Healthcare administrator Healthcare administrator: Education, continuing education, further training, schools at a glance

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Healthcare administrator: Taking responsibility in the complex world of healthcare

The healthcare administrator course is aimed at people with a basic commercial education who wish to acquire advanced skills in the healthcare sector. The courses are part-time and last between nine and twelve months. It is a joint continuing education, further training course offered by two continuing education organizations - H+ Bildung and The course imparts sound basic knowledge in the areas of legal principles, players/responsibilities, insurance, tariffs and communication. Successful graduates receive the "Healthcare administrator" diploma, which is recognized throughout Switzerland and co-signed by H+ Bildung. This diploma can be a useful intermediate level for people who are aiming for the advanced qualification of "Specialist in Healthcare Institutions with Federal Diploma of Higher Education". The diploma provides a solid foundation in the field of healthcare.

Find out more about these continuing education, further training courses, the subject matter, requirements, etc. in our "Tips, tests and information".

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Healthcare administrator: Build up sound basic knowledge

The healthcare administrator has a sound basic knowledge of the healthcare sector. Healthcare administrators are able to carry out administrative tasks related to case processing. They also provide information to patients and internal and external partners.

The training is suitable for patient care clerks and administrative staff in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation, psychiatry, medical centers, insurance companies, cantonal offices or healthcare organizations. Also for medical practice assistants, Spitex employees, dental hygienists, pharmaceutical assistants or career changers. Healthcare administrators are familiar with the legal basis of the healthcare system and its players with the corresponding responsibilities. The continuing education, further training also covers insurance, tariffs and communication (conversation techniques, argumentation and correspondence rules). Because only those who know how the healthcare system is financed can incorporate the legal framework into their work.

The approximately one-year, part-time course is suitable for participants who have professional experience in the healthcare sector and would like to acquire basic knowledge in healthcare administration. Continuing education, further training as a healthcare clerk requires a love of learning, a willingness to undergo intensive training and the initiative to learn through self-study. The clerks perform a competent job in the business area of healthcare organization and case processing.

Questions and answers

Training to become a healthcare administrator takes between six months and one year. It takes place on a part-time basis. It ends with the qualification "Healthcare administrator edupool (co-sponsored by H+ Bildung)". Ask your educational institute about the duration before registering.

Vacancies for healthcare administrators require the following skills:

  • Legal foundations Knowledge
  • Knowledge of players and responsibilities in the healthcare sector
  • Basic knowledge in insurance
  • Knowledge tariffs
  • Communication skills
  • Sound PC skills
  • Independent, service-oriented and structured way of working
  • Fluent written and spoken German, knowledge of foreign languages desirable
  • Reliable, flexible, team-oriented and resilient personality
  • Ability to think in a networked way and flair for numbers
  • Readiness for change

The following skills are required for the job of healthcare administrator:

  • Knowledge of the relevant legal foundations in the healthcare sector
  • Know the players, roles and their tasks and competencies in the healthcare system
  • Maintain an overview of services / tariffs, service providers / cost units, patient / insured customer
  • Basic knowledge of the four most important social insurance schemes in the healthcare sector
  • Know conversation techniques
  • Apply correspondence rules competently and efficiently

This is followed by further training as a healthcare administrator, which leads to a professional examination as a specialist in healthcare institutions. There is also a training course for specialists in healthcare institutions, which concludes with a federal professional examination. Those who pass this examination then have a federal certificate.

Healthcare clerk jobs include:

  • complete administrative tasks related to case processing
  • Giving information to patients
  • Educate internal and external partners
  • Actively apply sound basic knowledge in administrative matters in the healthcare sector
  • Include legal framework conditions in your work

An edupool healthcare clerk training course costs around CHF 5,000. Members of the Zurich Commercial Association generally receive a 10% discount on the course costs. Make sure you find out the exact costs and the services included before you register.

Healthcare administrator training is aimed at the following people:

  • Administrative employees of hospitals, nursing homes, REHA, psychiatry or medical centers
  • Administrative employees in insurance companies, cantonal offices or health organizations
  • Medical practice assistant (MPA)
  • Spitex employees
  • Dental hygienist
  • Pharmacy specialist
  • Transition from nursing and paramedical professions
  • People who are interested in the healthcare sector

The requirements for training as a healthcare administrator are

  • At least two years of professional experience at the time of the examination date (basic training is taken into account)
  • Good written and spoken German (level C1)
  • Recommended: Basic Windows user knowledge (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook)

However, the requirements may vary depending on the school and should therefore be checked before applying.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Various administrator certificates under the microscope»

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Aarauerstrasse 30
4601 Olten
Adult Education Center EBZ Olten
(5.3) Very good 328 328 Ratings (91% )
The Olten Adult Education Center offers a wide range of courses in the areas of training and further education.
As a leader in vocational training for adults, we offer preliminary courses for the EFZ qualification procedure in accordance with Art. 32 and further training in various professional fields. These courses are mainly held in the evening or on Saturdays. In addition to recognized follow-up courses, we also offer preparatory courses for federal professional examinations for hairdressers and for the logistics sector.
We also offer various attractive and job-oriented courses in finance and accounting. If your goal is an internationally recognized language diploma or a certificate recognized throughout Switzerland, you've come to the right place.
The central location and our location close to the train station are further advantages of our center.
Strengths: Qualified lecturers from the professional world, targeted knowledge transfer, modern infrastructure, Art. 32 catch-up training in classes with adults only, easily accessible.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern
Sites: Olten
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Cambridge English
EFQM 2020
kv edupool
Blegistrasse 17a
6340 Baar
Wir begleiten dich in die Welt der Patientenadministration!

scheggservices (eine Dienstleistung von scheggpartner AG) bietet ein umfassendes Schulungsangebot für Quereinsteigende in die Patientenadministration. Dieses Angebot richtet sich an Quereinsteigende, die ihre Karriere in der Administration einer Gesundheitsinstitution beginnen möchten. In fünf Tagen intensiver Ausbildung erhalten die Teilnehmenden die notwendigen Fähigkeiten, um in der Patientenadministration erfolgreich zu starten. Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung im Spitalwesen bereiten dich unsere Dozentinnen praxisnah und fundiert auf den Einstieg in das Gesundheitswesen vor. Zudem erhältst du nach dem Einstieg eine bedarfsgerechte Begleitung durch unsere Dozentinnen.
Strengths: Our training offers customized and practical content without requiring prior knowledge of patient administration. After starting the course, participants are supported as required.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich
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Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung