Craniosacral therapy (certified) (Region Bern):
1 Provider
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Education location / Schools Bern
Questions and answers
Is all craniosacral training recognized by health insurance companies?
Most schools offer craniosacral training that is recognized by the Swiss Society for Craniosacral Therapy Cranio Suisse and therefore also by most supplementary health insurance companies. When looking for a suitable training institute and craniosacral training, make sure that you also complete at least 150 hours of basic medical knowledge in order to meet the requirements of the EMR (Experiential Medical Register). As a rule, you can complete this conventional medical training directly at your training institute during your craniosacral training. In addition, the new Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) for complementary therapists is federally recognized.
Do I have to reduce my working hours or even give notice for craniosacral training?
Craniosacral training takes place alongside your job and usually extends over several years, so that a reduction or even termination of your employment is not necessary.
Do I need specific professional training for craniosacral training?
The orientation of your basic education does not matter for craniosacral training, but schools are usually expected to require that you have a vocational training or upper-secondary level qualification, whatever form it takes.
Can I also take a federal examination for craniosacral therapy?
The Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) for complementary therapists for the method of craniosacral therapy is a federally recognized craniosacral training course.
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