Mindfulness training: provider overview, information, checklists, questions and answers

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Mindfulness training: more serenity and efficiency with mindfulness exercises

Mindfulness is a word that we come across time and time again, but what practical effect does it have when we learn to be mindful? Anyone who learns mindfulness - e.g. in a mindfulness training course - will witness things suddenly falling into place as if by themselves. You learn to let go, accept and remain calm, to deal calmly with pressure situations, setbacks or stress when challenging situations or crises threaten to disrupt your everyday (working) life. In challenging phases, you learn to concentrate on the essentials and thus achieve greater efficiency and focus. After a hectic day, you learn to switch off and recharge your batteries. In this way, self-respect and respect for other people (clients, employees, managers, family, etc.) can grow and a relaxed and value-free attitude can develop.

Through seminars or courses on mindfulness, participants learn to sharpen their own perception and awareness and find their inner peace by acquiring the right technique. This technique includes meditation sessions and practical exercises. In a process of various techniques, participants learn, for example, how impatience, disturbing, rushing thoughts or pain can be accepted and thus prevented by looking at them from the outside without judgment. If you want to go one step further, you can train to become a mindfulness trainer.

Various studies have demonstrated the positive effect of mindfulness training on all levels (body, soul and spirit). It has been confirmed that thanks to the training...

  • ...tensions in muscles are released
  • ...the blood pressure is regulated
  • ...excitement and restlessness are reduced
  • ...concentration is promoted
  • ...feelings of anxiety are reduced
  • ...the immune system is strengthened
  • ...the work-life balance is promoted

Would you like to find out more about mindfulness training and are you looking for specific providers in your region? On Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch you will find an overview of renowned providers of seminars and courses on the subject. Order comprehensive information documents free of charge and without obligation or arrange a personal consultation directly online.

Questions and answers

Scientific research has shown that mindfulness training has a positive influence on self-awareness, attention and memory performance for managers, employees and staff in a company. It provides an approach for dealing with stress of all kinds in a healthy way and thus leads to greater well-being and serenity. The regular practice of mindfulness exercises supports and promotes self-management skills, problem-solving and negotiation skills, which are generally in high demand in companies.

The course of mindfulness training can of course vary depending on the school, course or lesson. However, such an approach can often be observed: Theoretical introduction to topics including mindfulness, human perception and stress in conjunction with corresponding practical mindfulness exercises, reflection on personal experiences, as well as daily tasks to do at home or on the go.

In mindfulness training exercises, a distinction is made between so-called formal and informal exercises. The former include various forms of mediation, the body scan, Pilates and yoga, which are practiced at home. The informal exercises are designed so that they can be used in everyday life or on the go. These can consist of performing an everyday task with mindfulness or keeping a diary of stressful situations. Such exercises are by no means rigid, but can be individually adapted to personal strengths and weaknesses, as well as wishes.

University studies show that mindfulness training has a positive effect on the human psyche. Through mindfulness exercises, the everyday focus is directed back to the "here and now". Spirals of thought are interrupted in time, which has a healing effect. Your own body awareness, mental stability and resilience are strengthened and stress resistance is improved. By reducing inner and outer tension and unrest, people are more balanced, calmer, more positive, more attentive, more alert and more patient. They develop an awareness of their own stress limits, which enables them to improve their physical and mental performance. Mindfulness training promotes and strengthens their own motivation, creativity, coping skills, personal resources and cognitive abilities, such as concentration. It can therefore also be extremely helpful for students or company employees. Furthermore, MBSR or mindfulness training can also act as a preventative measure. For example, the method shows promising results with anxiety, depression or addicts, such as smokers or alcoholics. Mindfulness is said to have a comparable effect against relapses here as can be observed with traditional conventional medication.

A variety of mindfulness training courses are offered in Switzerland. These generally aim to teach course participants the principle of mindfulness and its practical and individual application in their private and professional lives. Online courses, compact courses, block courses, intensive courses, in-depth courses, information courses, introductory courses, practice sessions or practice days can be completed. According to the MBSR Association Switzerland, numerous mindfulness courses are held in the regions of Zurich, Bern, Solothurn, Lucerne, Zug, Aargau and Basel, and occasionally also in French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino. These are aimed at private individuals, children, senior citizens, parents, teachers, managers, organizations and companies.

The term "MBSR" is often mentioned in connection with mindfulness, mindfulness training or mindfulness exercises. But what is MBSR? The abbreviation stands for "Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction", which translates as "stress management through mindfulness". It is a scientifically based form of therapy developed in 1979 by Jon Kabat Zinn, a professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, which can be practiced regardless of age, gender, health, religion or spiritual orientation. The 8-week program formulated by Kabat Zinn has not changed much since then and is still considered the only one whose effectiveness has been confirmed by studies. Regular training is even said to change the brain structure in precisely those regions in which feelings of stress and anxiety, self-perception and empathy are anchored. An important part of the MBSR course is the mindfulness training exercises, which must be completed regularly and daily, as well as the exchange of experiences in groups.

Meditation, yoga, cognitive therapy, body scan / body awareness, stress resistance, resilience, awareness, relaxation, feelings.

  • People who want to strengthen their own perception and experience their lives more consciously
  • Stressed people with complaints such as sleep disorders, exhaustion, headaches and migraines, stomach problems, etc.
  • People who want to prevent burn-out
  • Complementary to medical and psychotherapeutic measures (e.g. people with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, personality disorders, pain, chronic pain)

There are various definitions of the term mindfulness, a very special state of attention, perception and awareness. It has its roots in Buddhist teachings and meditation. In general, mindfulness means perceiving the present and the current moment consciously, intensively and, above all, without judgment. Many people are so stressed in everyday life that they no longer really perceive the moment, i.e. the "here and now". Everything goes faster and faster, like a constant race against time. At breakfast you are already thinking about the afternoon and in the evening your thoughts are already circling around the tasks for the next day. Mindfulness means freeing people from the hamster wheel of the daily rush. It is by no means just a buzzword or an esoteric practice, but rather an internalized technique, a way of life that teaches us how to deal with everyday burdens such as stress, pressure or (chronic) pain. It is therefore primarily about acceptance.

The term mindfulness is clearly distinguished from the term concentration. With the latter, all attention is consciously directed towards a specific object, for example. In contrast, the expression of mindfulness does not narrow down, but adopts a broad, open and open-minded perspective in order to take in and perceive everything.

The main difference between mindfulness training and autogenic training is that it does not "forget" or even suppress stress of any kind, but rather aims to train how to deal with it, i.e. how to accept it. With the help of mindfulness and the adoption of a value-free view from the outside, awareness and perception should be trained. This means trying to face stressful feelings and unpleasant situations with curiosity, kindness, neutrality, equanimity and acceptance, which over time leads to a state of relaxation. Autogenic training is a relaxation method with which a desired state can be achieved.

Mindfulness training for children can help them to cope better with the pressure to perform that lurks everywhere, for example at school, as well as the daily hectic pace and stress. Studies have also documented the positive effect of mindfulness exercises integrated into everyday life, for example in children with ADD/ADHD. They learn how to perceive themselves and consequently how to calm themselves down in different situations and according to their individual needs. It should be mentioned here that a specific medical and professional assessment is recommended for the appropriate form of therapy for the child. Mindfulness training in children leads to a greater ability to pay attention and concentrate, as well as a sensitized perception, classification and regulation of emotions. It is also reported to support the development of valuable social skills, such as appreciation and empathy.

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Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website www.berufsberatung.ch (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

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Sites: Zürich, Thalwil, Rüschlikon, Feusisberg, Unterägeri
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