Passerelle (Region Basel):
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Questions and answers
Why attend a Passerelle supplementary examination course?
The pass exam course prepares vocational baccalaureate students and baccalaureate students for an internal supplementary examination in accordance with the guidelines of the Swiss Baccalaureate Commission. The subjects include English or French, mathematics, German, natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) as well as social sciences and humanities (geography, history). The aim is to pass the Passerelle supplementary examination for the federal Matura in order to be admitted to all universities and Universities in Switzerland.
Passerelle preparation course - Who is admitted?
Anyone with a Federal Vocational Baccalaureate or a Specialized Baccalaureate is admitted to the Passerelle preparatory course. A prerequisite for admission to the Passerelle is also a very good performance profile and a very high level of motivation. There are no further admission requirements. There are two registration dates for the Swiss examinations, which take place twice a year: Early December and mid-June. The registration deadlines for the preparation courses often end in April, but vary depending on the provider. It is therefore advisable to enquire directly with the provider.
What is the Federal Passerelle?
The Passerelle is a supplementary examination to the vocational or Specialized Baccalaureate. Those who pass it have access to all degree courses at Swiss universities and all degree courses at Universities of Teacher Education. The Federal Passerelle thus guarantees access to university studies without a baccalaureate.
Is it possible to complete the Passerelle without a vocational baccalaureate?
Yes, the passerelle without a vocational baccalaureate works via the University of Applied Sciences. In order to study at a University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland, the Matura is not mandatory. Anyone with a degree from a College of Higher Education can obtain a university degree via the passerelle.
Tips, tests and information on "Passerelle"
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