Basic knowledge of physics (cert.) (Horgen):
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Education location / Horgen schools
Questions and answers
Who is the Basic Physics course suitable for?
The "Basic knowledge of physics" course is ideal for all those who want to acquire or refresh their basic knowledge in this area. Parents and grandparents of schoolchildren are an example of the target group for this continuing education, further training course, as is anyone interested in learning more about this subject and gaining knowledge that is suitable for everyday use.
How much do I pay for a basic physics course?
As this course is a distance learning course on basic knowledge of physics, the costs for this continuing education, further training are quite low. You pay CHF 760 for digital course materials and CHF 940 for digital and additional printed course materials, both variants including distance learning support (as at the end of 2016).
What does the Basic Physics course teach?
The basic knowledge of physics course introduces you to this subject area step by step and teaches you the basic elements of physics such as basic laws, areas, volumes, formulas, units, forming and physical units. The mechanics of solids is also covered in the course, as are thermodynamics, sound insulation, the mechanics of gases and liquids, electricity, weather physics, renewable energies, magnetism, optics, nuclear physics, atomic physics and astronomy. For a detailed list of the individual contents, please contact the relevant school directly using our contact form and request documents for this basic physics course without obligation.
What kind of training is Grundwissen Physik?
The "Basic knowledge of physics" course is a distance learning course that concludes with a certificate or diploma.
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