Marketing Manager : Success stories from graduates and students:

Short success stories from graduates and students of the "Marketing Manager" course are published here on an ongoing basis.

Success story of Susan Sagherian (federally certified marketing manager)

Susan Sagherian (eidg. dipl. Marketingleiterin)

Susan Sagherian graduated as a certified marketing manager from MBSZ in 2016.

Susan Sagherian is a federally certified marketing manager with many years of varied experience as a senior manager, member of the executive board and entrepreneur in the premium and lifestyle goods segment. She was asked for professional advice on her success story by a jewelry entrepreneur friend.

Success story from the practice of a marketing manager

Initial situation studio b jewelry & gemstones
Bernd Ruderisch has been running studio b schmuck & edelsteine in St. Blasien for 34 years. The small town with around 4000 inhabitants is a tourist attraction in the southern Black Forest. After more than 10 years, Bernd Ruderisch had the impression that his business was no longer up to date and that working as a team was no longer as much fun. The range of jewelry, carefully purchased or handmade in his own studio, and the selected minerals simply no longer really came into their own.

Bernd Ruderisch asked Susan Sagherian if she could spend a day at studio b to critically assess the whole business. He wanted a "view from the outside". The objectives were to gently modernize the entire appearance and to make the jewelry "more visible. The aim was also to increase the length of time customers spend in the store and boost sales.

Susan Sagherian took a morning to critically scrutinize every aspect of the business. From this, Susan Sagherian derived various insights:

  • Too many visual elements distract from the products.
  • Interior decoration is getting on in years.
  • There are no zones for quiet conversations in the store.
  • No decorative elements in the presentation of goods, all showcases look the same.
  • Lighting is inadequate.

Measures introduced
In collaboration with Freiburg interior designer Claudia Rogge, an up-to-date color concept was developed for painting the walls, some of the furniture was changed and the lighting was added.

Results / Conclusion
Susan Sagherian's analysis and subsequent measures have significantly increased the length of time customers stay with us. The team is once again fully motivated and proud to work at studio b. More customers are coming in and asking for specific products from the shop window. The number of regular customers from the surrounding area and Switzerland has increased significantly.

Conclusion from Bernd Ruderisch, owner of studio b schmuck & edelsteine

Bernd Ruderisch, Inhaber studio b schmuck & edelsteine

What I like about Susan Sagherian

  • Great professionalism in the field of jewelry and gemstones
  • Clear competence and honesty in dealing with their clients
  • Perfect sense of what end customers want and what the retailer can do for these customers
  • Excellent teamwork in the creation of new concepts

The author: Susan Sagherian
Susan Sagherian is a federally certified marketing manager with many years of varied experience as a senior manager, member of the executive board and entrepreneur in the premium and lifestyle goods segment. She is currently looking for a management position in which she can contribute her extensive marketing knowledge, her enjoyment of working with people and her national and international experience. Susan Sagherian combines creativity with entrepreneurial thinking and strives for 360° solutions that make everyone involved a winner. She is an open-minded, communicative and dynamic cosmopolitan who consciously lives by Swiss virtues such as reliability and a sense of responsibility.

Contact information: Susan Sagherian, susan.sagherian

Stampfenbachstrasse 6
8001 Zürich
MBSZ - Marketing & Business School Zurich AG
(5.2) Very good 105 105 Ratings (97% )
Strengths: In the last customer survey in October 2021, participants were asked what MBSZ stands for. The answers were: flexible, familiar and uncomplicated. That makes us happy, thank you!
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Innovative Ausbildungsmethoden

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