Self-test: Is the "Feng Shui Consultant (Cert.)" course the right one for me?

A woman sits on the sofa and searches the Internet for Feng Shui furniture.

Take our self-test to find out whether working as a Feng Shui consultant meets your expectations and whether you are on the right path with the appropriate specialist training in Feng Shui consulting with a "school certificate".

Your advantages with our self-test:

  • For each answer option "Yes", "Partly", "No", you will receive further information tailored to it.
  • The final result will provide you with an overview of suitable providers / schools.
  • Finally, we also provide you with helpful tips for finding the right school.

What does the day-to-day work of feng shui consultants look like?

Feng Shui consultants usually work on a freelance basis, often in another profession into which they can integrate Feng Shui as a supplement.

The Feng Shui consultation begins with an analysis of the overall situation, e.g. the geological environment of a house, the position of a rented apartment within a housing estate and the recording of all rooms belonging to the house / apartment / business. The detailed analysis of the energy flows, the strengths and weaknesses of the floor plan and possible problem areas begins with the creation of the floor plan.
The characteristics of the people who live there are included in the detailed development of possible solutions. The aim of the final design proposals is to create an interior design that optimally supports all residents in their well-being, health and objectives.

In the actual implementation, structural measures such as moving a room door may be necessary if possible. Otherwise, the design elements of color, materials, shapes and spatial arrangement are used.

Question 1:

Do the activities described meet your expectations? Would you like to work in Feng Shui consulting?

Target group and skills: Who is the Feng Shui consulting training suitable for? What qualities and skills are required?

The Feng Shui Consultant course is suitable for the following people:

  • People from the fields of architecture, interior decoration, etc. who would like to take a closer look at the energy-related issues of interior design
  • People who are interested in Feng Shui and would like to acquire in-depth knowledge
  • People from advisory professions who also want to incorporate the aspects of environmental influences into their work
  • People who would like to become self-employed in this field

The following qualities are mentioned for successful work in Feng Shui consulting:

  • Good sense of aesthetics, color and form
  • Understanding of geological, geometrical and energetic relationships
  • Enjoy dealing with people in an advisory capacity
  • Administrative skills and business acumen for self-employment

Question 2:

Do you belong to one of the target groups for this training course and do you have the necessary personal qualities?

Prerequisites for admission to the Feng Shui consulting training course:

There are no regulated admission requirements for admission to a course or for practicing a profession. The requirements are set independently by the schools and can therefore vary from provider to provider.

In most cases, basic vocational training and a good knowledge of German are required.

Opportunities for recognition:

As there are no protected professional designations or titles, it is important to prove your own seriousness and professional competence accordingly. This can be done, for example, by becoming a member of an association such as the Swiss Feng Shui Association. You can find out which criteria you need to fulfill for admissionhere.

Question 3:

Do you meet the requirements for admission?

Subject matter and content of the training

The Feng Shui consulting training is not federally regulated, i.e. the course material is compiled independently by the respective schools; it can therefore vary from school to school (also depending on the orientation of the school).

The following topics are often addressed:

  • Life force Qi / Qi flow in houses and rooms and the five elements
  • External and internal Feng Shui
  • Eight points of the compass
  • Pendulum exercises
  • Ying and yang in interior design
  • Ba Gua
  • Radiesthesia
  • Molding school
  • Flying stars
  • Color theory
  • Introduction to the Chinese horoscope

Question 4:

Are you interested in this content, would you like to acquire knowledge in these subject areas?

Costs and financing of further training

The costs for a Feng Shui consultancy training course are set independently by the schools. The amount of the tuition fee therefore varies greatly depending on the provider and the course offered.

You can expect the following costs for in-service training:

  • Course fees:
    • For shorter courses (e.g. one-day workshops, Feng Shui (advanced) seminars etc.) between CHF 400 and CHF 1000.
    • For longer training courses (e.g. introduction/basic training) between CHF 3400 and CHF 8000

As a rule, theExamination feesalready included in the course fees.

  • Some providers requireExtra costsfor
    • Teaching aids
    • Training documents
    • Hotel and catering costs

Please contact the provider of your choice directly for information on possible extra costs.

Question 5:

Can I cope with the time and effort required for the face-to-face lessons and homework?

Duration of study, training options, teaching times, teaching format and learning effort

  • The Feng Shui consulting training is generally designed to be part-time and has a modular structure.
  • The duration of the courses varies greatly and depends on the provider and the offer. For example, there are one-day workshops and (advanced) seminars that last a few days (1-4 days). The basic training takes longer: usually 6 - 24 months.
  • The timetables are compiled independently by the schools. They therefore differ from school to school. Lessons often take place on a weekday and/or Saturday.
  • The Feng Shui consultant training is offered in both classroom and online formats.
  • Thanks to the extra-occupational concept of the course, you can apply and deepen the learning material in practice straight away. Nevertheless, you should allow sufficient time for preparation and follow-up of the lessons and for self-study - how much depends on your prior knowledge, working style and learning speed. We recommend that you allow at least 4-6 hours per week as a precaution.

Question 6:

Do I have the confidence to pass the final exams?

Degree, diploma and title

As already mentioned, most Feng Shui consulting training courses are modular. Those who have successfully completed each module can sit the final examination.

As a rule, the final examination is a written examination in which the learning material and the work completed in the student's own projects are examined. Successful completion of the training and the final examination is confirmed with a certificate, diploma, certificate or similar.

For shorter courses in particular, a course attendance of at least 80% is often sufficient to obtain the school's own certificate.

Diploma and title

Successful graduates receive a certificate / diploma from the respective school: "Feng Shui Consultant [name of school] (Cert.)".

Question 7:

Do you have the confidence to pass the Feng Shui consulting training course?

Have you already made up your mind?
Or would you like to know more?

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