What are the main disadvantages of training as a naturopath?

Training as a naturopath enables you to run a naturopathic practice. They use their naturopathic knowledge to advise, accompany and support people in their healing process. They are able to recognize health disorders, select and carry out a suitable therapy and check whether the desired effect has been achieved.

The main disadvantages of naturopathic training are:

  1. Not every naturopathic training course leads to a federal diploma; often a school's own diploma or certificate is awarded. However, a complete diploma course will provide you with the basis for applying for a cantonal license to practice, being entered in the EMR register of health insurance companies or continuing your training to obtain a federal diploma as a qualified naturopath HFP. Find out more about the courses on offer, the qualification and the associated career opportunities, also thanks to EMR recognition.
  2. The course content and admission requirements for naturopathic doctor training at certificate level are usually not regulated and can be determined individually by the schools. As a rule, basic training is a prerequisite. However, training courses that comply with the regulations of the organizations of the working world (OdA) are a building block on the way to a federal final examination in complementary therapy (OdA KT) as a certificate in naturopathy.
  3. The training costs for naturopaths are very high at around CHF 15,000 to CHF 55,000 and are only subsidized by the federal government if the higher professional examination for complementary therapists with a federal diploma is completed.
  4. Naturopathic training is usually completed alongside work and usually takes one to three years for a diploma course (up to eight years for a federal diploma). During this time, you have to manage your time well between work, studies and leisure.


With the diploma degree including EMR examination, it is possible to work independently as a naturopath recognized by health insurance companies or to work in an institution or a group practice.

Training provider of a naturopathic training course