Degree, diploma and title:
The professional examination "Project Manager Building Automation with Federal Certificate of Competence" takes place annually, provided that the minimum number of 10 candidates meet the admission requirements. Otherwise, the examination is held every two years - regardless of the number of participants. The examination can be taken in the three official languages German, French and Italian.
Candidates for the Building Automation Project Manager professional examination are notified at least 50 days before the start of the examination. The invitation includes the examination program (with details of the place and time of the examination as well as permitted aids) and the list of experts.
The professional examination Project Manager Building Automation takes a total of seven hours and comprises three examination parts, which are structured as follows:
1) Final thesis
1.1) Project work (written, prepared in advance)
In this part of the examination, candidates solve a task in the field of building automation. The focus of the work is on project management, conception and planning implementation of technical solutions.
1.2) Presentation and technical discussion (oral, 80 min.)
The project work is presented during a technical discussion and solutions and procedures are explained. Based on the presentations lasting 20 minutes and the written documentation of the project work, a technical discussion lasting 60 minutes takes place. Aspects of the project work are discussed and assessed in the technical discussion.
2) Case work (written/practical/oral, 120 min.)
The candidates receive various written and practice-oriented case situations in the field of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing and electrical (HVACSE). They are given the task of presenting and justifying the relevant case situations and possible solutions. The examination part can be written, practical and/or oral.
3) Case study (with technical discussion) (AVOR*, 60 min., written/practical/oral, 80 min.)
Candidates receive a written description of a case situation in the field of HVACSE. They have 60 minutes to prepare for a technical discussion. In the technical discussion, the problem analysis, possible solutions, technical argumentation and networking skills are tested. The examination part can be written, practical and/or oral.
*AVOR = work preparation for the technical discussion
Diploma and title
Graduates of the professional examination receive a federal certificate and are entitled to use the federally recognized and protected title "Project Manager Building Automation with Federal Certificate" or "Project Manager Building Automation with Federal Certificate".
- In French: "Cheffe de projet en automatisation du bâtiment avec brevet fédéral / Chef de projet en automatisation du bâtiment avec brevet fédéral"
- In Italian: "Capo progetto in automazione degli edifici con attestato professionale federale"
- In English: "Project Manager for Building Automation, Federal Diploma of Higher Education" (Attention: This is only a recommendation/translation and not a protected title)
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