Financial accounting course: What are the main disadvantages?
In a financial accounting course, you will learn about the balance sheet and income statement, how to manage accounts, create posting records and keep an accounting journal. At the end of the course, you will have a basic knowledge of financial accounting and will be able to keep double-entry accounts and prepare simple annual financial statements.
Financial accounting course may have the following disadvantages:
- The degree awarded after the financial accounting course is neither federally nor nationally recognized. The school's own certificate merely provides information about the topics covered and confirms participation. Recognition by associations or industries is also generally not given if this is not explicitly mentioned.
- At certificate level, the course content and admission requirements are generally not regulated and can be determined autonomously by the schools. Care must be taken to ensure that the topics covered correspond to the professional objectives or specifically prepare students for further training, e.g. at administrator level.
- Not everyone is cut out for a job in financial accounting. In addition to a flair for figures, a precise way of working, reliability, discretion and stamina are required.
- Even after the financial accounting course with the school's own certificate, the learning often doesn't stop: If you want to work as a qualified accountant, you must then complete continuing education, further training as an accounting clerk with an association certificate or even the Federal Professional Examination. The prerequisite for the first step is usually a business degree, a commercial diploma or an equivalent qualification - although this can vary depending on the provider.
Graduates can work in an accounting team or manage the bookkeeping correctly in a small business, an association or as a self-employed person. A financial accounting course therefore enables you to start a career in accounting.
Provider of a financial accounting course