SVEB - Certificate instructor (cert.) (formerly SVEB - Certificate course instructor (cert.)) (Region Basel):
9 Provider
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Are you looking for a suitable provider for your SVEB certificate in "Instructor - Conducting learning events" (formerly: SVEB 1 course instructor)?
Education location / Schools Basel
Questions and answers
Why did people interested in the further training course "SVEB - Certificate Instructor (Cert.) (formerly SVEB - Certificate Course Leader (Cert.))" enquire about a particular school or several schools?
The education platform asked people interested in education about this and this is the result:
- 47% specifically requested schools with good online ratings
- 27% already knew the school at which they were interested in the SVEB certificate further training course
- 26% asked schools for a recommendation for the course instructor (new: trainer) course
Free-text responses to the education survey provide additional reasons for contacting schools:
- Location: "The school is close to me", "the location", "proximity to my home", "geographical proximity", "course location", "proximity to nature", "is in the region"
- Information and comparison: "I would like to find out all about the further education options and compare the offers.", "I had already registered at another school. Unfortunately, the course was not held and I don't want to wait until next summer to do the training.", "For comparison", "I have enquired about all the schools listed", "Purely informative", "Would like to understand the focus of the various schools and whether there are differences in the qualification/topics"
- Online research: "Online search result", "Coincidence", "By searching for a suitable school", "Search engine", "Found the school on the Internet", "Training and further education website", "Description / profile says yes", "To compare", "Google", "Offer check"
- Proof of qualification: "competent in the healthcare sector", "SVEB certified"
- Teaching formats: "online class", "ideal online format", "possibility of online teaching"
- Course times: "The earliest course is", "Duration and start of the course is right", "Evening school, Saturday school", "I find your course dates suitable", "Suitable start date, feasible in terms of time as the courses take place over 6 months and only one day a week".
- Interest: "I am interested in the training"
- Requirement in job advertisements: "Due to a job advertisement as a German teacher that interests me."
- Other: "coincidence", "school already known from previous training", "just like that", "others are fully booked", "availability", "good reputation"
What can you achieve with the SVEB trainer training (formerly SVEB course instructor training)?
According to former graduates of the SVEB trainer training course (formerly SVEB course instructor training), the following can be achieved:
- work in adult education, mostly part-time
- work as a course instructor at adult education schools, including eduQua-certified continuing education institutions
- Employees in training and HR departments
- Design and implementation of teaching units
- Conduct good learning events with adults
- be able to demonstrate sound methodological and didactic skills
- have the necessary social skills
- have a nationally recognized SVEB certificate
Why are prospective students interested in the course "SVEB - Zertifikat Ausbilder / Ausbilderin (Zert.) (formerly SVEB - Zertifikat Kursleiter / Kursleiterin (Zert.))"?
The education platform conducted a survey to clarify this question. According to the results of the survey, 57% of all those interested in training are still finding out whether the SVEB - Zertifikat Ausbilder / Ausbilderin (Zert.) (formerly SVEB - Zertifikat Kursleiter / Kursleiterin (Zert.)) course meets their own needs. 27 %, on the other hand, are interested in further training through recommendations. 16% of survey participants are interested in the SVEB certificate, as this is often required in job advertisements. In the experience of our training consultants, most people who are interested in this further training are those who want to take on a new role in adult education or are already doing so and would like to acquire the necessary basic knowledge. This impression is also confirmed by most of these comments when stating optional reasons for their interest in the SVEB course:
- Career change: "New job in the company", "I would like to be able to offer my knowledge of motivational interviewing as a self-employed person", "Better opportunities as a career changer", "Becoming a mother, would like to become self-employed", "Started as a vocational trainer", "Job in prospect", "New role in the company", "I would like to work as a language teacher", "I would like to work in adult education", "I would like to reorient myself professionally and work in adult education.", "I would like to develop in the direction of adult education.", "Because I have two mother tongues and would like to make use of this.", "I would like to offer training courses myself"
- Building up knowledge: "I accompany social pedagogues HF in training and would like to acquire the necessary basic knowledge for staff training", "Further training", "Course activities", "I already teach and would like to acquire more ideas and skills", "Further develop vocational training", "Advise interested parties", "I would like to prepare a course", "I always teach courses and would like to acquire more tools for this", "Broaden my horizons", "I am already a technical trainer and would like to continue my training".
- Confirmation of qualification: "The course is required by my employer, as agreed", "I have been promised a job opportunity if I can produce the certificate", "I need it for my role in the company", "Requirement", "Would like to teach and further training is a requirement", "I need the SVEB for my job", "I have been working in adult education as an English teacher for several years", "I get a lot of job offers that include SVEB as a requirement", "I am starting out as a lecturer", "I am a course instructor", "I need the course for my job", "I need the qualification", "I need it for my career"
- Good reputation of the qualification: "I could really use the qualification at the moment. I have heard that this further training will open many doors for me.", "I would like to better understand where I can work with this training. Which companies recognize this training and would hire me?"
- Interest in education and knowledge transfer: "I am very interested in education", "I would like to work in adult education to teach, lecture and pass on my knowledge", "I would like to pass on my previous experience as a coach", "I would like to do the training to be a BB in the company".
Do I need to have previous work experience for the SVEB certificate?
In any case, you need enoughProfessional competence and experience in your own field!
Experience in leading courses is not a prerequisite for the SVEB instructor certificate (formerly course leader), but it is very helpful. It is therefore recommended that you conduct your own learning events at the latest parallel to attending the course.
Tips, tests and information on "Course instructor with SVEB certificate"
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