Janitor (BP) (Region Zürich):
4 Provider
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Questions and answers
For whom is the advanced training course for janitors with a federal certificate suitable?
Further training as a janitor is varied and exciting. The requirements of the properties are as varied as the resulting activities. As a janitor with a federal certificate, you will work in a field of tension between people, technology and properties. You enjoy the maintenance and management of buildings and facilities and have technical understanding as well as manual skills.
Specialist certificate for janitors: Which further training courses make sense?
After successfully passing the professional examination to become a janitor, since 2008 you have had the opportunity to take the Higher Professional Examination for Caretakers (HFP). This further training builds on the janitor certificate. Janitors are involved in planning and organizing the maintenance of larger properties.
How long does the janitor course at professional examination level take?
The janitor course at professional examination level lasts two years and is completed on a part-time basis. A total of around 500 lessons must be completed. Upon successful completion of the Federal Professional Examination, you can be awarded the title "Caretaker with Federal Diploma of Higher Education".
What skills does the janitor training course teach?
After successfully completing your training as a janitor with a federal certificate, you will be able to take responsibility for the proper maintenance of buildings and facilities. During your janitor training, you will have acquired comprehensive knowledge of cleaning, maintenance, horticulture and professional waste disposal. You will also be familiar with the activities involved in property management.
They hire external service providers to carry out the work, train internal employees and supervise apprentices. After training as a janitor, they are also able to carry out regular checks and maintenance work on technical building systems, locking systems or access control systems themselves.
Tips, tests and information on "Caretaker (FPE)"
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