Lymphatic drainage (cert.) (Region Zürich):
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Questions and answers
What should be considered when training to become a lymphatic drainage therapist?
As a lymphatic drainage therapist, you can work in various healthcare organizations or in an independent lymphology practice. Lymphatic drainage therapy training should be carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the health insurance registration offices. Graduates then have the opportunity to register for lymphatic drainage with their health insurance company.
Lymphatic drainage massage: What is an edema therapist?
Specialists in physiotherapy and medical massage with appropriate additional training are called edema therapists or lymphology specialists. The Professional Association for Manual Lymphatic Drainage is made up of specialists who have at least 150 lessons of basic medical knowledge and therefore meet the criteria of the EMR.
How long does lymphatic drainage training take?
The duration of lymphatic drainage training can vary greatly. You may choose a course that trains you in the techniques and methods of ML in one or two days. However, there are also courses that extend over a longer period of time and provide you with in-depth insights into the treatment and application in several modules in over 150 hours of classroom instruction with just as much supervised self-study in addition to an introduction to this topic.
Lymphatic drainage training: What are the personal requirements for carrying out a lymphatic drainage treatment?
The following personal requirements apply to lymphatic drainage treatment:
- Good interaction with people
- No reservations for people with disabilities (whether due to illness, injury or disability)
- Don't be afraid to treat wounds
- No problem with applying bandages
Tips, tests and information on "Lymphatic drainage (cert.)":
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