Where to go on a French language study trip?

If you want to learn French or refresh or improve your French language skills, there are many different ways to do this. Online tools, apps and language courses at schools in Switzerland are all good options. Going on a language study trip to a French-speaking country is another option that you should definitely consider. The proximity to a foreign culture, contact with locals and fellow students from other countries and the flair of adventure make a language study trip a very special experience and an unforgettable and valuable experience. On a language study trip, you learn French on the side and make rapid progress.

Now there are countries all over the world where French is spoken and taught. Anyone who has decided to go on a language study trip is therefore spoiled for choice. In addition to your preferences and likes for countries, cultures and landscapes, you should also consider numerous other factors when choosing a destination. Safety certainly plays an important role and you will definitely want to find out what activities you can do in your free time in the various countries. Price is also often a decisive factor when choosing a language travel offer.

To make your decision easier, we have created guides for the most important and most popular language travel destinations for learning French. You can quickly and easily get an impression of the following points:

  • Country, cities and regions
  • Itinerary
  • Weather and climate
  • Language schools
  • Entry requirements
  • Security
  • Costs

Have fun browsing!

" Language study trip to France

" Language study trip to Guaeloupe

" Language study trip to Canada

" Language study trip to Switzerland

" Language study trip to Tahiti

" Language study trip to Monaco

" Language study trip to Martinique


Overview of providers of French language courses