Autogenic training: course, training, continuing education, further training, overview of providers, information and tips

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Stress is omnipresent - at work, in the family and with friends. More and more people are trying to compensate for the situation with a work-life balance and juggle family, friends, sport and wellness weekends. As a result, even our free time is planned through and life seems to rush past us at top speed. Stress is a central factor in many disease processes in psychotherapy and naturopathy. Autogenic training can provide a counterbalance here.

Are you looking for a suitable school for training / continuing, further training in autogenic training (cert.)? Here you will find suitable schools as well as further information and tips on the courses.

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Autogenic training: relax!

Autogenic training (AT) can be used in various areas, but it is primarily used as relaxation training, for example to combat nervousness or insomnia. The training is based on autosuggestion, i.e. you try to influence yourself in your subconscious. The method has been around since the 1930s, but there were already approaches to it in ancient times. As you are particularly susceptible to self-influencing during relaxation training, it can also be used to combat addictions such as smoking and drinking. This training is also often used as a method of psychotherapy. Autogenic training can also be used to treat psychosomatic conditions such as headaches or high blood pressure.
Autogenic training can be learned in seminars, courses, seminars or training sessions. The training is not uniformly regulated throughout Switzerland and is therefore completed with a course certificate or provider diploma. However, the autogenic training course can be based on the EMR guidelines. Ideally, the training meets the hourly requirements of the professional association (V-P-T) as well as the guidelines of the ASCA Foundation and includes health insurance recognition in order to be entered in registers as a therapist and to be able to bill the health insurance company for services.

The knowledge imparted at the autogenic training course can include the following:

  • Basic exercises and positions of autogenic training
  • Structure and correct instruction of a lesson
  • Theoretical background and the effectiveness factors of autogenic training
  • Concept of autogenic training
  • Suggestion technique and its application
  • Evaluate autogenic training

As a teacher of autogenic training, clients can be supported in learning AT for themselves. Those who use AT correctly as a tool can use it to prevent stress and effectively counteract physical disorders and illnesses. It helps to increase motivation and goal-oriented thinking and action. AT is a medically measurable and therapeutically recognized method that is also used in medical practices, hospitals and clinics. After the course, participants will know everything there is to know about this amazingly simple and effective form of self-relaxation. Group courses can also be offered without health insurance recognition. However, the specialist training for autogenic training also offers others an excellent introduction to the therapeutic and counseling field of complementary medicine.
It is advantageous if you are already working in the medical/therapeutic field. However, this is not a prerequisite for the autogenic training course. Participants should pursue the goal of being able to successfully accompany people. You also need to be willing to engage in a personal process. And the most important prerequisite is probably the joy of working with people.

Questions and answers

According to a survey of prospective students, the following information about lecturers is most important (multiple choice possible):

  • 61 percent Subjects
  • 58 percent Teaching methodology
  • 53 percent professional experience of lecturers
  • 49 percent Current activity and function
  • 44 percent Training and further education
  • 31 percent Video of a teaching sequence
  • 28 percent Portrait image
  • 22 percent Introduction video
  • 20 percent personal ratings
  • 16 percent success to date
  • 7 percent linking with social media profiles (Xing, LinkedIn)
  • 6 percent Hobbies

Depending on the type of course you choose, you can either gain a brief insight into autogenic training or be fully trained as a teacher or trainer. The content of the individual courses also varies depending on the school, so it is not possible to give a general answer to the knowledge taught. However, here is an example of the skills that a one-year course can teach you:

  • Explain stress, factors and effects
  • Introduction to autogenic training (AT)
  • Conduct initial interviews
  • Instruct basic exercises according to Schultz
  • Accompany AT short version
  • Conducting targeted client meetings
  • Developing individual AT therapy
  • Explaining and creating autosuggestion
  • Use the Anti-Phobia Program (APP)
  • Implementation of mental training (such as smoking cessation or weight reduction)
  • Promote self-knowledge and self-realization
  • Apply exercises from the upper level according to Schultz
  • Design and instruct your own exercises for the upper school
  • Concept development of own courses
  • Paths to self-employment (practice development, marketing)

An educational survey shows whether autogenic training online is currently the most desired form of instruction:

  • 32 percent want face-to-face teaching (down 5 percent on the previous year)
  • 26 percent want hybrid teaching (combination of face-to-face and online, up 3 percent on the previous year)
  • 25 percent prefer autogenic training online (plus one percent more)
  • 17 percent are undecided (plus one percent more)

Autogenic training used to be known as "concentrative self-relaxation" and includes various techniques for light self-hypnosis. It is one of the best-known and most successful relaxation methods in the world. The aim is to regulate breathing and calm down. During autogenic training exercises, the subconscious is told to relax, which requires some practice. Over time, however, practitioners are able to recall this state at any time and induce relaxation in a targeted manner, whether before a job interview or an exam, a first date or in hectic family situations, in stressful situations at work or with children. Autogenic training exercises alleviate ailments such as headaches or depression, help you to stop smoking and improve your ability to concentrate. It is best practised with an experienced trainer who explains this method from the ground up and practices it with you until you have mastered it independently and can use it individually at any time.


There are a whole range of providers in the field of relaxation medicine who offer courses that qualify you as an expert in relaxation training upon completion. Training and further education in various relaxation methods such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, massages, mindfulness training, meditation, visualization or hypnosis can be used both for your own needs and, after an intensive seminar, for professional purposes. When choosing an autogenic training course, make sure that it corresponds to your professional goals.

If you would like to get to know and try out autogenic training for yourself, many schools, medical practices and fitness studios offer you the opportunity to try it out in short seminars lasting around 7 course days. If you would like to attend an autogenic training course to become an AT teacher, you will need a little more time. Each school has its own time periods and course days, but you should reckon with about a year of training, which often takes place in block seminars. Check with the school of your choice to find out how long the courses last.

Autogenic training is a proven method for reducing stress. Autogenic training is a simple relaxation method and increases your resources. The autosuggestion acts on the autonomic nervous system - the system that cannot be influenced at will and regulates your blood pressure and breathing, for example. The exercises lead you into deep relaxation - the foundation for physical and mental health. And relaxation also helps to reduce stress.

In most cases, course participants are not expected to have any previous knowledge. This means that anyone can learn autogenic training. However, training in autogenic training is often aimed at educational, medical or psychological professionals as well as people who work in the health or sports sector in general and would like to support their patients with this method in the future. To be on the safe side, find out about the applicable admission requirements from the training institutes in question.

The Swiss Society for Autogenic Training (SAT), like the Empirical Medicine Register (EMR), has very specific requirements for methods in the field of complementary medicine. In particular, a certain number of hours must be demonstrated in order to be able to apply for registration of the method after the autogenic training course. In the case of the EMR, this is 150 hours for both experiential medicine and conventional medicine. Such registration is often necessary in order to be able to bill the supplementary health insurance companies.

Autogenic training is known for reducing stress and as a relaxation technique. Autogenic training is therefore just as suitable for falling asleep. Autogenic training can also help you to fall asleep and/or sleep through the night. The holistic effect on body, mind and soul, including the subconscious, can also be used to treat sleep disorders.

An autogenic trainer can carry out the following activities after the autogenic training course:

  • to accompany people into an optimal state of relaxation using the autogenic training method (in groups or individually) and to use it effectively on their own
  • Perform exercises where the focus is on heaviness in the body and warmth
    Instruct resting exercises
  • Help patients to regulate themselves on the 3 levels - i.e. to calm their thoughts, control their emotions or reduce tension in parts or regions of the body
  • Supporting patients individually and effectively in all life situations
  • Helping patients to master life's challenges, break new ground and recognize potential
  • Instruction Autogenic training as a tool for everyday life

The term autogenic training refers to a relaxation method that not only cures emotional and mental exhaustion, anxiety, concentration problems, nervousness and other psychological distress, but can also alleviate physical complaints such as sleep disorders, digestive problems, high blood pressure, headaches, asthma and circulatory disorders. This complementary medical method is divided into three levels, the basic level or lower level, the intermediate level and the upper level. In an autogenic training course, you will learn six basic level exercises for autogenic training instruction, which are:

  • Breathing regulation
  • Experience heaviness
  • Experience warmth
  • Heart regulation
  • Forehead cooling
  • Belly heat

In the intermediate level, preconceptions are formulated, but these are usually preceded by the exercises of the basic level. In the upper level, on the other hand, many different methods are used to tap into the unconscious, which can vary depending on the teacher. With the knowledge gained, graduates can practise the autogenic training instructions.

Info, tips & tests for "Autogenic training (cert.)"

Facts from educational counseling
» 5 facts about autogenic training course

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»

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Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

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Bachmatt 6
5073 Gipf- Oberfrick
IGM Headquarters
Hypnosis training, specialist training in autogenic training, birth hypnosis and hypnotherapy, spiritual process support, reincarnation therapy, stress management, healing with fairy tales - you will find all this at the IGM - one of the leading training partners in the German-speaking world. Our team consists of proven specialists with many years of experience in training and practice.

This is IGM: human, competent, flexible and wants the best for its participants. We are also happy to support our participants after the seminar with a free IGM themed evening every month. We look forward to seeing you!
Region: Aargau, Zürich
Sites: Meisterschwanden, Online, Regensdorf
Aarestrasse 30
3600 Thun, Aarau und Rapperswil
Bodyfeet AG
Bodyfeet is one of the leading specialist schools for naturopathy and manual therapy

Our wide range of courses and interesting training programs are available at our main locations in Thun, Aarau and Rapperswil.

We also offer basic courses in classical massage and foot reflexology at our branch offices.

Enter the world of Bodyfeet!
Region: Aargau, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Jegenstorf, Landquart, Muttenz, Rapperswil, Root, Rotkreuz, Thun, Visp, Wil
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
OdA mm
Friedaustrasse 17
8003 Zürich
GTH Switzerland, training location: SIHLMED Center for Integrative Medicine
Official training with recognized diploma courses - asca recognized:
- AUTOGENIC TRAINING (original according to Schultz)

Diploma: Hypno-Integrative-Depth-Psychological-Therapist
- Extended integrative development and phase theory for a deeper understanding of the human being in its unity of body, mind and soul
- own teaching analysis
- small working groups

Diploma: Seminar leader autogenic training GTH
- with depth psychological foundations (AT Plus)

Hypno-Integrative Deep Psychological Therapy (H.I.T.T.®) is one of the most comprehensive and profound therapies in the field of hypnosis. Our two-stage training program is correspondingly comprehensive, preparing you both theoretically and practically for your responsible work. Both techniques are later combined, as therapy is particularly effective due to the neuroplasticity of the brain if the knowledge gained from hypnosis is also anchored with autogenic training (self-hypnosis).
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich
Kurvenstrasse 7
8006 Zürich
medrelax professional
medrelax is your partner for competent training and further education in relaxation medicine and psychosocial counseling.

The specialist school for medical relaxation methods in Zurich sees itself as a medical institution that promotes, supports and professionalizes its specialist knowledge in the form of courses/seminars and recognized training courses.

The curriculum is subject to supervision by medical specialists. The lecturers are academically trained and proven experts in their field. In the training courses, university knowledge is imparted and put into clinical practice.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung