Energy and Environmental Technician HF (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment): Studies, training, providers, self-test

Zwei Techniker HF Energie und Umwelt im Gespräch
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The courses in energy and environmental technology are aimed at professionals with an apprenticeship qualification in the technical field. Energy and environmental technician students (formerly HF energy and environmental technician) learn to design and build energy systems in which renewable resources can be converted into energy and used in an environmentally friendly and efficient manner. You will acquire the necessary specialist knowledge and business management skills to take on challenging project and development tasks in industry, research and development.

The courses are part-time and lead to the Federal Diploma in Energy and Environmental Engineering HF (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment) in three years or two years in the case of full-time study. This qualification offers good career opportunities and enables entry into further training such as postgraduate HF courses or the continuation of studies at a university of applied sciences for energy and environmental technology.

Further information about the work of energy and environmental technology technicians and about the degree courses in our "Tips, tests and information".

Self-test "Energy and Environment HF": Is this course the right one for me?

Note: Since fall 2022, the HF technician courses (formerly "Techniker HF Fachrichtung") have been given a separate framework curriculum and a new title for each specialization. For example, the course "Technician HF Energy and Environment" is now called "Energy and Environmental Technician HF".

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Energy and environment HF: For energy with a future

The degree course in Energy and Environment at Higher Technical College level is a very future-oriented and lucrative course. There are hardly any more up-to-date subjects combined in one degree course. The course is primarily aimed at successful graduates with basic qualifications in physics, chemistry, energy and process engineering who wish to work as energy and environmental technicians HF (formerly technicians HF energy and environment).

The degree course in Energy and Environmental Engineering HF (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment) trains competent specialists in the fields of energy production, resource utilization and environmental engineering. Companies from all sectors are always on the lookout for well-trained energy and environmental technicians HF (formerly technicians in the field of energy and environmental technology). Future-oriented and exemplary company management always requires highly trained specialists in the field of efficient energy generation and use and modern environmental technologies. Energy and environmental technicians HF (formerly technicians HF energy and environment) also meet the requirements in sectors where ecology and economy play an important role.

Studying Energy and Environment (HF) is an investment in our future. Hardly any other topic is so topical in the economy and is becoming increasingly topical. So opt for a professional future with excellent career opportunities and study Energy and Environment at a renowned university of applied sciences. Find the right school for your further education here and have comprehensive documents sent to you. Compare them and find the right study program for your future as an Energy and Environmental Technician HF (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment).

Questions and answers

After studying Energy and Environmental Technology HF, the following further training courses are possible:

  • Courses and offers from professional associations, vocational colleges and higher technical colleges
  • University of Applied Sciences
    • Bachelor of Science (FH) in Energy and Environmental Engineering
    • Bachelor of Science (FH) in Systems Engineering
    • Bachelor of Science (FH) in Mechanical Engineering, Microtechnology, Electrical Engineering or Computer Science
  • Postgraduate level with courses at universities of applied sciences and universities of applied sciences in the following areas:
    • Energy systems
    • Energy industry
    • Energy and resource efficiency
    • Business Engineering Management
    • Business administration

In the case of an HF Energy and Environment Technician course (new: HF Energy and Environment Technician), which is carried out alongside work, at least 50 percent professional activity is required during the course.

You should have the following personal qualities for an HF course to become an HF technician in energy and environment (now: HF energy and environmental technician):

  • Interest in energy technology
  • Interest in environmental technology
  • want to understand the complex technical and economic interrelationships in their own working environment
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Communication skills
  • Systematic approach
  • solution-oriented thinking
  • Willingness to take on responsibility
  • want to undergo continuous further training
  • Leadership qualities

A work placement of 720 hours (18 weeks) must be completed exclusively as part of a full-time degree course in Energy and Environmental Engineering HF (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment). In the case of part-time training, the professional activity is credited so that the internship is not required.

The amount of your workload during your studies to become an Energy and Environmental Technician HF (formerly Technikerin / Techniker HF Energie und Umwelt) depends largely on which training model you choose and how high your workload may be due to personal circumstances. For example, at some schools you can opt for a day course, where you attend classes for a whole day and therefore lose a whole working day. However, you can also opt for evening courses, where you attend the course three times a week, or choose a combination of day and evening courses, even with additional attendance at the energy technology advanced training course on Saturday. Which option you choose depends on when you can learn best, what your maximum work and learning load should be and how much you can and want to reduce your workload. However, you should not work more than 80 percent (although this is possible depending on the option you choose), as you will need sufficient time to study in addition to the classroom teaching. However, some schools even require you to work at least 50 percent from a higher semester onwards. Please clarify this point directly with the relevant schools.

Energy and environmental technicians HF (formerly technicians HF energy and environment) are responsible for operational environmental protection and contribute to the sustainable, ecologically and economically sensible use of a company's ecological and energy resources. To this end, HF energy and environmental technicians (now: HF energy and environmental technicians) are responsible for the analysis, assessment, planning and implementation of projects with regard to ecological and energy-efficient aspects, introduce energy management systems and are entrusted with the management of projects for renewal, refurbishment and procurement. They lead a team and are competent contacts in the areas of maintenance and occupational safety.

In fact, you must be able to demonstrate foreign language skills at level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in order to be admitted to the Energy and Environmental Technician HF course (formerly Techniker HF Energie und Umwelt). Most schools require English language skills at this level or higher, but you can also acquire these during your studies and must prove them in an English test.

The advanced training course for energy and environmental technicians HF (formerly technician HF energy and environment) is primarily aimed at plant and apparatus engineers, designers, polymechanics, electricians and automation technicians who wish to specialize and have at least six years of professional experience, including the apprenticeship period. Professionals from construction-related apprenticeships, such as metalworkers, heating engineers, electrical draughtsmen, building services planners, plumbers and fitters and other related professions are also a good prerequisite for further training as a technician. Individual clarification is carried out for interested parties from non-construction professions.

In most cases, studies at a university of applied sciences (HF) are offered as part-time studies, so that you can continue to work at a reduced workload while studying for a diploma in energy and environmental engineering (new: energy and environmental engineering HF).

The following subjects are covered in a degree course in Energy and Environment HF:

  • Ecology
  • Engineering
  • Process engineering
  • Electrical machines and drives
  • Plant engineering
  • Automation
  • Mobility
  • Sustainability management
  • Innovation management
  • Environmental technology
  • Regenerative energy systems
  • Sustainable product development
  • Business administration

An energy technician HF focuses on the following in their work:

  • Efficiency, safety, environmental compatibility and cost-effectiveness of energy generation, conversion, transportation, storage and use
  • modern environmental technologies
  • Planning, project development and implementation of complex new construction, expansion and retrofit projects, e.g. in the field of secondary technology for medium and high-voltage switchgear and substations
  • varied activities both in-house and with customers
  • Planning and documentation
  • Concepts such as UMZ, differential, distance protection and earth fault location
  • Impact protocols and automated testing techniques

Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education in Energy and Environment (new: Energy and Environmental Technician CHE) courses last four to six semesters. The course can be completed part-time or full-time at a College of Higher Education. For holders of a technical Federal Vocational Baccalaureate, the duration of studies can be shortened by two semesters. With the Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education (Achtung: Engl.), graduates have better earning potential.

The exact title of the degree in Energy and Environmental Engineering HF (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment) can be the same, but previously also, depending on the chosen course of study, "Dipl. Techniker/in HF Systemtechnik, Vertiefungsrichtung Umwelttechnik" or "dipl. Techniker/in HF Systemtechnik / Erneuerbare Energien".

Most schools offer one or more information events that you can attend before registering for the HF Energy and Environmental Technician course (formerly HF Energy and Environment Technician). This gives you the opportunity to learn about all the important aspects of this course and also to ask specific questions and clarify any uncertainties. This will provide you with a comprehensive basis for making a decision on further training as a technician. Use our contact form to get in touch directly with the higher technical colleges you are interested in and tick the box "I would like the dates of the next information events". It is advisable to also request the training documents, which you should study in detail before attending the information event.

Tips, tests and information on "Energy and environmental technician HF" (formerly Technikerin / Techniker HF Energie und Umwelt)

Is energy and environmental technology my calling?
» Test vocation for energy and environmental technology
How well known is the "Energy and Environment HF" degree among potential employers?
» Awareness and image of "Energy and Environmental Technician HF " (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment)
What salary can I expect after graduating as an Energy and Environmental Technician HF (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment)?
» Wage information, wage calculator
What will I learn on the course? What can I do as an "Energy and Environmental Technician HF" (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment)?
» Skills and competencies "Energy and Environmental Technician HF" (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment)
What opportunities does the qualification "Energy and Environmental Technician HF" (formerly Technician HF Energy and Environment) open up for me?
» Prospects and further training opportunities
Test: Will I be admitted, do I belong to the target group? Will I graduate?
» Self-test energy and environment HF
What are the advantages of this course?
» Energy and environmental benefits HF
Educational guide for professions in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and building services engineering
» Guide / Compendium of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and building services engineering
What is required in the environmental technician job / energy technician job? How are the activities divided up?
» Information from job advertisements

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Warum Bildungsportal mit top Service für Bildungsinteressenten»

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Gürtelstrasse 48 Gleis d
7001 Chur
ibW University of Applied Sciences Southeastern Switzerland
Over the past 25 years, the school has evolved from a purely technical school into the largest provider of adult education in the non-university sector in the region of south-eastern Switzerland. Today, a wide range of further education courses are offered in the fields of business, technology, IT, wood, lifestyle, languages, construction, architecture and design. Since the Interkantonale Försterschule Maienfeld (IFM) joined in 2008, professionals from the entire timber chain have also been trained and further educated. Over 550 lecturers, mostly part-time, are available in over 100 recognized courses and 25 departments in 4 sub-schools to pass on their practical knowledge to students. This ensures that the continuing education program covers the current needs of the economy at all times. The ibW is certified according to ISO 9001:2008 and 29990 as well as the federal education label eduqua. The school is also a partner of the SWISS EXCELLENCE FORUM.
Region: Ostschweiz
Sites: Chur, Maienfeld, Sargans, Ziegelbrücke
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Krämerackerstrasse 15
8610 Uster
Higher Vocational Education Uster HBU
(5.0) Very good 50 50 Ratings (94% )
Write your success story with us! "Lifelong learning" is the motto today.
The demands on employees, specialists, managers and entrepreneurs are becoming ever greater and the intervals between developments ever shorter. We take up this challenge! Qualified, practice-proven and motivated teaching staff guarantee you action-oriented lessons. You also benefit from the modular structure of our courses: You can update your specialist knowledge in technology, IT, business and management even without obtaining a certificate.
Strengths: Modular course structure = you choose when you want to complete individual modules. Each module can be attended individually as a course and remains valid for 5 years.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Uster
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Inovatech technical college
Inovatech is a university of applied sciences for technology, energy and business. We attach great importance to our competent and experienced lecturers and program directors. The courses are designed in accordance with the latest framework curricula. The Zofingen site is very centrally located, both by public transport and by car. The excellent infrastructure at the Bildungszentrum Zofingen (BZZ) (technical facilities for teaching, canteen, parking spaces, etc.) provides the perfect setting for our students.

The manageable size of our school allows us to cater specifically to the personal wishes and well-being of our students.
Strengths: Inovatech has great expertise and works actively with representatives from the world of work. Students acquire skills that they can apply immediately in everyday life
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Zentralschweiz
Sites: Zofingen
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
ISO 21001 SQS
Wiesenstrasse 26
5400 Baden
ABB Technikerschule
Your educational partner for practical continuing education - for a professional future with prospects. ABB Technikerschule is a federally recognized higher technical college for technology, IT, business and management located in Baden and Sursee and trains around 600 students from 330 different companies.

Digitalization and state-of-the-art technology are not only taught here, but also experienced and actively applied in our well-equipped laboratories. With advanced tools such as the mobile basic learning platform, we provide students with in-depth specialist knowledge and interdisciplinary skills so that they are equipped with the latest technology to meet the challenges of industrial practice.

We are a public, market- and performance-oriented educational institution in higher vocational education and training and offer technically trained, ambitious professionals extra-occupational training courses, postgraduate studies and future-oriented continuing education formats.
Region: Aargau, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Baden, Sursee
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Pilatusstrasse 38
6003 Luzern
TEKO Swiss Technical College
A solid basic knowledge and a permanent knowledge advantage open up and secure a successful professional life for you today. Personal training and further education is the most important prerequisite for this. With up-to-date and practice-oriented courses, you can build a solid foundation for optimal career prospects. TEKO Swiss Technical Colleges support you in your further education in technology, business and administration.
Region: Basel, Bern, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Basel, Bern, Glattbrugg, Luzern, Olten

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung