Self-test communication specialist with Federal Diploma of Higher Education (FPE): Is this course suitable for me?

A communications specialist with a Federal Diploma of Higher Education supervises the implementation of a communication campaign.

Test here whether a job as a communications specialist with a Federal Diploma of Higher Education is right for you and whether a preparatory course for the Federal Professional Examination "Communications Specialist" is the right path for you.

The following note in advance: "Communication specialist" has been the new name for the previous qualification "Communication planner" since 2019. The most important change is that since the new concept for continuing education, further training in 2019, a Markom admission exam is no longer required for admission.


What does the day-to-day work of a communications specialist with a Federal Diploma of Higher Education look like?

Communications specialists with a Federal Diploma of Higher Education work in media and advertising agencies, media publishers, advertising companies or in small to large companies.

They work closely with the communication or advertising management and the consultants and are jointly responsible for planning and coordinating measures for a wide range of projects. In close cooperation with internal and external departments and specialists, such as the design, realization and production, media or market research departments, they prepare offers and orders. Communications specialists are also involved in the organization and implementation of a wide range of events in the field of sponsorship and event management, as well as in the implementation of public relations (PR), sales promotion and direct marketing projects. They are familiar with the production stages, production and manufacturing techniques, the various communication tools and the legal aspects of advertising. They are often also responsible for monitoring schedules and budgets and take on administrative tasks.

The most important activities at a glance:

  • (Co-)development of communication strategies and communication concepts
  • (Co-)support of customers or clients
  • Produce and implement marketing and communication steps
  • (Co-)planning and realization of communication instruments
  • Planning, organization and implementation of media assignments
  • Monitoring deadlines and costs
  • Performing administrative activities and specific tasks such as presentations or market research.

Question 1:

Do the activities described meet your expectations? Would you like to work as a communications specialist?

Target group - For whom is the Federal Diploma of Higher Education in Communication suitable?

The "Communication Specialist (FPE)" courses are suitable for:

  • Clerks in the field of advertising, PR, marketing, sales or direct marketing with specific specialist tasks
  • Graphic or conceptual professionals in the fields of advertising, PR, marketing, sales or direct marketing
  • People who want to enter or advance in marketing or advertising
  • People who want to join or advance in service companies in the communications industry

Communication specialists should have the following personal qualities and skills:

  • Expressiveness
  • Communication skills and sociability
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Organizational and coordination skills
  • Reliability and independence
  • Precise way of working and quick comprehension
  • Creativity and flexibility
  • Creative flair

Question 2:

Do you belong to the target group for this continuing education, further training and do you have the necessary personal qualities?

Requirements for admission to the Federal Professional Examination for Communication Specialists (FPE)

You must meet the following requirements for admission to the Federal Professional Examination "Communication Specialist":

  • At least two years of professional experience in the fields of communication, advertising, public relations, marketing, sales or direct marketing / dialog marketing

And one of the following degrees:

  • Management Assistant with Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (VET Diploma)
  • At least 3 years of basic training (Federal VET Diploma) in a sales profession
  • At least 3 years of basic training (Federal VET Diploma) in a graphic arts profession
  • Commercial high school diploma or diploma from a diploma middle school lasting at least 3 years
  • Matura (all types)
  • Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) diploma in a commercial field
  • Degree from a Universities or University of Applied Sciences in a commercial field
  • Federal Diploma of Higher Education PR Specialist, Marketing Specialist, Sales Specialist


  • At least three years of professional experience in the fields of communication, advertising, public relations, marketing, sales or direct marketing / dialog marketing
  • And another apprenticeship qualification with Federal VET Diploma, an Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) in another field or another course of study at a College of Higher Education or Universities.

You will find out whether you have been admitted to the exam at least three months before the start of the exam. The deadline for providing proof of the required professional experience is the day of the examination.

Note: Individual schools may also be prepared to admit you to a preparatory course for the Federal Professional Examination for Communication Specialists if you do not (yet) meet the criteria for admission to the federal examination. It is then your responsibility to ensure that you meet the necessary requirements at the time of the examination/examination registration.

Question 3:

Do you meet the requirements for admission?

Subject matter and content of continuing education, further training

The content of the preparatory courses for the Federal Professional Examination "Communication Specialist" is based on the specifications of the responsible body for the Federal Professional Examination, the KS/CS Swiss Communication Association. The course content comprises five main topics with different content blocks.

  1. BasicsEconomics (VWL), business administration (BWL), advertising industry and advertising law
  2. MarketingMarketing basics, market research and distribution and sales
  3. CommunicationCreation, communication tools, strategy, concept
  4. Realization/ProductionOnline, Offline, Dates, Costs, Processes
  5. MediaCost accounting and control, media research, media planning and strategy

Question 4:

Are you interested in this content, would you like to acquire this knowledge?

Costs and financing of continuing education, further training

The costs vary slightly depending on the provider. In general, the following costs can be expected for the 2- or 3-semester courses:

  • Course fees: between CHF 9,800 and CHF 11,600, half of which will be reimbursed by the federal government on application after you have passed the examination (federal contribution*).
  • Examination fee: The CHF 2,150 fee for the Federal Professional Examination (as of July 2024) must usually be paid directly to the KS/CS Communication Switzerland Association when registering for the examination.
  • Some providers charge extra for course materials, simulation exams, case and exam corrections.
  • The course fees for the course "Communications Specialist with Federal Diploma of Higher Education" are to be paid either at the beginning of the course, by semester or in installments.

* Since 1.1.2018, preparatory courses for Federal Professional Examination (FPE) / Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) have been financially supported (subsidized) by the federal government. Graduates of these courses receive up to 50% of the course costs paid back upon application after taking the federal examination.

Question 5:

Are you able to pre-finance approx. CHF 11,800-13,600 for course fees and the federal examination?

Duration of study, number of lessons and learning effort

The course lasts 2 to 3 semesters and comprises between 225 and 340 lessons.

Lessons usually take place on two evenings or all day on a working day (Monday to Friday) or on Saturday. There are often different teaching formats to choose from: Face-to-face, online or hybrid lessons.

The learning effort (homework, preparation and follow-up time, exam preparation) in addition to the attendance time is 4 to 6 hours per week, depending on your learning speed.

Question 6:

Can you find the time for lessons and self-study time?

Degree, diploma and title

The Federal Professional Examination for "Communications Specialist with Federal Diploma of Higher Education" comprises five parts and is conducted as follows:

1st part / basics: 1 hour in writing

Candidates must answer questions in writing or correctly demonstrate their knowledge of economics, business administration, the advertising industry and advertising law using current practical examples.

Part 2 / Marketing: 1.5 hours in writing

Candidates must apply their knowledge of commercial communication, market research, distribution and sales on the basis of examples provided and evaluate them in writing.

3rd part / communication: 4 hours written, 25 minutes oral

Candidates must complete written case studies on communication strategy, concepts and instruments (definition, planning and implementation). In the oral examination, they discuss practical examples or smaller cases.

Part 4 / Realization and production: 4 hours written, 25 minutes oral

Using written case studies, candidates develop solutions for the implementation of off- and online assignments. This includes aspects of quotation and order management, cost management and scheduling. This competence is assessed orally on the basis of practical examples.

Part 5 / Media: 4 hours written, 25 minutes oral

In case studies, candidates propose written solutions for the planning and use of offline and online media. They are tested orally on the basis of practical examples provided.

Here are some general success factors on the way to a new training qualification:

  • Regular attendance of lessons
  • Interest in the topic and active participation in class
  • Bring in your questions, don't leave anything half-understood in the room
  • Detailed preparation and follow-up of the lesson material at home
  • Committed cooperation in group work, processing of case studies etc.
  • Participation in learning groups for regular exchange
  • Intensive exam preparation: practise exam situations, e.g. in simulation exams

Diploma and title:

Graduates of the Federal Professional Examination receive a Federal Diploma of Higher Education and may use the federally recognized and protected title "Communications Specialist with Federal Diploma of Higher Education".

In French: "Spécialiste en communication avec brevet fédéral"

In Italian: "Specialista della communicazione con attestato professionale federale"

In English: "Executive in communications, Federal Diploma of Higher Education"

The holders of the certificate and their names are entered in a register kept by the State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (SERI).

Question 7:

Do you have the confidence to pass the Federal Professional Examination?