Respiratory therapist (certified) (Region Zürich):
1 Provider
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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung
Education location / Schools Zurich
Questions and answers
Why are people interested in the "Respiratory Therapy (Cert.)" course?
People are interested in a course on respiratory therapy for a variety of reasons. This is also shown by a survey conducted by the education platform This revealed that 95% of respondents are still comparing the course content and further training with their own needs. 4 % of survey participants show interest on the basis of a recommendation. For 1% of those interested in the respiratory therapist course, interest was triggered by mentions in job advertisements. Someone gave a very specific and personal reason for their interest in the respiratory therapy course: "As an opera/jazz singer and teacher, I would finally like to realize my desire to learn this profession as well". Other people stated "Professional interest", "I work in singing bowls and yoga", "I would like it as an addition to my physiotherapy work in the hospice", "Because I am incredibly interested in the subject, breathing is our origin, our source of strength", "I have learned about the positive effects through self-awareness", "Professional reorientation", "I wonder how breathing affects the whole person", "I have the feeling that it is very helpful to me personally and in my work with my patients." and "Because I can help a lot of people with this training and also do it for myself. It is an opportunity that I would like to take" as reasons. This person seems to have really found their calling: "Respiratory therapy incorporates all my interests and strengths. I know the important and extensive effects of breathing. It was mentioned to me in my meditation. I already work a lot with breathing, meditation, relaxation... it suits me!"
How long does training in respiratory therapy take?
Training to become a respiratory therapist is not designed in the same way at all schools and educational institutions, but is generallypart-timeand lasts2 to 3 years.
For later registrationat the ErfahrungsmedizinischesRegister (EMR) the training must include at least 600 hours of training in respiratory therapy and at least 150 hours of training in basic medical principles; subsequent registration with theASCArequires at least 500 learning hours in respiratory therapy and also at least 150 learning hours in medical basics.
Short seminars and coursesThese courses, which last a few weeks or a few months, are not suitable for a solid basic training, but serve as additional qualifications for therapists who are already working and would like to receive further training on specific topics, or as continuing education, further training for people who would like to gain an insight into this field of complementary medicine for purely personal purposes.
Why do people interested in further education enquire about the "Respiratory therapist (certified)" course?
The platform surveyed people interested in respiratory therapy. The results of the survey showed that 82% of school inquiries were triggered by online reviews. 15 % enquired about schools recommended to them for more details on further training as a respiratory therapist. 3 % already knew the school they were interested in attending beforehand. However, the online presence of schools is also becoming increasingly important, as shown by answers that survey participants optionally used: "Because I came across these training centers through a Google search", "found via Google search", "Internet", "interesting homepage", "I did some research and came across it", "start date is suitable", "I listen to my gut feeling", "spontaneously", "saw on SRF1" and "I want to check the offers". Many schools improve their online visibility by listing themselves on our platform. Other answers show the importance of location: "your school is near me" and "because it is close to where I live". Someone gave the following reason: "Because the school has decades of experience and was the first school to be recognized.".
For which clinical pictures is the use of respiratory therapy suitable?
- Psychosomatic diseases
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Respiratory diseases
- Tension in the muscles
- Posture errors
- Hormonal disorders and changes (pregnancy, puberty, menopause)
- Insomnia
- Eating disorders
- Quit smoking
- Physical pain
- Cardiovascular complaints
- Burnout and stress
- Depression and mood swings
- Health promotion
Testimonials and experiences from participants, lecturers and head teachers
Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung
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