HF nursing specialist training: further training, schools, self-test

Eine Pflegefachfrau am Patientenbett
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Are you looking to train as a qualified nursing specialist HF? - Here you will find suitable schools as well as further information, tips and resources for further training.

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Self-test "Nursing specialist HF": Is this course the right one for me?

The Higher Vocational College for Nursing is aimed at professionals with a vocational qualification in the field of healthcare and career changers who wish to switch to the nursing profession. The courses last between 2 and 4 years, depending on previous education and training model, and lead to a federally recognized qualification as a qualified nursing specialist HF. With the HF diploma, further training is possible at the higher professional examination level (e.g. Federal Diploma as a specialist in infection prevention) or at the university of applied sciences level (e.g. Bachelor of Science (FH) in nursing).

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Nursing specialist training: solid training with good prospects for the future

Anyone who decides to work in the field of patient care as a nurse has little to fear for the future. Skilled workers are in demand in this sector like never before and there is a shortage of staff everywhere. With a nursing specialist course in the field of higher technical college nursing, you are well prepared: you know all the pitfalls and obstacles - and know how to overcome them. You can find all the information about the HF nursing training course, the necessary requirements and further training to become a nursing specialist here at Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch

The large Swiss education portal offers information about courses, courses, training, training courses and seminars as well as the schools that offer them. And, of course, not only in the area of higher vocational school for nursing, but also in many other professional fields. Feel free to browse around - you too will find a suitable course, seminar or training.

Questions and answers

You must be able to prove that you are employed at least 50 percent of the time during the Higher Vocational School of Nursing (HF Pflege) course in order to be admitted to this part-time course. It is important that you are not working in just any job, but that you can prove that you are employed in an institution recognized by the HF Pflege. You can find out everything you need to know about this directly from the higher vocational colleges. You will then know how you can become a nursing specialist.

In principle, a lateral entry into the nursing profession is possible. Training to become a qualified nurse CHE takes 3 years full-time or 4 years part-time. The following admission requirements must be met in order to start the course:

  • Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (VET Diploma), vocational, technical or Baccalaureate, technical secondary school certificate or equivalent qualification
  • Passed aptitude test

The admission requirements vary depending on the school and can be stricter, for example some schools require a Federal VET Diploma in the healthcare sector or they carry out admission procedures. This must be clarified on an individual basis.

A survey conducted by Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch among those interested in the HF Nursing Specialist course shows the triggers for inquiries to schools. Around 48% of respondents see an online assessment as the trigger for their school inquiries. For 39% of survey participants, a recommendation triggered the school inquiry. In contrast, 13% already know the school they are enquiring about. Another important trigger for enquiring about a school for nurse training in Switzerland is the location, as shown by optional comments in the survey: "because I was interested in the location of the schools", "close to France and Germany", "close to home", "it can be reached from my address", "close to me", "is close to my home", "close to home", "very easy to reach by public transport" and "is in my town". However, according to the respondents, coincidence or targeted research can also be involved in the school inquiry: "discovered it by chance", "came across it on the internet", "due to a colleague", "start of course" and "after own research". Or a goal such as "I would like to further my education so that I can work better in nursing" or "I would like to learn the profession in depth".

A survey of training graduates provides an idea of the time and effort involved in self-study for HF nursing specialists. According to this survey, graduates of continuing education courses spent the following amount of time per week:

  • 1 percent less than one hour
  • 8 percent one to two hours
  • 20 percent three to four hours
  • 18 percent five to six hours
  • 19 percent seven to eight hours
  • 11 percent nine to ten hours
  • 8 percent eleven to fifteen hours
  • 15 percent more than fifteen hours

The following previous education is usually required for admission to the College of Nursing:

  • Completion of at least 3 years of basic vocational training with a federal certificate of proficiency (EFZ), technical secondary school certificate or high school diploma
  • Aptitude assessment (various admission procedures: Letter of application, aptitude test regarding professional, methodological and personal competence, practical insight, submission of a portfolio, assessment interview and possibly health certificate)

With a qualification as a healthcare specialist EFZ, a shortened course of study can be attended. Ask the schools about the extent to which these and other educational achievements can be credited.

Both the HF and FH nursing degrees are at tertiary level. This also means that both nursing degrees impart knowledge in a very practical way and work closely with the world of work. The difference between HF and FH in the nursing profession lies in the:

  • Admission requirements: While an EFZ or technical secondary school certificate is sufficient for the HF Pflege (Höhere Fachschule Pflege), a Fachmaturität, Berufsmaturität or gymnasiale Maturität is required for Pflege FH (Fachhochschule) as a university profession.
  • Duration: It is the same for both full-time variants - namely 3 years. In the part-time form, the FH takes 4 to 4.5 years and HF only three to four years.
  • Teaching structure: Compared to HF, FH teaches in-depth scientific knowledge (research, theory and control). HF, on the other hand, focuses on expanding practical knowledge - also through close exchange with the Swiss job market.
  • Degree: The HF diploma is a federal diploma in the field of nursing called dip. Pflegefachfrau/Pflegefachmann HF. The FH degree is a bachelor's degree in nursing - i.e. Bachelor of Science (FH) in Nursing.
  • Career prospects: Both degrees enable good placement in the job market - with HF in activities with practical, technical and management-related questions as a nursing specialist (possibly team leader or responsible learner) or with FH activities in the design, control and development of products and services, e.g. as a ward manager.
  • Salary: The salary for nurses depends on qualifications, regionality, area of work and function. While the average salary range for nurses HF is CHF 5,300 to CHF 5,935 per month, the salary for nurses FH is between CHF 5,600 and CHF 6,699.

The difference between HF and FH in the nursing profession, as well as the right choice for yourself, therefore depends in particular on your previous education, but also on your later professional goals. Both degrees offer an opportunity for career changers in the nursing profession.

A higher technical college of nursing offers you the opportunity to further your education to become a qualified nursing specialist HF and then find employment in the field of nursing and care for a wide range of people and illnesses. These can be children, adults, families, young people, long-term patients, mentally ill people, somatically ill people, people at home or in rehabilitation. Nursing professionals in the Swiss nursing professions can therefore be found in hospitals and homes for the disabled, in rehabilitation facilities and nursing homes, in old people's homes, psychiatric wards, outpatient facilities and care facilities outside of hospitals. You should decide on a specialization or field of work even before you start your training in HF nursing in order to receive targeted training.

According to a survey conducted by this educational platform among those interested in the "Certified Nursing Specialist" course, the following frequency of learning types emerged:

  • 34 percent Visual learner who learns by seeing
  • 33 percent Motor learner who learns by doing
  • 25 percent Communicative learner who learns through conversations or discussions with others
  • 8 percent Auditory learner who learns by listening

Continuing education, further training to become a qualified nurse CHE can be completed either full-time or part-time - as a part-time CHE nursing degree. The duration of study depends on the chosen model and is three years for a full-time course and three to four years for a part-time course, depending on professional activity and school attendance. However, the prerequisite is a workload of at least 50% in nursing. The College of Higher Education also offers the option of a shortened training period of two years for people with a Federal VET Diploma as a healthcare specialist (FaGe).

It is indeed true that healthcare professionals (FaGe) with a federal certificate of competence (EFZ) can complete a shortened nursing training course at a higher technical college for nursing. As a healthcare assistant, you can shorten your training by 1800 hours, which means that you only have to study for 4 semesters instead of 6 and can start the third semester straight away and also complete the required aptitude internship at your previous company.

HF nurses have various opportunities for further development:

  • Courses offered by hospitals, clinics, specialist organizations and professional associations, etc.
  • Higher professional examination (HFP) as
    • Specialist in infection prevention in the healthcare sector with a federal diploma
    • Naturopath with a federal diploma
    • Complementary therapist with a federal diploma
  • At a university of applied sciences with a shortened course leading to a Bachelor of Science (FH) in Nursing
  • Postgraduate level / specializations in related fields such as anaesthesia, intensive care, emergency care, long-term care and support, psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, surgery, health promotion, nursing advice or palliative care

The following nursing specialist requirements are helpful:

  • Sense of responsibility
  • Communication and teamwork skills
  • Strong powers of observation
  • High physical and mental resilience

We can answer this question with the results of a survey conducted by Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch among those interested in nursing training. According to these, 68% of respondents said "I would like to see if this course meets my needs". On the other hand, 21% stated that the HF nursing specialist course had been recommended to them. On the other hand, only 11% of survey participants stated that their interest was based on a mention of the HF nursing specialist course in job advertisements.

Of course, the interest in further training as a qualified nurse is also based on simply wanting to continue their education. Free text responses on nursing training also show this "I completed FAGE in 2016. Worked until now. Now I would like to continue my education...", "I work a lot in this field and would also like recognition", "I work in the hotel industry in a clinic", "To have more specialist knowledge and more skills", "I am interested in nursing in general", "Out of pure interest, it has always been a dream job", "To reorient myself professionally" and "I would like to expand my skills in Switzerland".

Other answers show the enjoyment of the job, the desire for change or a change of residence and a new activity as triggers for interest: "I worked as a paramedic and I really liked it", "on the way to becoming a paramedic....", "would like to change", "I have experience in this subject but abroad", "I have always been interested in it", "I would like to know what this training is like today", "would like to continue my education", "trained healthcare professional", "I have been interested in it for a long time, now it is time for a change", "improve my professional development", "because it interests me", "I like working with older people", "I am interested in the health sector", "I am interested in training with practice and theory", "I need to retrain due to an accident at work", "I would like to complete HF while working", "I enjoy dealing with various clients", "I would like to help other people, especially in crisis areas", "I would like to switch to the health sector.", "I love nursing", "Very motivated to work in this field", "Re-entry and professional qualification" and "Because I want to help people".

The College of Nursing (HF Pflege) teaches the following course content in the advanced nursing training program:


  • Nursing and nursing sciences
  • Clinical expertise
  • Human Sciences
  • Work processes (care process, communication process, knowledge management, organizational process)

With these acquired skills, a qualified nursing specialist HF can take responsibility for the independent execution of the nursing process.

The amount of your salary during your training at a higher vocational school for nursing is dependent on the salary recommendations of the OdA G, the organization of the health sector in the individual cantons. The placement company pays the monthly salary, which in Zurich, for example, is currently CHF 1,100 in the first year of training, CHF 1,300 in the second year and CHF 1,500 in the third year. The schools will also provide you with more detailed information on salary recommendations.

Tips, tests and information on HF Nursing for "HF Nursing Specialist"

How well known is the qualification "Nursing Specialist HF" among potential employers?
» Awareness and image
What salary increase can be expected after the HF Nursing degree?
» Wage information, wage calculator
What can graduates of the "Nursing Specialist HF" course do?
» Skills and perspectives
What experiences have previous participants had with the course?
» Evaluation of training / experience
Do I meet the requirements for the college of nursing, do I belong to the target group, will I graduate?
» Self-test for the HF Nursing Specialist course
What are the advantages of the course?
» 10 Advantages of a college of nursing
Educational guide with detailed descriptions of professions in the health and medical sector
» Health and medicine guide
What is required in the job of HF nursing specialist? How are the activities divided up?
» Information from job advertisements

Infographic "Nursing training and further education"

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Do you know your options for training or further education in the field of nursing? We will show you where you stand in the Swiss education system and what higher levels and qualifications are available.

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Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website www.berufsberatung.ch (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

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Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

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  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

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The following list shows you suitable providers of higher technical colleges of nursing:

Filter by teaching method:
Online (0) Hybrid (0) Other (0)
Freiburgstrasse 133
3008 Bern
Berner Bildungszentrum Pflege AG
The BZ Pflege is the largest nursing college in Switzerland. The result of the merger of established nursing schools, the BZ Pflege unites almost 700 years of nursing history under one roof.


Degree course
- Dipl. Pflegefachfrau HF, dipl. Pflegefachmann HF with different focuses and time models (shortened and/or part-time)

Postgraduate studies
- Expert in anesthesia, intensive and emergency care HF

Specialist further training at tertiary level
Region: Bern
Sites: Bern, Thun
Ziegelstrasse 4
4632 Trimbach b. Olten
BBZ Olten / Olten College of Nursing
The school where competence becomes a profession.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern
Sites: Trimbach-Olten
Next start date
Turbinenstrasse 5
8400 Winterthur
Center for Education in Healthcare
Do you want to learn a profession in the healthcare sector? Then the ZAG Center for Education in Healthcare in Winterthur is the right place for you. The modern ZAG offers a wide range of training courses at secondary and tertiary level (higher technical college) as well as career-oriented further education courses.

The education center is centrally located just five minutes from the main railway station. The ZAG has spacious and bright classrooms, the ZAG lounge, a specialist library and a large roof terrace. We look forward to welcoming you here.
Region: Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Winterthur
Next start date
Kantonsspital 46
6000 Luzern 14
XUND Education Center Health Central Switzerland
The XUND training center offers a wide range of practical training and further education courses "from a single source" at its Lucerne and Alpnach locations, including higher vocational schools for nursing and BMA, postgraduate studies, inter-company courses and further education. With over 2,400 apprentices and students, it is the place to go in Central Switzerland.

XUND stands for both the Bildungszentrum Gesundheit and the OdA Gesundheit der Zentralschweiz. XUND is supported by the regional healthcare companies and their industry associations. Close partnership-based cooperation with retirement and nursing homes, hospitals and Spitex organizations is key to the future-oriented development of services and the launch of innovations.
Region: Zentralschweiz
Sites: Luzern, Alpnach Dorf
Next start date
Pflanzettastrasse 6
3930 Visp
HES-SO Valais-Wallis / University of Applied Sciences Health Valais-Wallis
Valais-Wallis School of Health
Nursing HF course - study in an innovative, natural environment

The HF Health Valais is a young, dynamic school with its German-speaking location in Visp. Centrally located and very well connected to public transport from all parts of Switzerland, practical and professional nursing is taught here.
Various teaching methods and experienced lecturers inspire the prospective nurses in courses of around 25 students. It is possible to choose between employment at the school or at the company.
Holders of the EFZ Fachfrau-Fachmann Gesundheit qualification can enter the second year of training if they are suitable.

If you want to work with people and for people and your goal is a high level of competence in professional care, you have come to the right place and we look forward to meeting you.

Region: Valais
Location: Visp
Start of training: March and September
Region: Bern, Westschweiz
Sites: Visp
Gloriastrasse 16
8006 Zürich
Careum Education Center
We prepare you optimally for your future professional life in the healthcare sector. Choose between 3 basic vocational training courses and 5 courses at higher vocational colleges in the healthcare sector. We are currently training over 2,300 apprentices and students. Become a part of it and benefit from our central location in the middle of Zurich's university campus, our practice-oriented teaching methods, our modern infrastructure, our professional teaching staff and our attractive campus with integrated medical library, cafeteria and bistro.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich
Next start date
Mühlemattstrasse 42
5000 Aarau
Careum continuing education
Careum Continuing Education is the pioneering institution for continuing education in the health and social care sector in German-speaking Switzerland. We offer a comprehensive range of courses for specialists and managers. With our courses, you can further your education in every area of a healthcare organization. Be it in nursing and care, leadership and management, consulting and communication, teaching and learning, ageing and society, care gastronomy and housekeeping or medicine and pharmacy.

In our courses, you will acquire sound concepts and up-to-date specialist knowledge. You can put what you have learned into practice in your day-to-day work. In our further training courses, you will train your decision-making skills and expand your understanding of the needs of clients, residents, patients and employees.
Strengths: Flexible and modular - we offer you advice, orientation and individual solutions that match your educational biography, your life situation and your professional goals.
Region: Aargau
Sites: Aarau
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Südallee 22
5001 Aarau
Higher technical college for health and social services
With the nursing, surgical technology and social pedagogy courses, the College of Health and Social Sciences (HFGS) in Aarau offers three practical training courses in varied and sought-after professional fields.

Close to people - Innovative teaching methods, committed teaching staff and close cooperation with practical institutions guarantee a well-founded and lively course of study leading to a federal diploma at tertiary level.
Strengths: Practical - varied - modern teaching methods - committed teaching staff - federal diploma - cantonal tuition fees - blended learning - attractive career prospects
Region: Aargau
Sites: Aarau
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
OdA GS Aarau
Hintersteig 12
8201 Schaffhausen
Schaffhausen University of Applied Sciences HFS
Would you like to study part-time in a technical field or full-time in nursing?

Our school offers interested students a degree in mechanical and systems engineering / automation and a degree in nursing. Successful graduates are entitled to use the legally protected title "dipl. Techniker/-in HF" or "dipl. Pflegefachfrau/-mann HF".

Our training courses offer you a wide range of development opportunities for your personal career.

All of our courses are recognized under new legislation and offer very practice-oriented further education in line with the motto: from practice, for practice.
Region: Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Schaffhausen, Neuhausen am Rheinfall
Next start date

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung