Specialist in Business Organization (BP) (formerly Organizer (BP)) (Region Zentralschweiz):
3 Provider
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Are you looking for a suitable course provider for your training or continuing education, further training as a specialist in business organization? You can find one quickly and easily at Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch:
Questions and answers
What title can I use after passing the federal professional examination for specialists in business organization?
Successful graduates of the professional examination are entitled to use the protected title of specialist in business organization with a federal certificate.
What are the admission criteria for the Federal Professional Examination for Specialists in Business Organization with a Federal PET Diploma?
The following criteria apply for admission to the Federal Professional Examination Specialist in Business Organization:
- Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (Federal VET Diploma), Baccalaureate, commercial diploma or equivalent qualification
- 2 years of professional experience related to an area of business organization
The SFBI decides on the equivalence of foreign certificates and diplomas for the Federal Professional Examination Specialist in Business Organization.
Why are prospective students interested in training as a specialist in business organization?
The education platform Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch conducted a survey to clarify these reasons for interest. According to the results of the survey, 82% of those interested in training would still like to find out whether training as a specialist in business organization suits their own needs. 16.5 % show interest through recommendations. 1.5 % do so due to frequent mentions in job advertisements. Optional text responses show the most important reasons: "I believe I can deepen my skills with this course", "I am looking for a challenge for the future", "Opportunity for other interesting jobs" and "Further development as a coach and consultant"
Why do prospective students ask schools for the "Specialist in Business Organization" training course?
The survey conducted by Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch among those interested in a "Specialist in Business Organization" further education course revealed the following reasons for inquiries to schools:
- 75% have read one or more online reviews about the school/s
- 9 % already knew the school/s before the request
- 16 % were recommended the requested school(s)
One survey participant gave his own reason for requesting a school for further training in "Specialist in business organization" via text response:
- "Is the closest"
- "Training location"
- "Just have a go"
- "Online lessons possible"
- "Start date"
- "Suitable region"
- "Don't know the school"
- "Due to the attractive timetable"
- "Listed as a provider"
- "Found on the Internet"
Info, tips & tests "Specialist in business organization with Federal Diploma of Higher Education"
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