Landscape Architecture Bachelor (FH)  (Sargans):
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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

Oberseestrasse 10
8640 Rapperswil
OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Departement Architektur, Bau, Landschaft, Raum
OST is a regionally based university of applied sciences with a national and international reputation. Around 3800 students are currently studying in one of the four faculties of health, social work, construction and technology and business.

As an architect or civil engineer, landscape architect or spatial planner, you will design buildings, spaces and landscapes that will last for generations to come. In doing so, you make an important contribution to the sustainable development of our living space. This applies to all scales: individual buildings as well as neighborhoods and urban development, gardens, parks, traffic with new streetcar and bus lines. All courses are characterized by a close link to practice.
Region: Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Rapperswil

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Questions and answers

The Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture program is offered in the following specializations:

  • Landscape development and design
  • Planning and design of urban open spaces
  • Landscaping and management

Prospective landscape architects UAS choose their individual specialization in their second year of study.

Landscape Architecture encompasses a wide range of activities and skills, including the development of open space and landscape concepts, the preparation of environmental impact reports, the implementation and planning of renaturation measures, the development of concepts for nature-oriented tourism, the development of natural and cultural landscape maintenance and protection concepts, the optimization, monitoring and design of infrastructure projects; the support of networking projects and landscape development concepts; the assessment and support of major projects with regard to recreation, ecological balance, landscape aesthetics and landscape conservation; the design and layout of furniture and small buildings for outdoor spaces; the design of promenades, parks, squares, gardens and streetscapes; the design of outdoor living spaces; the design of special open spaces (zoos, garden shows, cemeteries); the conservation, protection and development of historical sites. Landscape Architecture is also responsible for the development of open space concepts for districts, towns, municipalities and regions; construction management; management of municipal and urban green spaces; advising clients; planning planting; company management; project tenders, contract awarding and project handover.

The Bachelor's degree program in Landscape Architecture requires a high school diploma or a Federal Vocational Baccalaureate. In the case of a Baccalaureate or a non-specialist Federal Vocational Baccalaureate, at least one year of practical experience must also be demonstrated, which can be acquired in the form of internships. Vocational training with a vocational baccalaureate in a profession related to landscape architecture, such as gardener Federal VET Diploma, architectural model maker Federal VET Diploma, draughtsman Federal VET Diploma or similar, does not require this additional practical experience. Persons with other previous qualifications and an interest in studying to become a landscape architect should contact the relevant Universities directly for individual clarification.

The further education course in Landscape Architecture to become a site manager in landscape architecture comprises ten attendance dates and is held on two consecutive days as block events on Fridays and Saturdays. In this way, the course extends over a period of five weeks. For more detailed information on the dates, please contact the course providers directly.

In the field of Landscape Architecture, continuing education, further training for landscape architecture and horticulture professionals offers an excellent opportunity to train in a practice-oriented manner to become a landscape architecture site manager. In five block courses, the topics of construction administration with work contract law and legal aspects, construction manager day with project ideas and technical implementation, civil engineering with soil as a building material, geotechnics, soil protection and rainwater management (RWM), materials with natural stone, asphalt and concrete construction, as well as vegetation technology with planting law, tendering, protective measures, construction maintenance and FLL guidelines are taught.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

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