Hypnosis coaching: training, overview of schools and offers
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Questions and answers
When does the continuing education, further training in hypnosis coaching take place?
Participants in hypnosis coaching training can choose the time model that suits them best. For example, day courses and evening courses are offered for the hypnosis coaching training. Detailed information on the dates of the course can be obtained directly from the institute via the contact form.
Gelten bestimmte Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme an einem Hypnose Coaching Lehrgang?
Um an der Ausbildung zum Hypnosetherapeuten bzw. Hypnose Coach teilnehmen zu können, wird vorausgesetzt, dass die Teilnehmenden bereits über eine Grundausbildung im Bereich Coaching verfügen, z.B. die Ausbildung zum Cert. Integral Coach oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung. Darüber hinaus wird von den Teilnehmenden am Hypnose Coach Lehrgang die Bereitschaft erwartet, an sich selbst zu arbeiten und ein persönliches Retreat durchzuführen. Über weitere Zulassungsvoraussetzungen informieren die Schulen.
Wie hoch sind die Kurskosten für die Weiterbildung in Hypnose Coaching?
Für die Teilnahme am Hypnose Coaching Kurs werden Kurskosten in Höhe von knapp CHF 5'000.- fällig. Hinzu kommen die Kosten für den Kompetenznachweis, zwei Lehrcoachings und eine Supervision. Insgesamt belaufen sich die Kosten für die Hypnose-Ausbildung auf etwas über CHF 6'000. Die genauen Kosten sind bei den Anbietern zu erfragen.
What does the hypnosis coaching course cover?
If you want to work as a hypnotherapist or hypnosis coach, you need to be extensively trained and grounded. For this reason, participants in the hypnosis coaching training learn how they can accompany clients on the path to a happy and self-determined life, release mental blockages, transform imprints and shape their own life path. Topics such as forgiveness, self-love and shadow work, mindfulness, intuition, power animal coaching and atlas coaching are also covered. After completing hypnosis training, participants are able to hypnotize their clients and accompany them on their trance journey. Hypnosis coaches help to discover potential, recognize visions and vocations and enable sustainable change. They anchor new reaction patterns and action strategies in the subconscious, dissolve beliefs and activate self-healing powers. Biographical coaching is also addressed, as are vocation coaching and the soul plan. Further information on the content of the hypnosis coaching training course can be obtained directly from the Coaching Institute via the contact form.
What further training opportunities are available in hypnosis coaching?
After completing training in hypnosis coaching (certified psychosocial mental coach CIS), mental coaches have the opportunity to obtain a further qualification by attending a few course days. The following are possible:
- Certified psychosomatic health coach
- Certified mental trainer
- Certified personality and life coach
- Certified mental & consciousness trainer
- Certified sports success coach
- Certified Soul & Spirit Coach
What qualification do participants in a hypnosis coaching course receive?
Graduates of the hypnosis coaching continuing education, further training at the Coaching Institute Living Sense receive the course certificate "dipl. psychologischer Mental CIS" and are recognized coach ICI.
Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung
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