Graduate training manager: Success stories from graduates and students:

Short success stories from graduates and students of the "Training Manager" course are published here on an ongoing basis.

Daniel Melliger, Learning Partner Manager - internal & external Swisscom

Daniel Melliger: The specialist in the human resources environment

Daniel Melliger

Over the past 20 years, Daniel Melliger has specialized in the human resources environment. He has been involved in many projects in the areas of change management, project management and personnel and organizational development. His further training includes courses such as the company trainer IAP, trainer (federal FA), training manager (HFP) and the DAS Bildungsmanagement (FH) at the FHNW in cooperation with the Lernwerkstatt. Today Daniel Melliger works as Learning Partner Manager - internal & external for Swisscom. There, Daniel Melliger is responsible for personnel and management development at Group level. In addition to several projects within HR development, his activities include the management of two online portals for selected external trainers, coaches, consultants and training providers (partners).

Training manager (HFP) course has had a lasting impact on everyday working life

Daniel Melliger completed the "Training Manager (HFP)" course at the Lernwerkstatt. This course had the strongest and therefore lasting influence on him in the implementation of his professional tasks. During the course, he was able to further develop his economic, process-oriented and networked thinking and actions in the corporate training sector and received valuable support as a result. He also emphasizes: "Education needs marketing!".

Contact information: Daniel Melliger, daniel.melliger

Jasmin Dinkwa, training manager with a federal diploma and a member of the management team at 17minutes AG in Elgg

Jasmin Dinkwa: From vocational training to head of training at 17minutes AG

Jasmin Dinkwa discovered knowledge transfer during her apprenticeship in retail. After graduating, she worked as a vocational training specialist for Migros Ostschweiz for several years. She gained her knowledge from her training as an instructor with a federal certificate and various courses at the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET). In 2005, she unexpectedly received a great job offer as head of inter-company courses from the Food Association as part of a project to design and implement inter-company courses. For seven years, she taught several hundred apprentices every year and then also headed up the inter-company course leaders in German-speaking Switzerland.
Her training as a training manager with a federal diploma gave her the tools she needed to manage the department competently. Unfortunately, the many happy moments were often accompanied by the suffering and worries of the trainees and Jasmin Dinkwa decided to specialize in crisis intervention. Various further training courses led her to her current position as Head of Training at 17minutes AG and edyoucare.

Took away a lot of useful information from the course

The course to become a training manager with a federal diploma at the Lernwerkstatt has had the greatest impact on Jasmin Dinkwa's day-to-day work. Many things that she had previously done intuitively were suddenly given a name. This increased her subjective sense of security enormously. She was able to take away a lot of useful information from all the learning content. She learned the most new things in the area of quality assurance.

Contact information:
XING profile of Jasmin Dinkwa (
Linkedin profile of Jasmin Dinkwa (

Konrad von Niederhäusern, Head of Sales & Head of Human Resources and Training, Member of the Executive Board, PKZ Burger-Kehl & Co. AG

Konrad von Niederhäusern: Responsibility for almost 40 locations

Konrad von Niederhäusern

After successfully completing his apprenticeship in the retail trade, Konrad von Niederhäusern wanted to take on more responsible tasks and decided to train as a retail merchant with a federal diploma, now a retail manager with a federal diploma. This gave him the opportunity to take on his first major management responsibility as Managing Director of the PKZ men flagship store on Zurich's Bahnhofstrasse. After several very interesting years in this position, he was offered the opportunity to further advance his career as Regional Sales Manager and National Head of Human Resources and Training.

In order to successfully master these responsible tasks, Konrad von Niederhäusern decided to undertake targeted further training, first for the professional examination (BP) to become a trainer with a federal certificate, then for the higher professional examination (HFP) to become a training manager with a federal diploma. He is now Head of Sales for all Swiss PKZ Men and PKW Women fashion stores and thus responsible for the sales and service performance of the branches. He is also responsible for the training of employees, apprentices, junior staff and management, as well as the further development of services.

Training manager course with federal diploma of great benefit

For the implementation of his current tasks in the management of organizational units and the supervision of trainers, Konrad von Niederhäusern was able to draw great benefit from his further training as Head of Training (HFP) at Lernwerkstatt Olten.

Contact information: Konrad von Niederhäusern, konrad.vonniederhäusern

Riggenbachstrasse 8
4600 Olten
Preview of the video «Erklärvideo: Ausbildungsleiter/in mit eidg. Diplom»
Preview of the video «Erklärvideo: Ausbildungsleiter/in mit eidg. Diplom»
Learning workshop: Training manager with federal diploma
(5.6) Excellent 202 202 Ratings (100% )
Become a training manager with a federal diploma and take on responsible positions as a manager! This course will give you the tools to do so. This higher professional examination confirms your comprehensive skills in planning, organization, development and marketing as well as acquisition, quality management and personnel management.

Your plus with the Lernwerkstatt:
- Implementation guarantee
- 50% course cost reimbursement through federal subsidies
- Two days of preparation for the higher professional examination included
- Two modules of the "Training Manager with Federal Diploma" course are credited towards the "DAS Education Management" course
- Exciting exchange of experience thanks to participants from various areas of business and administration
- Follow-up program "Master of Advanced Studies in Adult Education and Education Management
- Free career and marketing program
- 25 courses have already been successfully completed.
Strengths: Guaranteed implementation / 50% course cost reimbursement through federal subsidies / follow-up program "Master of Advanced Studies in Adult Education and Education Management
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Biel, Brugg, Buchs/SG, Burgdorf, Bülach, Chur, Luzern, Nottwil, Olten, Pfäffikon/SZ, Sargans, Schaffhausen, Solothurn, Spiez, St. Gallen, Sursee, Thun, Uster, Weinfelden, Winterthur, Zug, Zürich Flughafen, Zürich HB, Zürich Oerlikon, Zürich West
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:

Overview of schools "Head of Training (HFP)"