VoIP: Training providers, information, questions and answers

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Are you looking for a VoIP course to learn about Internet protocol telephony and Internet telephony?

At Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch you will find suitable providers for education, courses, training or courses in this IT area. The portal provides comprehensive educational information on this topic.

VoIP: Internet telephony with a future thanks to Voice-Over-IP

IP telephony or VoIP (Voice over IP) is telephoning via computer networks set up according to Internet standards. The connection is transmitted via a data network and a connection is possible via the computer or telephone. This technology of the future will replace conventional telephone technology, including ISDN and all its components. The aim of the changeover for communications network operators is to reduce costs through a uniformly structured and operated network. All voice and video services must be converted to an IP platform. When voice and IP come together, joint VoIP solutions are needed from specialists in the telecommunications and network sectors.


A VoIP course provides knowledge on concepts for voice communication over IP, RTP protocol kill, signaling protocol SIP, quality of service and fax transmission solutions. It explains migration strategies for future exchange connection via SIP trunks. A training course can cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to Voice over IP
  • Basics, concepts and protocols
  • Basics of voice communication
  • Codecs and bandwidths for IP telephony
  • Media streams via IP - RTP
  • SIP basics - terms, concepts and processes
  • Signaling via SIP - registration and call setup
  • Negotiation of media streams via SDP
  • Voice over IP in practice - Quality of Service and fax transmission over IP
  • Voice over IP security basics - encryption, firewalls and NAT
  • Design - concepts for small, medium and large companies
  • Cloud, hosting or IP-Centrex PBX with the provider
  • SIP trunking connection to the provider
  • Future trends in telephony

The VoIP courses are aimed at planners, consultants, decision-makers and technicians working in the field of telecommunications and network technology who are looking for a basic introduction to the world of Voice over IP. Graduates acquire in-depth specialist knowledge of the functions of voice communication via Voice over IP. They will be able to conceive, plan, design and implement VoIP solutions for companies of various sizes.


Would you like to acquire specific IT knowledge about VoIP? On Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch you will find a selection of educational offers in the form of a course, a training course or a training program. Use the largest Swiss education platform to find out about different education providers and quickly request information documents on individual courses.

Questions and answers

With VoIP you save on telephone costs and benefit from many other functions such as video conferencing or instant messaging. Free VoIP works from VoIP to VoIP. However, if you make calls to the normal telephone network, there are small charges. Basically, you don't need a telephone for VoIP, but an Internet-capable end device and a good Internet connection. It can therefore be used with:

  • PC (e.g. with VoIP VoIP software telephone - also called softphone, to connect normal telephone functions to the computer)
  • Laptop
  • IP telephone (telephone with data transmission via the Internet, connection via LAN port to router)
  • Analog telephone with analog telephone adapter (ATA) or ISDN telephone adapter (ITA) for connection to the DSL modem
  • Smartphone (via VoIP app)

All you need to set up VoIP is a router and Internet access.

The connection with VoIP technology is the connection via the DSL router or a VoIP-capable cable modem with the broadband connection of the Internet. To establish the connection, the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is required with a SIP address, which is used for identification. With VoIP Switzerland, the VoIP application also digitizes the audio signal recorded with a microphone. The telephone call data is sent in the form of data packets via an Internet line. The coding (codec) used is decisive for the voice quality. After transmission, the data is decoded and converted back into speech. Here, delay fluctuations (jitter) are also decisive for the voice quality of the telephone.

There are several VoIP providers in Switzerland. These include, for example, the following VoIP providers:

  • iWay
  • phonestar
  • Green
  • It factory
  • sipcall
  • Telephoenix
  • Skype
  • VoiPBuster

Of course, this also includes the usual telephone providers such as VoIP Swisscom.

VoIP is the abbreviation for Voice over IP. According to VoIP Wiki, this refers to Internet telephony (IP telephony or Internet Protocol telephony). With this technology, the system is linked to the broadband with IP connections - traditionally this was done with ISDN variants.

VoIP Meaning is telephony over the Internet via VoIP telephone. This means that the conventional telephone network is dispensed with and the Internet is used instead. The voice is converted and the VoIP application digitizes the audio signal, sends it in data packets and translates the data back into voice at the destination.

VoIP telephony is a technology that enables telephone calls to be made via the Internet. Voice communication via the Internet is made possible by the network protocol. In VoIP architecture, IP (Internet Protocol) is the basis for the connection to the Internet via the IP address of Internet-enabled devices. This is used to send data back and forth between end devices.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website www.berufsberatung.ch (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

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