Spiritual healing / mediumship: training, offers, provider overview

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Training in Spiritual Healing / Mediumship (Cert.): Healing without laying on of hands

The training in spiritual healing and mediumship is suitable for anyone who is interested in energetic, spiritual and non-material phenomena and wants to use their abilities to alleviate other people's complaints.

The courses are part-time and consist of course blocks in free or fixed order. More about the training and activities of spiritual healers at: Tips, tests and information on training in "Spiritual Healing / Mediumship".

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Spiritual healing / mediumship training: Laying on of hands and transmission of transformative energies

The basic principle of spiritual healing is to stimulate the body's natural self-healing powers and to release energetic and/or physical blockages. This allows energies to flow again and body - soul - spirit can find a new balance. Spiritual healing can have a beneficial effect on a wide range of illnesses. Whether a person is suffering physically, mentally or spiritually - acutely or chronically - from inner conflicts or difficulties with their environment - this spiritual method can help! Are you interested in spiritual matters and would you like to promote your spiritual growth and help people through spiritual healing and mediumship training? If you always feel the inner urge to help people who are suffering and have a strong sense of compassion, you most probably have a gift for spiritual healing.

During the training to become a spiritual / energetic healer and medium, you will be familiarized with the basics of spiritual healing and train your own mediumship. In addition to the technical knowledge on this subject, your personality will also be strengthened and trained. It is important for a spiritual healer to have a strong sense of self-worth and independence. During the training in mediumship, you will also have ample opportunity to apply the theory in practical exercises and gain initial experience. You will learn the basics of sensitivity, laying on of hands, extrasensory perception, aura perception, trance and spirit helpers. Take a look at specific offers for "Spiritual Healing" training at Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch and ask for more detailed information, which will be sent to you free of charge and without obligation.

Questions and answers

In principle, each school sets its own admission requirements for its courses, such as the Spiritual Healing / Mediumship training, but usually no previous knowledge or qualifications are required. Some providers recommend that you have completed professional training, but people who do not have this, but who are very receptive to mediumship and have a stable mental and spiritual constitution, are usually admitted to mediumship training.

Spiritual healing and mediumship training costs between 450 and 8,500 francs, depending on the scope of the training. Before you embark on a training course, check exactly how much time and money you want to invest and what the school in question can offer you in return. You decide for yourself how you want to learn spiritual healing.

Training in the field of spiritual healing and mediumship is not a federally recognized and therefore regulated training course, so each school determines the content, structure and duration of the course individually. At some schools, a spiritual healing course lasts a few weeks or months, at others 3 years. However, be sure to check the number of days or lessons and the duration of the complete course so that you can compare all providers.

At a specialist school for mediality, the following goals are pursued with the participants:

  • Basic training in sensitivity and mediumship
  • Discovering your own healing potential
  • Development of additional healing potential
  • Training the ability to concentrate
  • Attunement to spiritual healing
  • Deepen knowledge through practical experience and exercises
Each school for mediumship offers very individual courses and training programs for spiritual healing training, so it is not possible to say in general terms what content will be explicitly covered. Always ask the individual schools to send you comprehensive training documents and then consider which course best suits your personal needs. For example, a course in spiritual healing can provide you with the following content:
  • Basics of spiritual healing
  • Concentration techniques
  • Self-healing
  • Energetic protection techniques
  • Esoteric tools
  • Clairsentience
  • Psychometrics
  • Telepathy
  • Dying processes
  • Grief counseling
  • Aura clairvoyance
  • Spirit guide
  • Trance
  • Trance Healing
  • Patient treatment

The success of medical and naturopathic healing methods also depends on the patient's belief in their success. Spiritual healing works in exactly the same way. A spiritual healer tries to strengthen the belief - consciously or unconsciously - with the help of suggestive actions and spiritual healing. It can be used for all illnesses, but should never replace other necessary healing methods.

After comprehensive spiritual healing training, you will generally have sufficient knowledge and qualifications to conduct sessions independently and initiate healing processes. Some seminars also provide you with the most important information for running your own spiritual healing practice, such as structure, marketing and billing, so that you are not only professionally competent, but also receive comprehensive theoretical tools for your self-employment.

Tips, tests and information on training "Spiritual Healing / Mediumship (Cert.)"

What does a healer do? What does their professional activity look like?
» Professional activity
How do I become a healer? What educational paths and qualifications are there?
» Training, requirements, qualifications
What do I learn in the spiritual healing course?
» Learning material, skills, knowledge
What opportunities does spiritual healing training open up for me?
» Prospects and further training opportunities
How does spiritual healing training work and how much does it cost?
» Duration of training and training costs
Is spiritual healing the right training for me?
» Do I belong to the target group
What are the advantages of this training?
» 10 advantages of spiritual healing training

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website www.berufsberatung.ch (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Warum Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch? Bildungsportal mit top Service für Bildungsinteressenten»

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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

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Kapellstrasse 15a
8847 Egg
Unser Versprechen
Alle unsere Dienstleistungen bewirken, dass du dich im Inneren sowie im Äusseren wandelst.
Dein Leben wird sich dadurch zum Positiven verändern. Dennoch bleibst du allein für die Veränderungen verantwortlich, die nach einer Sitzung mit dir geschehen.
Alle Veränderungen, die im Anschluss an unsere Arbeit in deinem Leben eintreten, erfolgen auf Grundlage deiner Eigenverantwortung.
Wir erstellen keine Diagnosen und geben keine Heilversprechen. Unsere Arbeit dient der Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte und ersetzt nicht die Diagnose oder Behandlung eines Arztes, Psychologen, Psychotherapeuten oder Heilpraktikers.
Strengths: With Energy Healing you create healing on all levels. Physically, mentally, psychically, energetically and in consciousness. A tried and tested system for holistic healing that lasts.
Region: Zentralschweiz
Sites: Egg
Next start date
Münstergasse 35
3011 Bern
College for mediality
The Fachschule für Medialität (FFM) has been offering basic and serious mediumship training in Bern for 20 years, based on the tradition of spiritualistic mediumship training.
- Training: Every year, a 1 ½ year basic training course begins, which is designed to give you a solid foundation in spiritual healing and mediumship. In addition to the basic training in sensitivity and mediumship, the focus of the training is on developing your own healing potential.
- Introductory course: On 4 Saturdays, we will give you a comprehensive insight into the various areas of sensitivity and mediumship with practical exercises. No previous knowledge is required for this course and it is open to all interested parties.
- Further training in spiritual healing with the EPI® method. Prerequisite: Basic training in spiritual healing and mediumship.
Region: Bern
Sites: Bern
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Bahnhofstrasse 13
3076 Worb
C&H Consulting, Courses, Seminars GmbH
The Fachschule C&H Beratungen, Kurse, Seminare GmbH, Christoph Bürer, medium, certified psychic astrologer ZFA, teacher for spiritual communication and Heidi Bürer-Gmünder, graduate in practical psychology, certified yoga teacher (Parampadma Dhiranandaji), seminar leader for autogenic training, offers mediumistic and spiritual personality development. Psychology, certified yoga teacher (Parampadma Dhiranandaji), seminar leader for autogenic training, offers mediumistic and spiritual personality development:
- Annual training "Spiritual Psychology" 2025-2026
- Annual training course "Mediumship and Healing" 2026-2027
- Continuing education, further training "The next level of mediumship and healing"
- Basic and advanced course in psychological-spiritual astrology
- Ongoing hatha yoga courses
- Evening practice circles for meditation, mediumship, healing and experimental trance
- Seminars on spiritual development and personal growth
Region: Bern
Sites: Worb
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Sonnenbergstrasse 36
8032 Zürich
Soul Sense Academy for Integral Consciousness
(5.7) Excellent 41 41 Ratings (100% )
Well-founded training with depth for a high level of awareness.

Courses recognized in Switzerland & internationally with a focus on Process support / coaching / mentoring / spirituality / mediumship / course management & training

We offer integral courses of study at our locations in Zurich, Oberburg BE and Bürglen TG. In addition to practical teaching, you benefit from numerous online modules to enhance your professionalism and market presence.

Be inspired by our innovative degree programs. Get a head start with the latest knowledge from consciousness research & integral psychology.

Benefit from unique advantages:

Scientifically sound - spiritually inspired
Flexible study times
Free update even after the training
Individual support for your gifts
Professional specialist training & personal development
Own course houses with a feel-good atmosphere
Up to 50% subject funding from the federal government
Strengths: Your specialist for: Process guidance, hypnosis, mentoring, mediumship, coaching, astro-astrology & integral psychology. Scientifically sound, spiritually inspired. Live & Online
Region: Bern, Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Bürglen TG, Oberburg, Zürich
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Egelbergstrasse, 33
3006 Bern
Magic of life - space of new creation
The training with inestimable value, where you not only develop your own potential, but also learn the new, powerful healing impulses that lead from exhaustion to new creation in the time of the change of consciousness.

With the knowledge that we all already carry everything within us, we remember the magic of life and touch hearts. We love what we do and look forward to bringing you closer to this fascinating world, regardless of whether you already have experience in spiritual healing or not.

Experience and learn deeply transformative forms of healing that show their effects immediately and are complementary to each other. You will receive a wonderful package of valuable tools that you can use immediately for yourself, other people and animals. This knowledge is unique, the healing applications adapted to modern times and refined and supplemented by many years of experience.
Region: Bern
Sites: Bern
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Schumacherstrasse 3
6037 Root
Practice Angelica
Angelica Practice - Claudia Angelica Lüthi
I have been working in my own therapeutic practice with spiritual-energetic healing and Cheiro numerology since 2008. I pass on my extensive knowledge in certified courses and training programs.

Healing Energy Work of the New Era is an advanced form of spiritual-energetic healing work. In this training you will learn spiritual-energetic healing and, with a lot of background knowledge, start with the basics. No previous knowledge is necessary. If you are already working therapeutically, this knowledge can be integrated into your work.

Numerology according to Cheiro as an online course. I have been working with numerology for over 30 years. During this time, I have become familiar with various systems and can use them specifically to support coaching. I pass on my in-depth knowledge in certified training courses.
Region: Zentralschweiz
Sites: Root
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Chrummatt 15
4612 Wangen bei Olten
Practice for being
Holistic natural healing and spiritual life coaching!
As a certified life and health counselor and psychoanalyst, Esra Telesel has been successfully running her practice since 2002 - in which alternative medicine, mediumship and psychology, spirituality and new forms of therapy are harmoniously intertwined. In her SEMINARS, she trains people in consciousness training, health and mediumship.
"The human being is at the center. - The interface of all my areas of work is holism - to activate the self-healing powers in each person through consciousness training and to promote their development for the benefit of all. The essence is to bring everything that has been separated back into unity, to allow everything to permeate the soul. Because man, life is perfect - everything is already there. My work consists of bringing back what has been heaped up, what has been forgotten, and guiding people into their independence and self-responsibility - with respect for their self-determination."
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern
Sites: Wangen bei Olten
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Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung