which you will have to take care of yourself (not for youth trips). Extracurricular activities, additional bookable activities, travel on public transport and entrance fees are also charged separately, as are deposits that are often required for apartments. As there can be quite a lot of additional costs, you should ask for quotes from a number of schools and compare them in detail and check what is included so that you can be sure to find not only the best French course, but also the right school at the best possible price for your French language study trip.

Here you will find extensive information and tipsand a direct link to providers of language courses in France.

Wer seine Kinder für einen Sprachaufenthalt für Französisch an einer guten Sprachschule anmelden möchte, dem sehen einige interessante Angebote zur Verfügung. Je nach Alter Ihres Kindes eignen sich Sprachcamps, die hier in der Schweiz durchgeführt werden, möglicherweise besser, als Sprachreisen nach Frankreich, die eher für Jugendliche ab 13 Jahren zu empfehlen sind. Solche Sprachreisen können in die unterschiedlichsten Gegenden Frankreichs führen, in grössere Städte oder kleiner Provinzen, je nachdem, was Sie sich für Ihren Sohn oder Ihre Tochter vorstellen. Einige Angebote kombinieren zudem Sprachkurse mit speziellen Freizeitkursen, etwa Tennis oder Segeln, andere bieten abwechslungsreiche Freizeitprogramme mit Exkursionen und Sportnachmittagen. Bei allen Angeboten sollten Sie immer darauf achten, dass für eine gute Betreuung auch ausserhalb der Kurse gesorgt ist und Ihre Kinder jederzeit einen Ansprechpartner haben.
Es variiert je nach Anbieter, welche Sprachkurse er im Angebot hat. So bieten Sprachreiseanbieter für Jugendsprachreisen häufig nur eine festgelegte Anzahl von Sprachlektionen in der Woche an, so dass alle Teilnehmer, wenngleich in unterschiedlichen Leistungsgruppen, doch dieselbe Lektionenanzahl pro Tag und Woche absolviert. Dies liegt auch daran, dass das Rahmenprogramm meist wesentlich straffer organisiert ist, als bei Sprachreisen für junge Erwachsenen oder eine andere Zielgruppe, welche auch selbständig die Umgebung erkunden möchte.

Bei Sprachreisen für junge Erwachsene, Erwachsene, Senioren oder Berufstätige finden Sie bei einem Sprachaufenthalt Französisch meist mehrere Sprachkurs-Arten auf unterschiedlichen Leistungsniveaustufen vor. So gibt es meist die Standardkurse, mit etwa 20 Lektionen in der Woche, Intensivkurse mit bis zu 30 Lektionen, spezielle Diplomkurse für französische Sprachdiplome, Semi-Intensivkurse mit etwa 25 Stunden in der Woche oder Kombinationskurse aus Gruppenkursen und Einzelunterricht. Die genaue Anzahl der Lektionen pro Woche variiert dabei ebenso wie die Auswahl der Kurse je nach Schule. Bei einigen Sprachschulen können Sie zudem einen Französischkurs mit einer bestimmten Freizeitbeschäftigung kombinieren, etwa Kochen, Golfen oder Kultur.

Ganz gleich, ob Sie Ihr Kind für einen Sprachaufenthalt Französisch nach Frankreich oder eine andere französischsprachige Regionen schicken, Sie haben vor der Buchung einiges zu beachten, um die passende Sprachschule für Ihren Sohn oder Ihre Tochter zu finden. Zuerst ist es wichtig, dass Sie sich für den passenden Ort entscheiden. Bei Kindern unter 13 Jahren kann es sonnvoller sein, sie zuerst einmal zu einem Sprachcamp anzumelden, das an vielen Orten in der Schweiz stattfindet und nicht all zu weit von zu Hause entfernt ist. Bei der Wahl der Schule sollten Sie in allen Fällen darauf achten, dass sie bereits seit einigen Jahren besteht und über gute Referenzen verfügt.

Klären Sie auch, welche Qualifikationen die Lehrpersonen haben und welche Kursmodelle es gibt. Bei Kindern und jüngeren Jugendlichen sind Intensivkurse nicht empfehlenswert und können schnell zu einer Verweigerung führen. Fangen Sie lieber klein an und schauen Sie sich nach einem Französischkurs um, der nicht mehr als drei oder vier Lektionen am Tag umfasst. Überlegen Sie sich, ob Sie möchten, dass Ihr Kind während des Französisch-Sprachaufenthalts in einer Gastfamilie oder lieber auf dem Campus der Schule wohnt. Beide Möglichkeiten bieten Vor- und Nachteile und sollte familienintern geregelt werden. Ein Kind mit Heimweh ist wohl besser in einer Gastfamilie aufgehoben, eines mit grosser Abenteuerlust in einem Wohnheim.

Klären Sie ab, wie es mit der Betreuung aussieht. Wie viele Lehrkräfte und Betreuer kommen auf wie viele Kinder? Sind die Kinder rund um die Uhr unter Aufsicht? Ist das Gelände gesichert? Kann kein Unbefugter hereinkommen? Auch sollten organisierte Freizeitangebote vorhanden sein, seien dies Malkurse oder Volleyball-Spiele. Für die Wahl der richtigen Schule finden Sie weitere Informationen in unserem kostenlosen Ratgeber „So entscheiden Sie sich für den richtigen Bildungsanbieter“ (siehe Navigationspunkt „Bildungshilfe“ oben).<

According to our survey, language-learning adults ask schools about a French language study trip because 34% already knew the school. 33% asked schools for a recommendation. The remaining 33% had read an online review of French language courses there before enquiring about a school.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.


Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

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Talweg 52
8707 Uetikon am See
Agency Switzerland Westbourne Academy GmbH
The Westbourne Academy is located in the south of England and is recognized by the British Council. Thanks to a high level of word-of-mouth advertising, very low prices can be offered. At the same time, above-average examination results have been achieved for years.

For French, Spanish, Italian and school courses, the Swiss agency works with first-class partner schools.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Uetikon am See
Vordere Vorstadt 8
5001 Aarau
BIKU Languages AG
Are you demanding? Do you expect the best quality? Are you not satisfied with average performance? Then BIKU Languages is the right place for you! We have specialized in language travel worldwide since 1986 and can help you find the language school that suits you best. We offer you the original prices of the schools and take care of the administrative work for you. You will be advised by a person who knows all the schools and has visited them personally.
Region: Aargau
Sites: Aarau
Bohl 2
9000 St. Gallen
Pro Linguis - StudyLingua Group
Pro Linguis has been arranging language courses since 1955, making it the oldest and most experienced Swiss agency for language courses. The renowned company offers classic language courses in 11 languages in almost 40 different countries. Let the Pro Linguis team advise you - we will find the perfect offer for young people, adults or families. Be it a language stay, an exchange year, a Work & Study Experience or a bridging offer for studying abroad. We will make your stay abroad an unforgettable experience! Pro Linguis is part of the StudyLingua Group.

The in-house language school "StudyLingua Sprachschule" offers group courses and private lessons in over 40 different languages in the heart of Zurich. All our teachers are native speakers and are passionate about teaching their respective languages! Thanks to our needs analysis and small class sizes of a maximum of four participants, each course is tailored to the wishes of our participants.
Strengths: Competent and free advice | Guaranteed best prices thanks to original prices from local language schools | Pro Linguis knows all language schools personally | Provider with over 65 years of experience
Region: Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Basel, Bern, St. Gallen, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
English Australia
Quality English
Selnaustrasse 30
8001 Zürich
EF Sprachaufenthalte und Kulturaustausch Weltweit
Experience, competence and service are top priorities at EF! Since 1965, more than 3 million language students have chosen to learn a language abroad with EF. Today, we are one of the world's largest private organizers of language stays and language travel. We think that's not without reason! At our own language schools in 50 fascinating destinations, we offer a varied program for all language levels and all age groups. Since 2008, we have also been working successfully with the University of Cambridge ESOL - with further benefits for our customers.
Strengths: Own EF language schools and EF learning method / Over 55 years of experience / Organization from A-Z / Guaranteed learning success / Own app during your stay
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Genf, Lausanne, Lugano, Luzern, St. Gallen, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
British Council
English UK
Preview of the video «Sprachaufenthalt in Kanada»
Preview of the video «Sprachaufenthalt in Kanada»
Linguista language courses
(5,6) Excellent 27 27 Ratings (100% )
Are you ready for the best time of your life?
For over 35 years, Linguista Sprachaufenthalte has been your reliable partner when it comes to organizing language study trips worldwide with enthusiasm and passion for languages and travel. We maintain a trusting and long-standing working relationship with our international partner schools, guaranteeing you a high standard of quality and great flexibility. Our team consists of proven language travel specialists, all of whom are experienced travelers and have of course been on several language study trips themselves. We provide you with free, comprehensive and competent advice. We know how to respond to the individual wishes of our customers and plan each language study trip individually and tailored to their learning goals, previous knowledge and personal needs.
Strengths: Linguista offers free advice on language study trips for all ages and language goals. Our staff have been on site and know the partner schools personally. Benefit from our know-how.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Basel, Bern, Luzern, Winterthur, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
British Council
English UK
Quality English
Bahnhofplatz 4
8001 Zürich
ESL - Language courses
(5,2) Very good 70 70 Ratings (97% )
Language stays, internships abroad & gap year programs worldwide.
Languages are like a key to a new world. They help us to understand other cultures and broaden our own horizons. Languages are also an absolute plus point for any CV. For over 20 years, ESL - Language Study Abroad has been offering life-changing educational opportunities abroad for young and old. In addition to tailor-made language courses abroad and courses to obtain official language certificates, we also offer gap year programs including internships, traineeships or studies abroad. In addition to the standard languages English, French and Italian, we also offer more exotic languages such as Korean, Japanese and Arabic.
Strengths: Personal support before, during and after your language study trip / More than 20 languages and 250 destinations worldwide / Over 20 years of experience in the language travel sector.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Basel, Bellinzona, Bern, Freiburg, Genf, Lausanne, Locarno, Lugano, Luzern, Montreux, Neuenburg, Serfontana - Chiasso, Sitten, St. Gallen, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
English UK
Quality English

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung