Treatment nursing course: Information on training and offers from nursing schools

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Would you like to learn how to master the challenges of treatment care professionally and safely through training or further education?

Then the treatment nursing course published on is exactly the right choice. Order documents from renowned nursing schools directly online, easily and without obligation:

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Tipps und Entscheidungshilfen für die Ausbildungswahl

Anyone working in care or long-term care is regularly faced with demanding care tasks and challenges. Many skills are not taught during basic training and challenge even trained professionals. One way of gaining more confidence in the field of long-term care and long-term nursing is to take a course in treatment care. The content of the course is made up of topics that are relevant in everyday life, such as pain, skin, medication theory, blood sampling and injections. In addition, skills relating to infusions, wound care and blood sampling are taught. Knowledge about the organs, cardiovascular system, immunology, muscles and nerves, digestion, probes, stoma and urinary tract is also taught. Course participants will learn abbreviations in technical jargon and will be able to understand doctors' letters and instructions.

The aim of the treatment care course is to expand participants' skills so that, for example, they can interpret clients' vital signs, carry out various medical technology tasks professionally and expertly and provide long-term care responsibly and competently.

The treatment care course usually lasts around 10 - 14 training days and concludes with a certificate that meets the requirements of the "Medical Technical Procedures" certificate of competence. This certificate of competence is in turn a prerequisite for admission to the federal professional examination in long-term care and nursing.

Are you a healthcare specialist, care specialist for the disabled in care departments of social institutions, geriatric care or long-term care, geriatric nurse EFZ, qualified care specialist, home carer EFZ or FASRK?

FAGE EFZ, FABE EFZ disabled persons in care departments in social institutions, FABE EFZ disabled persons in long-term care, geriatric nurses EFZ, FABE EFZ elderly persons, FASRK, qualified nursing staff, home nurses EFZ or FASRK, then this course is a good choice.


Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

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Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

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6000 Luzern 6
ARTISET Education - Continuing education
ARTISET Education is your competence center for practical, innovative continuing education for professionals in social institutions for people with support needs. Practical and competence-oriented. To promote your professional and personal development.

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Our specialist courses provide employees with targeted external training on a specific topic. In training courses, postgraduate courses and postgraduate studies, professionals acquire in-depth knowledge and skills. In-house training courses support the common attitude and actions of an institution.
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Region: Bern, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Luzern, Bern
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