Experience training in nail design

Portrait-Foto Virgina Vanessa Alimi
Virgina Vanessa Alimi, nail designer

Tell us about your career.

Virgina Vanessa Alimi trained as a housekeeping specialist and now works in the laundry at a retirement home. She trained as a nail designer on the side and then opened her own nail studio at home. She came to nail design as a career because she originally always wanted to become a beautician. However, she now wants to focus more on nails, as she is more interested in them and really enjoys working with them.

What do you particularly like about your work as a nail designer?

What I like so much about doing nails is the pleasure you can give other people with this activity. And of course the great result of beautiful nails. I also enjoy the contact with people.

Who is the nail designer course with certificate suitable for?

Outgoing, open and cordial people are suitable for nail design. You also need a lot of patience for nail design. Filling nails, for example, takes about two hours. During this time, you should be able to talk to customers and make the time more entertaining for them.

What did you personally gain from the nail design course?

As a nail designer, it is very easy to build up a foothold. It is important to invest in advertising, for example on new social media such as Facebook or Instagram or other channels. Because the competition is fierce. However, I gain the most loyal customers through vitamin B, when existing customers show up with my nails. It's like a business card and attracts new customers.

What tips would you give to people who attend the nail design course in the future?

I think it's very important to attend a good course before setting up your own nail design studio. There is a huge range of schools and courses on offer. You should inform yourself well in advance to find the right course for you and invest your money in the right place. It is important to choose a basic course that allows you to work in the nail design sector immediately afterwards. After completing the first course in nail design, you can open your own studio and offer your services as a nail designer.

How much does it cost to set up my own nail design studio?

If you want to set up your own nail design studio, you should expect to pay around CHF 5,000. If you don't want this, you can also hire a beautician as a nail designer.

What is important after the nail designer certificate?

Even after training as a nail designer, it is important to continue your education in order to stay up to date. I completed various continuing education, further training courses after the basic course. One of my most recent continuing education, further training courses was the baby boomer course. It teaches you the perfect gradient from rosé to white - a classic in nail design.

What options are available after successfully completing the course?

A very good additional income is possible with nail design. As a mother in particular, you can easily combine working at home as a nail designer with family and childcare. Or you can do this alongside another job as an afternoon or evening job. I'm also going to be a mother and I'm looking forward to continuing to run the nail salon on the side.

How much can I earn as a nail designer?

As a nail designer, you earn around 30 to 60 francs an hour. Depending on the pace of work, it may be a little more or a little less.

Pictures Virgina Vanessa Alimi, nail designer (click to enlarge):

Overview of nail design schools "Nail designer (certified)"