Soul / Spirit Coach (Cert.) (Region Bern):
3 Provider
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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung
Education location / Schools Bern
Questions and answers
What content is taught in a Soul Coach course?
The topics of a Soul Coach course can be very diverse, depending on the duration and focus. Relaxation meditations, for example, can be included, as well as building mental strength, cleansing energies, power animal coaching, soul mirrors and totem animals, supporting soul retrieval, recognizing and transforming primal injuries, synchronicity, self-love or shedding shame and guilt, as well as spiritual process support.
How extensive is the training to become a Soul Coach?
Depending on the training institute, training to become a soul coach can take different lengths of time. For example, five months with 11 full course days are possible. Please enquire about the course dates directly with the individual institutes using the contact form.
Are there any special requirements for a Soul Coach course?
Some providers of continuing education, further training as a Soul Coach do not have any special requirements for participants, while others already have a basic training such as the Cert. Integral Coach. You should therefore enquire directly with the provider of your choice about the applicable admission requirements.
What is the difference between Soul Coaching and Soulcare Coaching?
Soul coaching is about putting an end to mood disorders. Because illnesses and difficult times are often a sign that the soul wants something else. Finding a solution requires an unsparing look behind the scenes.
Tom Kindler's Soulcare Coaching is all about turning to yourself. Every person is unique - also in what they say, think and feel. Every person is valuable and cannot be replaced by someone else. Soulcare is about recognizing your own self and connecting your spirit with everything through self-recognition and self-awareness in order to heal your soul.
Both coaching sessions are aimed at healing - simply via slightly different paths.
Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung
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