ICT Platform Development Specialist (BP) (formerly ICT System and Network Technician (BP)) (Region Basel):
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Education location / Schools Basel
Questions and answers
What are the admission criteria for the Federal Professional Examination for Platform Developers with a Federal PET Diploma (formerly ICT System and Network Technician)?
The following admission requirements apply to the Federal Professional Examination for Platform Developers with a Federal PET Diploma (formerly ICT System and Network Technician):
- Certificate of proficiency (Federal VET Diploma) as a computer scientist or electronics technician and at least 2 years of professional experience in the field of ICT system and network technology.
- Certificate of proficiency (Federal VET Diploma) in another profession, a higher general school education or an equivalent qualification and at least 4 years of professional experience in the field of information and communication technologies, including at least 2 years in ICT system or network technology.
- At least 6 years of professional experience in the field of ICT (information and communication technology), including at least 2 years in the field of ICT system or network technology.
The required professional experience must have been acquired in ICT platform development or ICT system or network technology by the day the examination begins at the latest.
The State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation SERI decides on the equivalence of foreign qualifications and diplomas.
What skills does the platform developer course with a federal certificate teach? (formerly ICT system and network technician)
Graduates of the IT vocational examination in platform development - previously known as system and network technology - are able to:
- Develop, evaluate, build and maintain ICT platforms, system and network infrastructures
- analyze and resolve problems in the event of malfunctions
- lead a small team
- ensure the data security, data availability and data processing security of the ICT system and network infrastructure.
Does the federal government actually participate in the BP as a platform developer (formerly ICT system and network technician)?
Yes, since 2017 the federal government has been contributing to the costs of preparatory courses for the federal professional examination for platform developers with a federal certificate (formerly ICT system and network technician) upon application, up to 50% (max. CHF 9,500)!
Which further training course can be attended after the professional examination to become a platform developer with a federal certificate (formerly ICT system and network technician)?
Successful graduates of the professional examination in ICT systems and network technology or as a platform developer with a federal certificate who are planning the next step in their career and aspire to a managerial position in the IT sector have various options, e.g. the higher professional examination "ICT manager with a federal diploma", a course of study at a higher technical college, e.g. "diploma in business informatics HF" or "diploma in business informatics HF".For example, the higher professional examination to become an "ICT manager with a federal diploma", a course of study at a higher technical college, e.g. to become a "qualified business IT specialist HF" or a "qualified computer scientist HF" and finally a Bachelor of Science (FH) in computer science or business IT.
Tips, tests and information on "ICT Platform Development Specialist with Federal Diploma of Higher Education" (formerly ICT System and Network Technician (FPE))
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