Animal homeopathy: schools, providers, information, FAQs

Bildungsgang Tierhomöopath/in SHI
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The professional homeopathic treatment of animals requires sound animal-specific knowledge of behavioral science, veterinary medicine and homeopathy. Are you looking for a suitable school for training or further education in animal homeopathy (cert.)? Find suitable training providers and further information here.

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Do you see your professional future in animal homeopathy?

Are you interested in training or further education in the field of veterinary medicine and are you interested in alternative medicine? In this case, training to become an animal homeopath at a renowned Swiss school would certainly be an attractive educational opportunity for you.


Animal homeopaths do not rely on medicinal substances that are administered to sick or injured animals. The remedies are merely an aid for the sick animal's organism so that it can heal on its own and regain its strength. If the homeopathic remedy covers all the symptoms of the animal's illness, the body is given the information about the illness. It is crucial in animal homeopathy that the correct remedy is administered. This requires a sound knowledge of homeopathy, but also of veterinary medicine.


Animal homeopaths are usually employed when the animal suffers from chronic, recurring illnesses or injuries. In these cases, conventional therapy methods often no longer help to a satisfactory extent. It has been observed that animals treated with animal homeopathy eat enough food again more quickly and that the healing has a more lasting effect.


Training as an animal homeopath takes around three years and is taught in veterinary medicine, ethology and homeopathy. After completing the training, graduates are qualified to work independently and are recognized by the association.


You can find providers of training in this specialist area on

Questions and answers

In the case of animal homeopathy for dogs, the effect in the sense of a placebo effect has been proven by clinical studies. A significantly greater effect has not yet been clearly described. However, there are many positive reports from vets and pet owners about the effect of homeopathy in dogs. As the application is relatively low-risk and generally does not cause any serious side effects, homeopathic remedies are increasingly being used in dogs to treat various illnesses. The same applies to cats.

The Repertory of Animal Homeopathy contains 4,000 symptoms with approx. 40,000 entries. As a reference work, it is therefore very helpful for daily work as an animal homeopath. It is still used by many homeopaths today, particularly because of its reliability.

Classical animal homeopathy means making sick animals healthy again. It is a branch of medicine that takes a holistic view of the patient. It is based on the precise observation of all symptoms and the use of medicines in homeopathic or energetic doses. The specific symptoms of the animals are researched.

In order to be able to work as a self-employed animal homeopath recognized by the association, a comprehensive diploma course in animal homeopathy is required. This usually takes three years and takes place one to two days a week and usually involves around 800 hours of attendance.

Animal homeopaths carry out the following activities:

  • Treat animals professionally with homeopathy
  • to treat animals according to the principles of classical homeopathic medicine
  • apply technical expertise in the areas of health, disease, husbandry and feeding
  • advise responsibly and professionally
  • do educational work
  • support animals with acute and chronic illnesses
Training in animal homeopathy is not yet federally recognized, so there is no set curriculum. This means that each school sets its own priorities (also in terms of animal species) and teaches these in its own way. As a rule, however, this training is divided into three parts and the content is divided into the following areas:
  • Veterinary medicine and general education
  • Behavioral science/ethology
  • Animal homeopathy

In veterinary medicine, you will mostly learn the biological and biochemical basics, the anatomy as well as the physiology and pathology of certain animal species. You will learn the most important basics of immunology, zoonoses, animal nutrition and virology, mycology, bacteriology and parasitology.

The following content is often taught in the field of ethology:

  • Basic concepts
  • Social systems
  • Pairing systems
  • Descent and domestication
  • Origin of race
  • Sensory performance
  • Human-animal communication and interaction
  • Behaviorally appropriate feeding
  • Housing systems and stable equipment
  • Practical work on animals

The homeopathy module usually provides you with knowledge in the following areas:

  • Basics
  • Materia Medica
  • Medical history
  • Repertorization
  • Miasmatics
  • Legal knowledge
  • Practical work

Of course, you will also learn everything you need to know about behavioral problems, pharmacy, end-of-life care, rearing young animals and other interesting topics.

What is important in animal homeopathy training is the quality and whether it is up to date. In addition to professional training, social and personal skills should also be promoted. Teachers should be highly qualified and teach in a way that is challenging, didactically varied and practical.

The homeopathic treatment of the cat begins with an intensive initial consultation. The owner's observations play a major role here, as they speak for the cat. The homeopathic remedy and the appropriate potency are then selected. Low-potency remedies, which are used for acute illnesses, need to be administered more frequently in animal homeopathy for cats, while higher-potency remedies for chronic illnesses need to be administered less frequently, sometimes only once. Whether drops or globules are administered to cats is also decided by the therapist in consultation with the owner. During the course of the disease, regular check-ups or consultations are then held to monitor the success of the cure.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

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Steinhauserstrasse 51
6300 Zug
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Preview of the video «Bildungsgang Tierhomöopath/in SHI»
SHI Homeopathy School
(5.2) Very good 30 30 Ratings (96% )
Welcome to the School of Classical Homeopathy in Zug!

The SHI Homeopathy School has been a renowned training institution for over 30 years and is the only homeopathy school in Switzerland to offer the CHE diploma (College of Higher Education level).

At the school we train qualified homeopaths and animal homeopaths at the highest level. The courses are modular, individual and flexible.
In addition to the largest field of homeopathy, they also cover important and well-founded medical principles. In animal homeopathy, another focus of the training is behavioral science.

You can find out more about the course at the regular information evenings. The SHI Homeopathy School also offers lectures and continuing education, further training for the public, which is also a good opportunity to get to know homeopathy.

We look forward to meeting you!
Strengths: Part-time or full-time study possible, can be planned individually, several entry options per year
Region: Zentralschweiz
Sites: Zug
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Brahmsstrasse 30-A
8003 Zürich
Samuel Hahnemann School GmbH
SHS has been offering specialized training in the following areas for over 30 years:

-Homeopathy for people according to the guidelines of EMR, ASCA, Visana, Oda AM
-Medical basics according to the guidelines of EMR, ASCA, Visana, Oda AM.
-Our homeopathy training for animals includes medicine for animals and ethology (animal behaviour) and is BTS recognized.
-Sustainable nutritional advice

Among the professional homeopaths are many former Samuel Hahnemann students. SHS has earned a very good reputation for its high level of training and consistent quality and is the most well-founded homeopathy school in Switzerland.
Strengths: SHS has earned a very good reputation thanks to its high level of training and consistent quality. We are happy to support you on your way to a successful degree!
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
ISO 9001 TS

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung