Movement therapist: training, continuing education, further training, information, tips, schools at a glance

Tanztherapie / Bewegungstherapie
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Movement therapist / dance therapist (certified): Healing the soul through the body

The training courses in movement and dance therapy are aimed at adults who have a higher education in psychology, health, education or an artistic field, as well as interested individuals without any relevant previous training. The courses are part-time and can be continued over several levels up to the federal diploma as an art therapist in movement and dance therapy.

Find out more about the job description, career opportunities and training options in our "Tips, tests and information".

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Movement therapist: practising successfully with dance therapy methods

The profession of movement therapist consists of accompanying both healthy people and those with an illness. Dance therapy or movement therapy improves the perception of the body and the ability to experience. The aim of this method is to strengthen expressive possibilities and increase self-confidence. The therapies take place individually or in group sessions. Movement therapy is becoming increasingly popular. This is why more and more people are undergoing further training in this area.

Are you looking for training or a course leading to a qualification as a dance therapist? On you will find numerous offers from different institutes. Ask the provider of your choice to send you detailed course documentation on the subject. Simply use the online contact form.

Questions and answers

After training as a movement therapist, you can accompany people in your own practice or in institutions in a process- and conflict-centered way. In process-oriented dance and movement therapy, you have a conflict-centered and process-oriented approach to therapeutic work.

You should have the following personal prerequisites for training as a movement therapist:

  • Completed basic training such as an apprenticeship, high school diploma or University of Applied Sciences or university degree
  • Personal responsibility
  • creative curiosity
  • Mental and physical resilience
  • Good time and financial planning
  • Age limit: e.g. 25 years

Ask the school about the exact requirements.

As a dance and movement therapist, you work with individuals or groups and can find possible employment in the following places:

  • in clinics
  • in socio-educational institutions
  • at schools
  • in the socio-cultural field
  • in leisure facilities
  • in your own practice

Further training in movement therapy can be differentiated as follows:

  • In terms of orientation: resource-oriented or process-oriented
  • After completion: school certificate, association certificate, EFZ, CAS, DAS or higher professional examination with federal diploma
  • Duration: the duration of training can vary greatly depending on the training and therefore also cost different amounts

With a degree in movement therapy, you have the opportunity to work in the leisure sector, in a psychosocial institution or in your own practice. This means that you can find employment in leisure facilities as well as in schools, clinics or socio-educational institutions, where you can support the development or healing of very different people using movement and dance therapy methods.

The choice of courses and training programs in movement, dance or body therapy is very wide, so the admission requirements and prerequisites for the individual training and further education courses also vary. For some courses you do not need any special prior knowledge, such as for training as a dance and movement therapist, but you do need to have completed a vocational apprenticeship, a school-leaving certificate or a higher degree. These courses therefore enable lateral entry as a movement therapist. However, the requirements for this further training may vary from school to school, so it is essential to clarify the admission requirements directly with the training providers beforehand.

As CAS and DAS postgraduate courses, people are trained as sports and exercise therapists. This is used for mental illnesses, internal diseases, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. These therapists motivate, accompany and advise patients to exercise and help them to improve their lifestyle.

The Higher Professional Examination (HFP) to become an art therapist with a federal diploma can currently be taken in five different specializations, which include music therapy, intermedial therapy, design and painting therapy, drama and speech therapy as well as movement and dance therapy. If you would like to train as a movement therapist, the advanced specialist examination is an interesting and highly regarded further training course at a high level.

Federally recognized movement therapist training or further training in the field of movement therapy are the apprenticeship training to become a specialist in movement and health promotion with a federal certificate of competence (EFZ), the higher professional examination in art therapy with a federal diploma and the training to become a manager of health tourism and movement with a federal diploma. Nevertheless, you can complete many further training courses to become a movement therapist that are recognized by an association. Please ask the schools directly about the recognition of the individual courses you are interested in.

In a dance and movement therapy course, for example, you learn the following:

  • Fundamentals of dance and movement therapy and process psychology
  • Expansion and differentiation of your movement repertoire and perception channels
  • Consolidation of dance therapy methodology and practice
  • Developmental psychology and its relevance for practical work
  • Accompanying movement processes
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Rhythm and voice
  • Conflict-centered dance and movement therapy
  • Body-oriented psychotherapeutic methods and concepts
  • In-depth study of psychopathology and practice
  • Consolidation of process-oriented methods and concepts
  • Art and therapy
  • Symptom work and psychosomatics
  • Live and case supervision
  • Working with dreams
  • Social processes
  • Process-oriented working method: Movement, painting, voice, theater, etc.
  • Group process and process theater
  • Communication concepts and practice
  • Process analysis
  • Course of therapy and case documentation

Tips, tests and information on "Movement therapist / dance therapist (certified)"

What is movement and dance therapy? What does a movement therapist or dance therapist do?
» Professional activity
How do I become a movement therapist / dance therapist? What educational paths and qualifications are there?
» Training, qualifications, recognition
What will I learn during my training?
» Learning material, knowledge
What opportunities does continuing education, further training open up for me?
» Prospects and job opportunities
How does the training work and how much does it cost?
» Duration of training, costs, admission
Is movement and dance therapy the right training for me?
» Do I belong to the target group
What are the advantages of this training?
» 10 advantages
Is art therapy really my vocation?
» Test your vocation here
What experiences have previous course participants had with the training in dance therapy and movement therapy?
» Evaluation of training / experience

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»

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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

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Rosswiesstrasse 29
8608 Bubikon
Verein Erwachsenen- und Seniorenrhythmik nach Dalcroze
Der Verein setzt sich für die Aufrechterhaltung der geistigen und körperlichen Mobilität älterer Menschen ein. Als Nonprofitorganisation setzt er sich zum Ziel möglichst vielen älteren Menschen den Zugang zu einem regelmässig stattfindenden Rhythmikkurs zu ermöglichen.
Wissenschaftliche Studien belegen, dass eine regelmässige Teilnahme das Sturzrisiko über 50% senkt.
Das Besondere dieses Trainings besteht darin, dass die Bewegungsübungen zu live gespielter Klaviermusik ausgeführt werden.
Der Verein bietet Personen mit guten Klavierspielfähigkeiten Weiterbildungsangebote an, welche eine bereichernde Erweiterung der eigenen beruflichen Tätigkeiten ermöglichen.
- Erprobte und beliebte Lehrgänge
- Hoher Praxisbezug durch die Organisation von Hospitationen
- Weiterbildungskonzept ist in dieser Form einmalig
- Die Leitung von Rhythmikkursen ist gut honoriert
Strengths: The Association for Adult and Senior Rhythmics is the only provider of this course in Switzerland and works closely with the Institut Dalcroze (university) in Geneva.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Bubikon
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Elsässerstrasse 34
4056 Basel
Here you will find continuing education, further training in the field of dance and movement therapy.

If you are a psychologist, psychotherapist, physiotherapist, doctor, nurse, educator or trained dance therapist and would like to incorporate dance therapy elements into your work or deepen your knowledge as a dance therapist in one area, we offer you our continuing education series as part of the ZOE SCHOOL FOR DANCE MOVEMENT THERAPY.
With us, you learn movement and experience-based and evidence-informed at tertiary (Master's level). Our instructors are exclusively professionals with many years of experience in their field.
Region: Basel
Sites: Basel
Next start date
Enggisteinstrasse 77
3076 Worb
Berner Tanz- und Kunsttherapie Zentrum
(5.8) Excellent 14 14 Ratings (100% )
The Bern Dance and Art Therapy Center offers a 4-year in-service training course. As well as further training, special and advanced training weeks to become a dance, movement and art therapist.

The Bern Center for Dance and Art Therapy in Worb is an official module provider for admission to the higher professional examination (federal diploma) for art therapy specializing in movement and dance therapy. We meet the requirements of the future Swiss healthcare system for dance and art therapists with a federal diploma.
Strengths: 35 years of experience in training therapists. Highly qualified lecturers. On a part-time basis. In addition to imparting knowledge, students process their behavioral patterns and fears.
Region: Basel, Bern
Sites: Worb, Münchenstein
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Ausstellungsstrasse 102
8005 Zürich
iac integrative training center
(5.0) Very good 22 22 Ratings (95% )
The Integrative Training Center iac offers you a wide range of training and further education opportunities in the fields of design education, art therapy (painting therapy/design therapy, dance and movement therapy, music therapy), medical basics as well as the SVEB certificate course for trainers - implementation of learning events. Do you feel the need to develop and implement your own ideas in a creative atmosphere? Then the iac in Zurich is the right place for you.
Strengths: Largest institute for art therapy and design mediation in Switzerland. Recognized module provider for art therapy. Many years of experience. Contemporary training - part-time.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung