Singing lessons (Region Zürich):
1 Provider
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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung
Education location / Schools Zurich
Questions and answers
Can I really learn to sing properly with singing lessons?
How do singing lessons work?
How long does vocal training take?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to give a general answer to this question.
Singing lessons do not have a fixed duration within which you can go from beginner to professional.
Voice training is a process that is as individual as each aspiring singer themselves. However, you should be aware that beginners will not be able to sing like their great role model after just 3 or 4 hours of vocal exercises.
For classical vocal training, you should reckon with at least 4 years of vocal training in order to be able to start a career as an opera singer, for example.
Bachelor's degree courses in music are also possible and extend over 6 semesters, i.e. three years of full-time study.
However, if you just want to train and shape your voice a little, learn the basic techniques and take singing lessons with trained singers, a six-month period can be a very beneficial first step.
If you are not sure whether singing lessons are really suitable for you, it is a good idea to attend a trial lesson first. Ask the music schools about such offers and get to know the methodology and the people behind the vocal training.
For whom are singing lessons worthwhile?
Singing lessons are worthwhile for anyone who enjoys music and singing and are not exclusively aimed at people who want to pursue a career as a musician. Singing lessons are also worthwhile for people who often speak in front of people, e.g. teachers, actors, speakers, etc.
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