Degree, diploma and title
The higher professional examination "Expert in Occupational Health and Safety" is held annually in German, French and Italian if at least 16 candidates meet the admission requirements after the announcement, otherwise at least every two years. Candidates can decide for themselves in which language they wish to be examined.
Candidates are notified at least seven weeks before the start of the examination. The invitation includes the examination program (location, time of the examination, permitted aids) and the list of experts.
The higher professional examination lasts a total of 6.5 hours and consists of four parts, which are structured as follows:
1) Diploma thesis (written, prepared in advance) and technical discussion (oral, 60 min)
In the first part of the examination, candidates deal with a complex, real-life situation based on a company, which they examine for its potential for improvement. To do this, they analyze the situation and identify suitable measures.
2) Case studies 1 and 2 (written, 120 min each)
In this part of the examination, candidates are given one or more realistic cases to work on in writing.
3) Mini Cases (written, 60 min)
In this part of the exam, candidates are also given several small and realistic cases to work on in writing.
4) Case simulation (oral, 20 min (10 min preparation)) and reflection (oral, 10 min)
In the final part of the examination, candidates are confronted orally with a realistic problem situation. In a discussion with the person involved, they then look for a suitable solution.
Diploma and title
Successful graduates of the higher professional examination receive a federal diploma and are entitled to use the federally recognized and protected title "Expert in Occupational Safety and Health Protection (ASGS) with a federal diploma".
In French: "Experte de la sécurité au travail e de la protection de la santé (STPS) avec diplôme fédéral / Expert de la sécurité au travail et de la protection de la santé (STPS) avec diplôme fédéral"
In Italian: "Esperat della sicurezza sul lavoro e della protezione della salute (SLPS) con diploma federale / Esperto della sicurezza sul lavoro e della protezione della salute (SLPS) con diploma federale"
Recommended English translation (this is not a protected title): "Expert in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education"