Dangerous goods officer (certified) (Region Zürich):
1 Provider
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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung
Education location / Schools Zurich
Questions and answers
Who organizes the examination as a dangerous goods officer?
The examination as a dangerous goods officer is carried out by an accredited examination center.
It is therefore quite possible that you will not take the exam at the training center.
What are the job opportunities after training as a dangerous goods officer?
All companies that transport dangerous goods are required by law to appoint and commission an internal or external dangerous goods officer. The workload of the dangerous goods officer can vary greatly depending on the activity of the respective company and varies between a few days per year and a 100% employment.
Is the training as a dangerous goods safety advisor / dangerous goods safety advisor from abroad recognized in Switzerland?
The training and examination as a dangerous goods safety advisor / dangerous goods safety advisor from abroad is not recognized in Switzerland. Both the training and the examination must be completed in Switzerland.
What are dangerous goods?
As a dangerous goods safety advisor, you are responsible for the transportation of dangerous goods and substances with the following characteristics, for example:
- explosive
- (self-)ignitable
- Toxic
- infectious
- radioactive
- corrosive
- etc.
Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung
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