Chief Digital Officer: Training, further education, information and schools

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CDO Chief Digital Officer - leadership skills in the field of digital transformation

Digitalization is hardly giving the economy a break. All companies are affected by the ongoing progress and changes in the digital environment. Managers and specialists in particular are feeling the effects of ongoing developments in digitalization, as it is influencing their instruments and tools as well as business models, corporate strategies, markets, product management and process management. If you want to stay on the ball economically, you have to think future-oriented and constantly adapt to updates and changes. This is where the Chief Digital Officer - CDO for short - comes into play. This position is located at the top management level of a company. CDOs are responsible for designing and implementing the digital transformation in their company at various levels and in all areas. Chief Digital Officers plan the company's internal digitalization strategy and its integration into existing workflows and processes. Decisions made by CDOs can affect all levels and areas of a company and their expertise is the key to sustainable and systematic management of the company in an increasingly digital business world.

Anyone who completes a CDO degree course learns about new trends, methods and processes in the digital economy and is up to date in this regard. Graduates are sensitized to digital business management and thus enabled to successfully and profitably implement the digital transformation in their company. Change management, digital marketing, digital leadership models, digital strategies, processes and business models are all topics that Chief Digital Officers deal with intensively.

Are you looking for offers for training as a CDO or are you looking for other educational opportunities in the field of digital transformation? Compare the individual offers and contact the course providers directly by visiting The education portal lists the most important training opportunities in the field of digital transformation clearly and with helpful detailed information.

Questions and answers

The Chief Digital Officer definition is a digital leader in a company. He is the central figure for successfully shaping the digital transformation in your company. As a member of top management, the Chief Digital Officer is responsible for shaping and implementing the digital transformation in your company. This includes the development of new digital services, products and business models as well as the digitalization of the existing business model in coordination with the IT department and the responsible CIO.

The CAS Chief Digital Officer takes four to five months to complete. It comprises 120 contact hours and is completed with 15 ECTS credits. The CAS can be completed on a part-time basis. To be sure, ask the school directly about the duration.

The digital strategy is a company's strategic plan for the use of digital technologies. It aims to secure the company's success and open up new business opportunities. Digitalization makes completely new business models possible that can offer decisive competitive advantages - but only if digitalization is anchored and lived in a company's strategy, structure and culture.

The CAS Chief Digital Officer (UAS) continuing education, further training consists of six modules:

  • Digitization
  • New Digital World
  • Digital Innovation
  • Technologies
  • The role of the CDO
  • Conclusion

For the digital transformation of companies, the CDO needs modern organizational approaches that include forms of self-organization. The role of communication is very important here. The topic of change management in organizations is comprehensive and requires a great deal of attention.

In a CDO training course, participants acquire practical knowledge and skills based on the latest findings in order to lead their company safely through the jungle of digital transformation. Digitalization is not just an IT topic - this is a major and widespread misconception. Rather, digitalization is probably the biggest change project for companies, institutions and organizations.

Societal, political, social and ethical aspects are important in the new digital world. As are new legal frameworks, how we shape our working environments and, above all, the radical customer orientation that goes hand in hand with digitalization. This requires Chief Digital Managers in companies who are dedicated to these issues.

Digitalization places completely new demands on the management of a company. The role of the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) is characterized by sound technical knowledge paired with professional business understanding. The CDO has the expertise to understand and manage different forms of communication, subcultures, working methods and much more.

The CAS Chief Digital Officer (UAS) continuing education, further training is aimed at managing directors, executives and people in positions of responsibility who want to adapt the company to the current state of digitization and lead it successfully.



The CDO has the task of leading the company into and through the digital transformation. This essentially results in the following tasks for the Digital Officer job description:

  • Developing and implementing a digital strategy
  • Building and positioning a digital team
  • Developing digital services, products and business models
  • Improve customer experience - live and breathe customer centricity
  • Leading digitally - communicating digital transformation

A Chief Digital Officer works at the interface between strategy, business development, marketing and technology. In addition to broad digital expertise and an understanding of digital ecosystems, a good CDO has a deep understanding of technology and digital marketing.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

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Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Computer Science
The Lucerne School of Information Technology is one of the six departments of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. It offers Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, application-oriented research and development, services and continuing education courses in computer science and business informatics on one campus. As the only dedicated IT department at a university of applied sciences in Switzerland, the Rotkreuz campus is one of the most advanced learning centers in Switzerland.
Region: Zentralschweiz
Sites: Rotkreuz
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