Real Estate Trustee (HFP) (Region Basel):
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Questions and answers
Do I have to take all parts of the AFPE examination for the diploma in real estate trustees, even if I have a real estate management certificate?
Holders of a federal certificate in real estate management may apply to be exempted from individual parts of the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) in Real Estate Trustees. This is the real estate management part of the examination for the real estate management certificate, the real estate marketing part of the examination for the real estate marketing certificate and the real estate valuation part of the examination for the real estate valuation certificate.
Is there the possibility of continuing, further education after the AFPE as a certified real estate trustee?
Following continuing education, further training and Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) in real estate fiduciary services, there is the option of taking a postgraduate course leading to a Master of Advanced Studies in Real Estate Management or Real Estate Management. CAS certificate courses can also be highly recommended as a short further training measure for qualified real estate trustees, as can the MBA Real Estate Management.
Do I have to take an exam for the Real Estate Trustee Diploma in addition to the diploma thesis?
The Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) to become a certified real estate trustee consists of a written thesis on which students are also examined orally. There are also other parts of the examination, which are examined both in writing and, in some cases, orally. "Real estate management", "real estate marketing" and "real estate valuation" are examined in writing, while "corporate management" and "real estate trusteeship" are examined both in writing and orally in a half-hour examination.
How long does the continuing education, further training to become a real estate trustee (AFPE) take?
The real estate trustee training course for the federal diploma takes 1 - 1.5 years and is completed on a part-time basis.
Tips, tests and information on "Real estate trustee (AFPE)"
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