Relaxation coach (cert.) (Region Zürich):
1 Provider
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Education location / Schools Zurich
Questions and answers
Which relaxation methods can be learned in a relaxation coach course?
The structure and content of a relaxation coach course can teach very different relaxation techniques and methods, such as autogenic training, mental training, breathing therapy, progressive muscle relaxation (muscle relaxation), yoga, JunShin Jyutsu or kinesiology. Relaxation techniques often include mindfulness exercises, fantasy journeys or dream journeys, Qi Gong, meditation and the effects of scents and colors, which are taught depending on the focus of the relaxation therapist training. Ask the respective training provider to send you comprehensive course documentation on the content of the training.
Are all relaxation coach training courses recognized?
The courses for relaxation coaches are certificate or diploma courses where you receive an internal diploma / certificate after completing the continuing education, further training. Federal recognition is not possible. However, you may be eligible for other courses with a federal diploma that also deal with various relaxation techniques and health issues, such as the Federal Professional Examination (FPE) for Medical Masseurs with a Federal Diploma of Higher Education, Naturopaths with a Federal Diploma or Complementary Therapists with a Federal Diploma, for example with the methods of breathing therapy or yoga therapy.
Do I need any special prior knowledge for a relaxation coach training course?
As a rule, no special prior knowledge of skills is required for a relaxation coach course. Mental health and resilience as well as an interest in working with very different people are required.
Does a relaxation coach seminar only teach relaxation techniques?
In addition to the basics of various relaxation techniques, most training courses for relaxation coaches or stress coaches naturally also teach other content that enables targeted conversation and consultative communication. You will also learn more about stress management and stress influences, basic knowledge of psychology and coaching, taking a medical history and any other topics such as healthy eating, practice management and more.
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