Web Developer (Cert.) (Region Basel):
2 Provider
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Questions and answers
Why is a career change in web development a good idea?
A lateral entry in web development is suitable in the following cases:
- an area with IT, graphics and marketing aspects
- IT, programming and search engine technology, graphics and design as well as marketing and sales-related aspects come together
- Turning a hobby into a profession
- possible independence
What development opportunities do you have as a website developer?
As a website developer, you can take a professional examination to become an ICT application developer. With this federal qualification, you can work as an ICT application developer in a software development department of an ICT service provider or carry out projects on behalf of other companies. IT is a dynamic professional field that is constantly evolving.
What are the requirements for a web developer apprenticeship?
As a rule, general computer skills are required for a web developer apprenticeship. The profession requires an independent way of working, goal-oriented work and a high degree of flexibility. Creativity is also required for web design. Ask your chosen training provider about the admission requirements.
What is the difference between PHP web developer and Python web development?
The difference between PHP web development and Python web development is the programming language. Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is an open source scripting language that is often used for server-side web development. As open source, it is simple and easy to use. Python, on the other hand, is an object-oriented, interpreted high-level programming language. This language is free and open source and is easy to learn and program. Both PHP and Python are excellent programming languages that are suitable for web and app development.
Tips, tests and information on "Web developer (certified)"
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