How long does the Bachelor's degree program in Systems Engineering (FH) take and how much does it cost?


The Bachelor's degree course in Systems Engineering (FH) can be completed as a full-time or part-time course.

  • The full-time course lasts 6 semesters.
  • The part-time course lasts 8 semesters.

You can find more information on the effort involved in the test in section 6 below.


  • Tuition costs for students resident in Switzerland are subsidized and amount to CHF 700-1,000 per semester.
  • The tuition costs for students not resident in Switzerland are a few hundred francs higher per semester. Enquire about the exact costs directly at your chosen university of applied sciences.
  • Some schools charge additional costs for enrollment, training documents and final thesis.

Provider of degree programs in Systems Engineering Bachelor (FH)