Experience report by Sarina Näpflin about her language study trip to Australia

Sarina Näpflin aus Luzern
Sarina Näpflin from Lucerne has a
Completed a language study trip to Noosa / Australia

Why did you decide to go on a language study trip?

I decided to go on a language study trip because I could hardly speak any English. I think it's important to speak this international language because I love traveling and it's also important in my job today. I also think that the quickest way to learn English is in a country where English is spoken.

In which country and in which city did your language study trip take place?

I chose Australia and Noosa. Noosa is located in Queensland on the east coast of Australia, north of Brisbane. Noosa is very close to nature and has beautiful beaches and an incredibly beautiful national park.

When did you complete the language study trip? How long did it last?

I completed the First Certificate in English. It started in September 2016 and ended in December 2016, so about 3 months. After that, I traveled around Australia for a month. After that, I flew to New Zealand for a month, where I also gained a lot of English skills.

How satisfied were you with your language study trip? What did you particularly like?

I got to know some great people during this time. I was most impressed by my teacher Michelle, who was simply fantastic. She gave me the motivation to learn something new every day. It was difficult not to speak Swiss German in Noosa, as around 95% of the students at the school were Swiss.

What did the language study trip to Australia do for you personally and for your career?

For me personally, it was a great experience to get to know the language and Australia. If I want to continue my professional training, it's always a plus if I can demonstrate knowledge of English.

What tips would you give to anyone interested in a language study trip to Australia?

My tip to everyone is to choose a place where you are forced to speak English. Noosa unfortunately had a lot of Swiss people. As a result, there is a high risk that people will speak Swiss German instead of English with each other.

Which language study trip provider did you register with? How satisfied were you with this provider?

I registered through Boa lingua Luzern and was very satisfied. They looked after me well and took my calls whenever I had unanswered questions.

Pictures from my language study trip to Noosa/Australia (click on the pictures to enlarge):

Overview of schools for "Language travel Australia"