Business Administration with specialization in Operational and Digital Excellence Master (FH): Education, further education, overview schools

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Business Administration with specialization in Operational and Digital Excellence Master (FH): For up-to-date management skills

The digital age presents many companies with new challenges in order to remain competitive in the future. The Business Administration with a specialization in Operational and Digital Excellence Master's degree (FH) addresses precisely these challenges and provides Master's students with the latest management skills to achieve exceptional operational results in their area of responsibility and to advance their careers in new market and product development, CRM or strategy development, business development, marketing and communication or project responsibility in a targeted manner.

The Business Administration with specialization in Operational and Digital Excellence Master (FH) provides graduates of a Bachelor's degree program in Business Psychology, Business Administration, Business Information Technology, Business Communication or Business Law with a broad range of practice-oriented knowledge in the field of both operational excellence and digital business. Thanks to our own research projects from the professional environment, an optimal practical transfer is guaranteed and a consistent application of the acquired knowledge is possible.

As early as the second semester, students begin writing their Master's thesis, which is submitted as an academic paper and then presented. The research projects serve as the basis for the Master's thesis, for which students receive professional supervision. In order to avoid any career setbacks, the Business Administration with a specialization in Operational and Digital Excellence Master (FH) is a part-time course with a large proportion of self-study. This means that students work on the course content themselves in advance and then deepen their knowledge in classroom teaching. This ensures a high degree of flexibility and availability for the employer, also because the classroom teaching takes place outside of regular working hours.

During their studies, students complete various modules on topics such as International Business Development, Leadership & Transformation, Industry 4.0 "Connectivity", Marketing in the Digital Age, Mastering Disruptive Technologies, New Forms of Work Teams and Organization, Strategic Decision Making and Operational Excellence as well as an elective module from specified areas. There are also marketplace courses on current topics from the fields of business psychology, economics, communication and media.

Find out more about this Business Administration with specialization in Operational and Digital Excellence Master (FH) here at and, if you are interested, have the university of applied sciences send you all further documents directly by e-mail. The contact form offers you this service without any obligation. You can also find information, tips and addresses for other interesting degree courses and continuing education programs here at, be it in business psychology, customer relationship management, marketing, business development or in the area of new markets.

Questions and answers

With a Master's in Digital Business Administration, you will acquire the following skills:

  • digitally transform existing companies
  • digitally expand existing business models
  • develop new digital business models

The "Digital Excellence Model" is a management tool for developing, managing and measuring the digital competitiveness and performance of an organization and comparing it with other organizations. The model supports management in the development of digital business models and the successful implementation of strategies, in raising awareness and empowering employees and in shaping the digital transformation. Find out more about digital transformation using the Excellence Model.

The Business Administration Master's program offers the following specialization options:

  • Accounting & Finance
  • Business in Eurasia
  • Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Corporate/Business Development
  • Digital Business
  • Digital Strategy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Health Economics and Healthcare Management
  • Innovation Management
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • International Business Development
  • International Tourism Management
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Market psychology and digital marketing
  • New Business
  • Online Business and Marketing
  • Operational & Digital Excellence
  • People Management and Organization
  • Public Management
  • Public and Nonprofit Management
  • Sustainable Business Development
  • Sustainability and Circular Innovation
  • Tourism and Change
  • Corporate development
  • Business informatics

The following basic orientations are available for continuing education, further training in Business Administration:

  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Personnel management
  • Corporate management
  • Business informatics

Graduates of the Master's degree program are awarded the title "Master of Science UAS in Business Administration with specialization in Operational & Digital Excellence". This equips them as managers with the necessary skills to ensure performance.

Graduates of a University of Applied Sciences or university with a Bachelor's degree in Business Information Technology, Business Administration, Business Psychology, Business Law or Business Communication are admitted to the MBA with a specialization in Operational and Digital Excellence.


In an MSC Digital Business Administration you will learn the following:

  • Entrepreneurship and strategy
  • Management and organization
  • Technologies, data and operational implementation
  • Research and scientific modules

The Business Administration course lasts three semesters from Bachelor to Master and comprises 90 ECTS credits. However, it can also last up to 120 ECTS points. The Bachelor's program, which must be completed before admission to the Master's program, lasts three years and comprises 180 ECTS credits. The total duration of study is therefore at least four and a half years.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

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Jungholzstrasse 43
8050 Zürich
Kalaidos Fachhochschule Wirtschaft - Prorektorat Ausbildung
(4.9) Good 55 55 Ratings (90% )
5 reasons to study at Kalaidos UAS:

Up to 100% professional activity: All degree programs are designed in such a way that there is room for a demanding career, studies and private life side by side. The study concepts are flexible and take into account the needs of students and their employers.

Flexibility: You complete each module with an examination so that the workload is well distributed over time. You can also start your studies 6 times a year.

Practical relevance: Both lecturers and students work. You learn what works in practice.

Recommendation: The satisfaction of our customers is the most important thing for us and a decisive component of our quality and service management. 70% of our students come through recommendation.

Network: Stay up to date even after graduation - with our various specialist conferences and the Kalaidos Alumni Association.
Strengths: Modular, flexible study models for demanding professionals who want to combine career and further education. Maximum practical relevance thanks to working lecturers. Personal advice and support.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Zürich
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung