Real estate marketing clerk (certified) (Region Liechtenstein):
1 Provider
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The most important facts in brief
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Questions and answers
What qualities does a real estate marketer need?
A real estate marketer needs the following qualities:
- Sociability and communication skills
- Customer and service orientation
- Enjoy administrative work
- Oral and written fluency
- Sales flair
Who is the target group for real estate marketing clerk training?
The real estate marketing clerk training is aimed at people who want to enter the real estate industry. The training is also helpful for people who are already working in the real estate industry. You can acquire or refresh and supplement your existing basic knowledge of real estate marketing.
What does a real estate marketing assistant do?
A real estate marketing assistant has the following tasks:
- Preparation of sales documents
- Clarify questions in cooperation with the land registry or notary's office
- Handle marketing orders independently
- Read plans
- Describe buildings
- Real estate marketing
- Clarify legal issues (land, land register, ownership, purchase contracts)
How do you get started in real estate marketing?
The training courses recognized by the Swiss Real Estate Association consist of 2 modules:
- "Real estate marketing assistant"
- "Real estate valuation assistant"
Each module comprises around 60 lessons and is concluded with an examination. On completion of both modules, the "SVIT Marketing and Valuation Officer" certificate is issued.
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- Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
- An overview of the different levels and types of education
- Information about the Swiss education system
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