Would you like to calculate your personal salary opportunities more precisely after completing the accounting clerk course? The federal government's salary calculator provides further information. We will be happy to provide you with an example to make the calculation easier. The development of your personal salary depends on other criteria such as sector, region, employer, previous education, professional experience and age.
This is how you proceed: Click on "Salarium - statistical salary calculator" below and then on the "Calculate salary" button
Source: "Federal Statistical Office, FSO"
Note: This sample calculation is based on data from Salarium (end of 2024). Information can be foundhere. A list of other payroll calculator tools is availablehere.
The example salary in our calculation is CHF 6,356 (with completed vocational training). The course to become an accounting clerk is often the stepping stone to the next step in your career, i.e. obtaining the federal certificate "Specialist in Finance and Accounting".
Please note: The calculation is intended as an example and is always a rounded figure. As mentioned above, the salary depends on various factors and sometimes varies greatly.
Click on the banner below to access the salarium calculator.
Click here for the courses "Accounting Clerk, Accounting Assistant (Cert.)"