What are the disadvantages of training as a real estate manager?

A real estate manager with a federal certificate is able to independently manage real estate properties such as residential and commercial buildings or commercial properties. In addition to managing tenancies and property accounting, they are also familiar with the legal principles.

The most important disadvantages of the real estate manager training are:

  1. Since real estate management training is usually part-time, it is very time-consuming and restricts your free time.
  2. Anyone working in real estate management needs not only specialist knowledge but also social skills, including the ability to set boundaries. This is particularly important in the maintenance of rental properties. You can't learn these things in an apprenticeship.
  3. The Federal PET Diploma is not recognized abroad. Anyone dreaming of working abroad must therefore obtain official proof of this professional qualification from the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI in order to prove their eligibility.
  4. The examination pressure at the annual federal final examinations is high, but during the real estate manager training you are specifically prepared for this. This is disadvantageous for people who suffer from exam pressure.


Graduates are the first point of contact for tenants. They work in middle management at real estate companies, real estate funds, pension funds, banks, insurance companies, construction and general contractors, in public administration or at fiduciary, auditing and property management companies. Depending on their function, they lead their own team.

Training provider of a real estate manager training course