Lego Serious Play (Cert.)  (Olten):
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Eine Lego Serious Play Ausbildung bringt neue Ideen und kreative Ansätze.
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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

Nydeggstalden 30
3011 Bern
Osterwalder & Stadler GmbH
We have been offering a wide range of in-house training courses and open workshops for several years. The focus is on action learning, i.e. learning directly, immediately and in action with additional phases for reflection on what has been learned. Our guiding principle for all training courses and workshops is:

Look, take it in hand, do it and reflect on it.

We focus on facilitation as the basic attitude and background for transformations in teams and companies. Our experience from supporting complex projects for SMEs and major clients flows directly into the training courses we offer.
These are
- Facilitate Team: Unique in-depth modules in Bern, Lucerne
- Leadership: Support for managers
- Nature coaching: coaching in and with nature (individual coaching, team coaching)
- Lego Serious Play Facilitation: Thinking with your hands and making questions quickly visible and tangible
- Visualization: From basics to visual storytelling, we offer everything in the field of visualization.
Strengths: The combination of the three business areas Facilitation - Design Thinking - Graphic Recording is unique in the German-speaking world. Change - Innovation - Visual Trainings in the languages D/E/F.
Region: Bern, Zürich
Sites: Bern, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
IAF World

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Questions and answers

The advantages of an LSP workshop are as follows:

  • Lego bricks make it possible to get to the heart of the matter quickly
  • Lego models (as condensed but information-rich metaphors) can also illustrate complex issues in a clear, understandable and memorable way
  • the safe environment (playful version as training & workshop) makes it easier to address and discuss critical points
  • In-depth dialog enables better decisions to be made in less time
  • the development of ideas is reduced to a few intensive days together

The Lego Serious Play Starter Kit contains a large selection of Lego bricks. It covers everything needed to run a workshop and provide an introduction to the LSP methodology. The kit includes a selection of standard Lego bricks combined with some Duplo elements as well as a selection of special elements such as wheels, tires, windows, trees, minifigure parts, tubes, spheres and small baseplates. You also get simple building instructions for models to build your own Lego building skills.

The Lego Serious Player is a participant in Lego Serious Play and can work on complex topics together with others. With fun and simplified presentation via Lego, they can get their points across more clearly and also better understand the other perspectives of their fellow players. Workshop developers or facilitators are called LEGO® Serious Play® Facilitators.

Of course, Lego Serious Play Online is also possible. The knowledge can be acquired via eBook or online training. Workshops can also be held online. However, it should not be forgotten that physical meetings can have a positive impact on the process and naturally simplify certain procedures and discussions.

Logically, LSP Lego also comes from Lego itself. However, it was developed in collaboration with the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne (the IMD). The aim was to develop a method that offers unique solutions to bring out the full potential and creativity of a team or an entire organization. The LSP method is based on the latest knowledge of systems thinking, brain research, strategy and game development.

The Lego Serious Play Set, for example, is the Connections Set, which is intended as a supplement to the Starter Set and the Identity and Landscape Kit. This is suitable for a group of 10 to 12 workshop participants. It contains connections and connecting elements, as it focuses on relationships and connections in the business world. This allows interdependent factors and effects to be highlighted and their potential for change in the system.

The LEGO® Serious Play® method is used in companies, in teams or by individuals to promote new ideas. This method can also be used to improve communication and accelerate problem solving. Unique, sustainable and practical solutions to complex issues can be developed through this innovative process and a special type of facilitation technique. Areas of application include problem solving, idea development, innovation development, strategy development, brand identity, product development, team building and change processes.

A Lego Serious Play Kit is designed for one person to use as a program to improve their business skills using Lego bricks. Larger kits receive additional special elements such as rods, spiral tubes, ladders and fences as well as helpful sorting trays. The Lego Window Exploration Bag is suitable for shorter workshops of less than 3 hours. It contains many different colors and shapes as well as special elements and minifigure parts.

If the models - i.e. the answers to the questions - do not match the task, the Lego Serious Play questions need to be tweaked. This is because the connection between goal, task and reflection is important. And it takes some practice to find the right questions. Basically, the following aspects are important for Lego Serious Play questions:

  • Open
  • With a clear focus
  • Answerable for everyone
  • Individual
  • Positive
  • Considering the past, present and future
  • What and how questions
  • Asking for personal views

In a Lego Serious Play workshop, Lego bricks are used to develop a common language that everyone can use. This allows things to be discussed - regardless of experience, position, education or culture. This makes it possible to explore and share everyone's knowledge and insight. In this way, everyone is actively involved in the decision-making and solution-finding processes. And the focus of the answers is on stones and not on answers - this takes the pressure off.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Educational counseling online

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

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