Acupuncture massage: training, overview of providers

Eine Frau will mit einer Akupunkt-Massage ihre Verspannungen und Blockaden lösen.
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Are you looking for acupuncture massage training? - Here you will find suitable schools as well as further information, tips and resources for further training.

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Acupuncture massage: releasing blocked energy flows

Acupuncture massage is in many ways comparable to the widely known acupuncture. The main difference, however, is that acupuncture massage does not use needles to treat medical conditions. Without damaging the skin, a person's vital energies are brought back into balance in order to support the body in its self-healing process.

Acupuncture massage, which is derived from Chinese medicine and energy theory, mainly affects the meridians, the body's energy channels. Blockages are released over a larger area with the help of massage sticks and the energies are redirected into the right channels. The positive effect is almost instantaneous and clearly shows how effective this energetic treatment method is. Depending on the patient, different parts of the body and therefore different meridians are treated, which makes this treatment method so individual.

Various seminars and courses for training and further education have been offered in Switzerland for a number of years, most of which are based on the teachings of Penzel and Radloff. If you are also interested in a course, it is advisable to first obtain sufficient information about their programs, prices and services from a number of teaching institutions.

As most of the training is divided into several modules that you have to complete in order to obtain the certificate, you should be really sure in advance that this seminar is actually suitable for you and that you are willing to continue your training. Find out more about some schools for acupuncture massage here and receive free documentation on the individual training courses as well as advanced courses.

Questions and answers

Acupuncture massage, which was developed by the German bath attendant and masseur Wilhelm Penzel on the basis of Far Eastern healing methods, has been used in the Western world since the 1950s and 1960s. It is still taught and used today as APM, acupuncture massage according to Penzel. This method was further developed in later years by Klaus Radloff, who also developed the ear reflex zone control, ORK for short. Radloff's acupoint massage is also known as energetic-static treatment, ESB/APM, and, like Penzel's method, is based on a holistic view of the human being within yin and yang. Qi, the basis of all life, is created by the opposing forces of Yin and Yan, which alternate and complement each other. This life energy flows through the body as meridians, the energy pathways, as long as yin and yang are in harmony. As soon as these are out of balance, the flow of energy, the Qi, is disrupted and blockages occur, which can lead to illnesses and deficiency symptoms if prolonged. These blockages within the meridians can be treated with a targeted acupuncture massage, resulting in an undisturbed flow of vital energy.

During an acupuncture massage, a massage stick with a rounded tip is used to specifically stimulate acupuncture points within the meridians, the energy channels, and thus release blockages. This is done in a painless way; patients only feel a pressure during the acupuncture massage, which is only described as unpleasant in rare cases.

In principle, you only need health insurance recognition if you intend to set up a professional practice in the field of complementary medicine. This is not important for anyone who only wants to practise acupuncture massage in their free time. In order for you to be able to bill your sessions professionally via the supplementary health insurance schemes, it is necessary that your training has been carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the Empirical Medicine Register (EMR) or the Swiss Foundation for Complementary Medicine (ASCA) and that you are registered there. These associations stipulate a minimum number of hours for the individual methods as well as some of the content. However, in order to register with the EMR, for example, you must also have completed at least 150 hours of basic training in conventional medicine and at least 250 hours of therapy sessions after completing your training. Further information can be obtained directly from the EMR or ASCA, as well as from the relevant acupuncture massage schools and health insurance companies.

Depending on the educational institute where you start your training in acupuncture massage or acupuncture massage, the respective course models vary. In most cases, however, you can get to know this extremely exciting field of therapy in a beginner's course and then receive more in-depth training in advanced courses. Most schools also offer diploma courses, which are made up of individual modules and end with an examination. These diploma courses serve as an introduction to the professional practice of acupuncture massage.

Some schools where you can complete a course in acupuncture massage expect interested parties to have basic knowledge in the field of massage, while others require basic medical knowledge. Often, however, people are also admitted who have no prior knowledge and would like to acquire this within such a course. More detailed information on the prerequisites and admission requirements for acupuncture massage courses can be obtained directly from the relevant schools.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

Gösgerstrasse 15
5012 Schönenwerd
Radloff Training Institute
(5.3) Very good 7 7 Ratings (100% )
The Radloff Teaching Institute offers the original training to become a Radloff acupuncture massage therapist. With this method you can influence a variety of complaints. Using approaches from Eastern energy teachings and manual therapeutic measures, you treat people according to their individual condition.
The lessons take place in a personal atmosphere and in small groups. We offer learning support, an individual learning pace and process-oriented learning. Therapists can register with EMR, ASCA, Visana and the EGK.
Strengths: Training and further education in the field of acupuncture massage up to the Federal Diploma in Complementary Therapy APM Therapy, further education in the field of Chinese medicine and personal nutritional support. Medicine and personal nutritional support
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern
Sites: Schönenwerd
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Akademie für Komplementärtherapie, Akupunktmassage und Wirbelsäulen-Basis-Ausgleich
Im Schörli 3
8600 Dübendorf ZH
Academy for complementary therapy, acupuncture massage and basic spinal balancing
(5.6) Excellent 48 48 Ratings (100% )
Training program:
- Complementary therapist APM with federal diploma based on the resources of the "METID APM (504 hours) for EMR no. 4011 and 401
- Basic spinal balancing (37 days) for EMR no. 206
- Acupoint massage (APM) (incl. neuromuscular relaxation, fascilitation and regeneration with the vibrating cushion) (21 days) for EMR no. 6
- Manual osteopathic treatment techniques. incl. spiral dynamic muscle chain training (16 days)
- Neuromuscular relaxation, fascilitation and regeneration with the vibration cushion (2 days)
- Spiral dynamic muscle chain training (movement coordination and stabilization) (2 days)
- Myofascial manual techniques and trigger points (6 days)

Our school is eduQua certified and is certified for training as a complementary therapist APM with federal recognition.

Rolf Ott, Swiss Certified Complementary Therapist APM, specialized in holistic bodywork at a very early stage.
In 1980, he founded the Academy for Acupuncture Massage and Basic Spinal Balancing according to Rolf Ott®.
Strengths: Benefit from our more than 30 years of experience and the limited class size. WBA is a training program that will continue to offer stability in the field of complementary therapy in the future.
Region: Basel, Bern, Zürich
Sites: Dübendorf
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Aarestrasse 30
3600 Thun, Aarau und Rapperswil
Bodyfeet AG
Bodyfeet is one of the leading specialist schools for naturopathy and manual therapy

Our wide range of courses and interesting training programs are available at our main locations in Thun, Aarau and Rapperswil.

We also offer basic courses in classical massage and foot reflexology at our branch offices.

Enter the world of Bodyfeet!
Region: Aargau, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Jegenstorf, Landquart, Muttenz, Rapperswil, Root, Rotkreuz, Thun, Visp, Wil
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
OdA mm

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung