Forest playgroup leader: Training providers and information

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Would you like to work in the field of nature education? Are you looking for a suitable school for training or further education as a forest playgroup leader?

Here on you can quickly and easily find an overview of the most important courses on offer in the field of forest education:

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Forest playgroup leader: Into nature with a group of children

Whether it's sunny, snowy or rainy, the forest offers an exciting and free environment for exploring, moving and playing in all weather conditions. Especially nowadays, when children spend less and less time in nature, it is extremely valuable when nature can be experienced and discovered with all the senses. The shared experiences in the group also strengthen social skills. It is therefore hardly surprising that forest and nature play groups are becoming increasingly popular.

A forest playgroup leader course is aimed at leaders and employees of playgroups, but also at parents, educational professionals and anyone who would like to learn how to carry out meaningful and development-promoting activities in the forest with a group of pre-school children. Like the classic playgroup leader training, the course is not federally regulated.

During the forest playgroup leader course, you spend a lot of time in the forest, whatever the weather, while learning how to accompany and guide children carefully in the natural environment. Forest play groups are usually also offered over lunchtime, so the training usually includes cooking over a fire. Participants learn about trees, flowers, shrubs, plants, berries and mushrooms in the forest and learn to appreciate and use them as a facility and environment for the playgroup in the forest.

Would you like to find out more about the forest playgroup leader course and are you looking for offers from schools in your region? On you can quickly and easily find numerous training courses for professionals and laypeople. Order course materials online free of charge and without obligation or attend an information event, which may even take place in the forest!

Questions and answers

The following modules are included in the forest playgroup leader training:

  • Basic playgroup leader / basic training playgroup leader
  • Basic forest with certificate
  • Module practical support
  • Communication module
  • Pedagogy module
  • Developmental psychology module
  • Play and design processes / self-awareness module
  • Parental cooperation module
  • Emergencies with small children

After attending the "Basic Forest" module, participants have the following skills in relation to forest playgroups:

  • You will be able to set up a forest playgroup and lead it according to the principles of nature and playgroup education.
  • They see the forest as a place of play and learning for preschool children and accompany children attentively and competently in their individual development and learning steps in nature.
  • They know what sustainable use of nature looks like and are guided by it.
  • You present yourself convincingly to parents and the public as a pedagogical specialist.

The children love changeable play spaces and unobserved work. These nature experiences in the forest leave lasting impressions and playfully promote imagination, sensitivity, senses, creativity, sense of balance and spatial orientation. A forest play group promotes gross and fine motor skills and develops them holistically. The forest also offers children the opportunity to familiarize themselves with animals and plants.

The following persons are admitted to the forest playgroup leader training examination:

  • Completed modules: Basic / basic training, additional qualification basic forest, practical support, communication, pedagogy, developmental psychology, self-awareness, parent cooperation and 3 further training days "Dusse", of your own choice, and a passed diploma interview
  • two years experience as a forest playgroup leader
  • Proof of "Emergencies for infants", not older than 3 years

We are therefore looking for a forest playgroup leader:

  • She is familiar with Cornell's nature education models as well as the guiding principles of playgroup education and the environmental education focus publication
  • She works as a specialist in early childhood education with sound knowledge of nature and environmental education
  • It recognizes the richness of the forest and its qualities as a space for development and learning
  • She has a broader understanding of working with parents
  • It continuously reviews and evaluates its pedagogical quality
  • She has practical experience and reflects on her own attitude in depth
  • It has advantages on the labor market

The following personal requirements are necessary for the job "Leading a forest playgroup":

  • Enjoy working with children and their parents
  • Practical experience in dealing with preschool children
  • Interest in the development of pre-school children
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Patience and tolerance
  • Empathy
  • Flexibility and openness
  • Ability to reflect

The training to become a forest playgroup leader can be completed on a part-time basis. It comprises 259.5 teaching hours and 179.5 hours of self-study including practical visits. Each module takes around three months to complete.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»

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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

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Wandstrasse 1
9033 Untereggen
training kid
We are a small training institution that offers courses for playgroup professionals and parents.

We are a member of the training committee of the Schweiz. Spielgruppen-LeiterInnen-Verband SSLV. The training to become a playgroup leader is recognized by the SSLV and can be completed with a diploma.

Thanks to our lean organization, the latest findings from educational pedagogy and research can be quickly incorporated into our courses. Our course leaders work in a practical and resource-oriented manner.
Region: Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz
Sites: Rorschach, St.Gallen, Wangs, Weesen, Wittenbach
Next start date
Im Neuhof 32
6020 Emmebrücke
Spielwerk - Bildungsraum frühe Kindheit
We have been training playgroup leaders for over 45 years - since January 1, 2024 under the new Spielwerk association. Lecturers from various specialist areas lead our courses and guarantee instructive, interesting and varied course content. Playgroups are lively and important places of learning for young children, which is why we offer sound training and valuable continuing education, further training for playgroup leaders.

The educational landscape in the early years sector is growing, and we remain fresh and innovative with our offerings. Every practice requires theory and specialist knowledge. Our participants remain in contact with colleagues and experts, which promotes their professional actions and thinking. Our lecturers work in the field of early childhood and are specialists in their field. Spielwerk is personal, straightforward and uncomplicated. We are networked with specialist bodies, politicians and educational authorities and are familiar with the latest research findings.
Region: Zentralschweiz
Sites: Emmenbrücke
Next start date
Zypressenstr. 76
8004 Zürich
Nature Education Ltd.
In nature education, nature becomes a space for play, learning, work, rest and identification. It offers phenomena, objects and materials that encourage creative, manual or playful activities as well as environmental learning.
In our courses, we combine these areas and enable participants to enable people to have intensive, holistic encounters with nature and take steps towards a conscious, loving relationship with nature, their fellow human beings and themselves. To this end, we impart basic pedagogical knowledge, specialist knowledge, methodological and practical tools in the course.
The training takes place exclusively in the great outdoors. We experience the earth, sun, wind, fire, animals and plants directly and unadulterated - our own relationship with nature forms the root of nature education.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Braunwald, Giubiasco, Wald, Zürich, Gibswil, Rütihof, Mettmenstetten
Davidstrasse 12, Postfach
9001 St. Gallen
Waldkinder St. Gallen
From practice for practice. Learning in nature has been happening at Waldkinder St. Gallen for 20 years: From forest crèche to full-time forest school up to 2nd grade, the focus is on the child with its abilities and nature. This experience also forms the basis for adult education: you will learn about our pedagogical approach to forest children's education in the course and acquire a broad basic knowledge of working in the forest with children between the ages of 2 and 9. Everything 100% outdoors - naturally in nature! How do we make forest children's education come alive? Choose the format that suits you: the modular course "Nature and forest children's education", specialist and in-depth modules of 3 days each or one-day specialist courses. So that learning with children in nature succeeds - with a well-filled rucksack of experience and practice!
Region: Ostschweiz
Sites: St. Gallen
Uster West 24
8610 Uster
IG Playgroups Education
IG Spielgruppen Bildung has been supporting and promoting playgroups and their quality for more than 30 years. As professionals in the preschool sector, we train educational specialists in the field of early education, care and upbringing. We combine specialist knowledge and experience as well as the latest scientific findings under one roof. In an open, everyday and goal-oriented learning atmosphere, you will acquire the pedagogical tools to set up and manage a playgroup. Our proven combination of in-depth specialist knowledge and practical input as well as the exchange of experiences within the group guarantee a holistic education. You will develop your personal skills as you engage with the understanding of early childhood education. The basic training is also appreciated by (day) parents as valuable support in everyday family life. We take customer proximity literally, which is why we offer well-founded, practical courses throughout German-speaking Switzerland. Certificate and diploma courses in a flexible modular system.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Baar, Baden, Basel, Bern, Chur, Liestal, Luzern, Olten, Solothurn, St. Gallen, Thun, Uster, Wattwil, Wil, Winterthur, Zürich

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung