What are the main disadvantages of supervision training?

After the supervision training course, you will be able to support individuals, groups and teams in mastering their work tasks, optimizing cooperation, reflecting on professional actions and developing their professional and psychosocial skills.

The main disadvantages of supervision training are:

  1. The qualification following the supervision training with certificate is not a federal certificate. It is usually a further education profession and also a specialized function within other professions. Certifications from the Professional Association for Coaching, Supervision and Organizational Consulting bso, such as "Supervisor bso", are well recognized. Find out more about the courses on offer, the qualification and the associated career opportunities. An alternative is the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) "Supervisor/Coach with Federal Diploma" or a CAS Supervision and Team Coaching.
  2. At certificate level, the course content and admission requirements are generally not regulated and can be determined autonomously by the schools. In the case of association diplomas such as the bso, there are usually regulations.
  3. Anyone who wants to work in supervision must have empathy and a high level of reflection and communication skills. Not everyone has these personal qualities and they cannot be acquired through supervision training.
  4. Supervisors bso are obliged to undergo continuous further training and to reflect on their work in the context of supervision and/or intervision. This also applies to all other supervisors. The central aim is to improve the quality of professional work. You will work on personal and role-related aspects in the area of conflict between stability and change. Are you ready for this?


Graduates of a supervision training course work independently or are employed as internal consultants in various companies and organizations.

Provider of supervision training